July 30, 1948

Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Orem City Council held July 30, 1948, at 8:00 P. M. in the Orem City Hall. Present were Mayor J. W. Gillman, Councilmen E. H. Johnson, Woodruff Jensen, A. A. Richards, Vic Durham and Philo T. Edwards, and Clerk Orland Pyne. Mayor J. W. Gillman was in charge of the meeting.

Samuel Kitchen and Russell Kitchen were present with regard to the burning of rubbish on his premises. According to the Fire Safety Ordinance no burning of rubbish is permitted in a Commercial District. Complaints have come in protesting the burning of rubbish by Mr. Kitchen. He was informed that anyone in the Commercial Area found burning would be contacted and told to refrain.

Evans Associated Service has a trailer parked next to Russell Kitchen's property line. Mr. Kitchen insists that it is too close to his line according to the Ordinance regulating trailers. Mr. Kitchen was told that the trailer would be checked by the City.

L. V. Beckman was asked to prepare two estimates of what it would cost to make the survey on the new basin construction project, one on a per diem basis and on a job basis so that an agreement can be worked out whereby the City and Beckman will both have a clear understanding on any work done by him. A date was made for 2:00 P. M. Tuesday afternoon August 3rdto look over the area of the proposed basin site.

A delegation consisting of members of the Orem Chamber of Commerce with Lionel Fairbanks as spokesman were present with regard to the proposed Curb and Gutter Project along Highway 91. It was reported by them that the situation had been discussed by the Chamber at their meeting and they as business men felt that the project should not be dropped, that in circulating a petition and through statements made by property owners a large majority of the people owning property on the Highway want the project to precede.

The Mayor read a letter written by him to the State Road Commission informing them that the project would be dropped, he indicating that if it happened that property owners changed their minds and wanted to go ahead, that they would be notified of such.

It was stated that Tax Valuations had been adjusted so that all property owners were satisfied and they felt that the project should not be dropped. Mayor Gillman explained the financial condition of the City, indicating that money was not easy to obtain through bond issues and that a great amount of thought should be put into any move to finance projects. Councilman E. H. Johnson stated that if the majority of the people wanted the Curb and Gutter, he was for it. Mr. Fairbanks asked formally that the Council rescind their action of last meeting when they declined to go ahead on the project due to protests.

After discussing the Curb and Gutter matter for some time a motion was made by Councilman Vic Durham, seconded by Councilman A. A. Richards that in view of the fact that the objections to the curb and gutter construction were far in the minority due to petitions being signed and presented by property owners not affected, the City proceed with the preparations for construction of curb and gutter. Motion was passed.

It was moved by Councilman A. A. Richards, seconded by Councilman Philo T. Edwards and passed that the City Attorney be authorized to prepare the advertisement for bids on the Curb and Gutter along Highway 91, and also publish said notice in the next issue of the Orem-Geneva Times.

Wm. Jarvis from Mexico inquired of the Council what the possibilities were of purchasing land from the City north of the Cemetery. He was told that the land in question was not for sale, that it was purchased by the City for use as a cemetery.

Since only one bid was received on the Water and Sewer Project and it was rejected because of being too high, it may be that the City will have to take on the minimum amount of construction required by force account.

It was moved by Councilman Philo T. Edwards, seconded by Councilman Vic Durham and passed that a mill levy of 20 mills be set for the year 1948 and that the Mayor, Recorder and Treasurer be authorized to prepare the budget and submit the levy to the County Auditor and the State Tax Commission.

It was moved by Councilman Woodruff Jensen, seconded by Councilman A. A. Richards and passed that the agreement signed by Wm. N. Grooms of Utility Engineers, Inc. on the disposition of the Scera Pump, be signed by the Mayor.

It was moved that Meeting be adjourned by Councilman A. A. Richards, seconded by Councilman Vic Durham and passed.