School information can be found in our daily bulletin. Assess Fatima’s web site at: www.fatimacomets.org


Parents can now sign up to be given access to the Parent Portal. Instructions for doing so have been placed on our web site: www.fatimacomets.org


Our computer system has an automatic alert sent to parents if their child is absent. This alert will go out about 10 a.m. If you would like to be emailed when your child is reported absent, send your name, your child’s name(s), and your email address to Sheila Ahlstrom at


Students are not allowed to be on campus after school without teacher supervision. Also, students should not arrive at school before 7:30 in the morning unless participating in an organized activity.


Congratulations to 7th Grader David Kempker, Fatima’s 2nd Quarter – Student of the Quarter. David was nominated by Mrs. Kesel, Fatima’s 7th Grade Pre-Algebra teacher. David was presented a Certificate of Achievement at the January School Board Meeting. David also received a cash incentive sponsored by Legends Bank. David is the son of David Kempker of Westphalia. Congrats David !!


Wed – Feb 4 – Mid-Term

Fri – Feb 6 – PD – Dismiss at 12:30

Sat – Feb 7 – Jr H District Choir

Fri – Feb 13 – PD – NO SCHOOL

Fri – Feb 13 – JH Valentines Dance 7-10pm

Mon – Feb 16 – NO SCHOOL

Tues – Mar 10 – End of 3rd Quarter


Order your 2014-2015 Yearbook now. The cost is $30.00. Order forms are in the High School Office and Mrs. Peters’ room. The deadline to order is Mar 31st.


·  Applications are available for Senior members for the 2nd Annual Random Acts of Kindness Academic Scholarship. This is a $250.00

Scholarship that is awarded to one of our Senior members. Deadline for submission is April 1, 2015. Application packets are on the R.A.K. bulletin board outside Mrs. Peters’ classroom.

·  R.A.K. meetings:

o  February 5th – bring 2 dozen homemade cookies for our cookie swap. 3:10-4:00 in Mrs. Peters’ classroom

o  March 5th – Meeting will be 3:10-4:00 in Mrs. Peters’ classroom


Fatima will dismiss at 12:31 on Fri, Feb 6

School not in session on Fri, Feb 13 or Mon, Feb 16

Fatima will not be in session on Mon, Mar 16 (however it is designated snow make-up day #6)

Fatima will not be in session on Fri, Apr 3

We also will not be in session Mon, Apr 6 (however it is designated snow make-up day #5)

So far this year we have had only 1 snow day which we made up on Mon, Jan 19.

If we have any other snow days, the dates they will be made up are as follows:

Snow Make-up Day #2 – Fri, May 15

Snow Make-up Day #3 – Mon, May 18

Snow Make-up Day #4 – Tues, May 19

Snow Make-up Day #5 – Mon, Apr 6

Snow Make-up Day #6 – Mon, Mar 16

Snow Make-up day #7 – Wed, May 20

Snow Make-up day #8 – Thurs, May 21

Snow Make-up day #9 – Fri, May 22

Quarter 3 Mid-Quarter date is Wed, Feb 4. Parents of any student earning 69% or below in any class will receive a progress report. Please feel free to contact your student’s teacher with concerns.

FFA members began their annual Rose Sale on Wed, Jan 28. Sales will continue through Feb 12. Colors available are red, yellow, lavender, fuchsia, peach and white. Single roses are $2, 3 roses (wrapped) are $10, 3 in a vase $12, half dozen (wrapped) $16, half dozen in a vase $20, a dozen (wrapped) $30 and a dozen in a vase $35. You can purchase roses from any FFA member. Contact the Ag Department at 573-455-2375 (ext. 171) with questions. Roses will be delivered 8th hour Thursday, February 12.

Cookie grams for Valentine’s Day will be on Sale starting Tues, Feb 3rd before school outside of Senora’s room. Cost for each cookie gram is $3. All proceeds go to the American Heart Association. Cookie’s will be delivered during 8th hour on Thur, Feb 12th. You may email inquiries to .

National FFA Week is the week of Feb 23. The FFA Petting Zoo will be located in the Ag shop on Fri, Feb 27.

The State Wide Tornado Drill is scheduled Tue, Mar 3 at 1:30 PM. Sirens state wide will sound simultaneously at 1:30.

Daylight Savings Time begins on Sun, Mar 8. Be sure to set your clocks forward 1 hour.

Unless we have snow days that will amend it, Quarter 3 will end on Tues, Mar 10. Quarter 4 is set to run from Wed, Mar 11 to Thur, May 14 with an 11:22 dismissal. Again, dates may be adjusted if we have snow days.


The Library will be open each morning at 7:30 and will stay open after school Monday through Thursday until 4:30. Students may come to the library to work on homework or use the computers. They may not stay after school if they are unsupervised. So, if your student needs to stay after school, remind them that they are welcome to stay in the library.

Junior High students, take advantage of this opportunity to get homework finished before you go home. You can come to the library and work, read,

use the computers and then your parents can pick you up on their way home from work.


All incoming 8th graders are required by law to have a Tdap shot. If your child is 11 or older, the Tdap shot may be given. Other shots recommended for adolescents are the meningitis shot and the HPV shot. HPV is the most common cause of cervical cancer. The immunization has been very effective in preventing cervical cancer.

At this time, meningitis and HPV prevention are NOT required for school but they are recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics for males and females.

From the Health Department director:

“I still have a significant supply of Menactra (meningitis) and Gardasil (HPV) here that I can give out at no charge as well as about 60 Tdaps. I would really like all of us to work hard and emphasize to all of our 11 y/os and up that these shots should be received even if not mandatory for the menactra and gardasil. The menactra is close to becoming mandatory and it would be nice to be ahead of the game especially with the no charge aspect of it. Once this bunch is gone, I can only use future doses for those kids qualifying for VFC or they have to use their insurance and possibly have to pay depending on the terms of their insurance policies.”

I am going to hold a clinic at Fatima as soon as I can organize it with the Health Department. If you are interested in having your child receive any of the above mentioned shots, please let me know. I will contact you when I know more.


All 8th grade students in line to be promoted will meet individually with Ms. Stumpe to discuss their future and construct a 5-year plan. Students are asked what their post-high school plans are and a list of classes is constructed to help them attain that future plan. Not to worry – all forms are completed in pencil and as your JH student enters HS all plans can be amended to fit their needs and desires.

8th Grade Computers (Mrs. Temmen)

Reminder: Students have the opportunity to receive bonus points for practicing their keyboarding at home. Students have a sheet they need to fill out in order to receive the bonus and parents have to sign the sheet to verify the amount of time.

Jr. High District Honors Choir Members

Feb 7th 2015

Skyler Allison Haylee Bax

Kaci Bocklage Kya Boessen

Madeline Buhr Carson Butts

Madison Conley Zeke Deeken

Alaina Helton Gabe Lauberth

Britney Learned Kaitlyn McConnaughey

Emmie Mengwasser Skylar Naab

Avalon Papunta Michael Philbert

Jordan Pope Amber Quick

Emma Rolwes Hayden Schwartze

Issac Sieg Dylan Smith

Michaela Weed Ely Weiberg

Kailey Woody

JH P.E. (Mrs. Woody)

We have been doing a fitness unit this quarter, learning the component that make up a fitness unit. Students will take the knowledge that they have learned about fitness and make up their own exercise program. This will be done with a group, but each student will be responsible for their part of the program. We will be performing these in class this week and have a written test on Tuesday. After this unit we will start volleyball.

7th English (Ms. Brunnert)

We are currently working on recognizing propaganda techniques. Students have watched some TV commercials as well as listened to radio ads, and they are starting to create their own advertisement. This unit will not take long, and then we will begin discussing myths. Please be sure to remind your child that if they need help or have questions, they are welcome to come see me. Also, let’s stay on top of getting our homework in on time, so we don’t have to catch up later!

8th English (Ms. Brunnert)

We finished our drama and will be taking the final test over our play on Monday. Students will have a review guide, but are also encouraged to look back over the reading guides for each act. Our next units will be poetry and nonfiction writing and reading. Please be sure to remind your child that if they need help or have questions, they are welcome to come see me. Also, let’s stay on top of getting our homework in on time, so we don’t have to catch up later!

7th & 8th Reading (Ms. Brunnert)

We are currently in the middle of our first novel, Flush, and the students are having a good time reading it. The book into sections, and after we read each section, students will have a short quiz. Each of these quizzes leads up to the final test. Also, students are given vocab worksheets and reading guides for each section to help them pull out specific information. The vocab worksheets are due about two days after they are assigned and the reading guides are due on the day of the section quiz (typically on Wednesdays). I do not assign specific parts of the reading guide each night, but students are encouraged to keep up with the reading guide so it all doesn’t need to be completed the night before the quiz. Also, students are working on their nonfiction book report. This is due February 27th, so we have time, but please remind your child not to wait until the last minute.

7th Grade Pre-Algebra (Mrs. Kesel)

We recently completed Chapter 6 Ratio, Proportion, and Probability. Test results were great; the class average was an 89%(B+). Thursday we began work on Chapter 7 Percents, and I’m sure results will be equally good for this test! Students are doing a great job keeping up with assignments, even when they’ve been absent. If your student was absent and turned in an assignment when they returned, it probably did not get graded with the others. That goes in my late work file, and will be graded and recorded as soon as I can. Thank you for your patience. As always, feel free to e-mail me at any time at .

8th Grade Pre-Algebra (Mrs. Kesel)

We just finished up Chapter 4 Proportions, Algebra, and Geometry this week. Students took their Vocabulary Test on Thursday (results were pretty good!) and started the Chapter Test on Friday. All students should have Vocab cards (brightly colored index cards cut in half, on a ring). It would be great if they studied them while working on the chapter. Understanding the vocabulary goes a long way toward understanding the concepts we are covering. We have been struggling to get COMPLETED homework assignments turned in on time. Homework is important for the points and for helping learn the concepts, and students have some work almost every night. Please encourage your children to finish and return all of their assignments. Thank you for your help with this! As always, feel free to e-mail me at any time at .

Junior High (6th - 8th grade)

Valentine’s Day Dance

Date: Friday, February 13th

In the Fatima High School Multipurpose room

Time: 7:00 pm-10:00 pm

Dress is casual

Cost is $5.00 per person

There will be soda available for purchase

Come and have some fun!


Parents must come into the school to pick their child up when the dance is over for safety reasons.


Fatima School Summer Art Camps

Location-Fatima High School Art Room

Name: ______Age: ______

Birth Date: ______Sex: M F

Parent /Guardian Name: ______

Street Address: ______City: ______

State: ______Zip: ______

Home Phone: ______Email: ______

Emergency Contact Person ______

Emergency Contact Person Phone Number ______


I hereby give my consent to all photographs, audio recordings, academic work, and/or video recordings taken of me or my minor child by Osage County Public Schools staff or their designee. I understand that any such photographs, audio recordings, academic work, and/or video recordings become the property of the local school or district and may be used by the school, district, or others with their consent, for educational, instructional, or promotional purposes determined by the district in broadcast and electronic media formats now existing or in the future created .(Please check one of the options below.)

____Yes, I give my consent.

____No, I do not give my consent.

Classes Dates, Tuition and Times (Please Check)

_____ Art Camp (Grades 3-8) -$66 July 6-10------(1:00 pm- 5:30 pm) All Materials Provided

We will be creating the following…