Time allowed: 1h 30 min Secondary 1____ Group____ No.: ____

Total marks: 100 Name: ______

Score: ______

This paper consists of three sections, A, B and C.

Answer ALL questions in each section.

The diagrams in this paper are not necessarily drawn to scale.

Section A (20 marks)

Answer ALL ten questions in this section. For each question choose only one answer. In the following table, put a ‘ü’ in the box corresponding to the right answer. Each question carries 2 marks.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

1. The figure shows a number line with 4 points W, X, Y and Z. Which of the points represents ‘0’ on the number line?

A. W B. X

C. Y D. Z

2. It is given that . If a = 3, b = –8 and c = – 6, find the value of D.

A. −136 B. −8

C. 8 D. 136

3. Simplify (2a – ab + 8b) – (4ab – 3b + 9a).

A. 7a + 3ab + 5b

B. 11a – 5ab +11b

C. –7a –5ab +11b

D. 11a + 3ab + 5b

Secondary 1____ Group_____ Name: No:

Section A (Continued)

4. In the figure, AB = (y +3) cm and BC = (2y – 1) cm. If AB = BC = CA, find the perimeter of rABC.

A. 4 cm

B. 7 cm

C. 12 cm

D. 21 cm

5. Ben has a collection of sea shells. 22 % of them are spotted, 38% are stripped and the rest are brown. If he has 120 brown sea shells, find the total number of sea shells he has.

A. 180 B. 192

C. 200 D. 300

6. Students can join German and Spanish courses. 28 students enrolled in the German course. The number of students enrolled in the Spanish course is 25% more than that of the German course. Find the total number of students enrolled in the two courses.

A. 21 B. 35

C. 49 D. 63

7. Which of the following data is/are discrete?

(I) The weights of a group of 20 students

(II) The number of each kind of cookies in 30 boxes of cookies

(III) The lengths of 50 telephone ropes

A. (I) only B. (II) only

C. (I) and (III) only D. (I), (II) and (III)

8.  The scatter diagram on the right shows the relationship between x and y. Which of the

following is correct?

A. y decreases when x decreases.

B. x increases when y decreases.

C. There is no clear relationship between x and y.

D. x remains unchanged when y decreases.

Secondary 1____ Group_____ Name: No:

Section A (Continued)

9. Which of the following is an estimated value?

A. The viewing rate of a health and fitness programme on a TV station was 52%.

B. There were 28 participants in a Marathon Race.

C. Tom obtained 89 marks in his mathematics test.

D. There are 168 hours in a week.

10. 1209.821210

Which of the following methods can be used in the above estimation?

(I) Rounding off to the nearest integer

(II) Rounding off to the nearest ten

(III) Rounding up to the nearest ten

A. (I) only B. (II) only

C. (I) and (III) only D. (I), (II) and (III)

Section B (43 marks)

Attempt ALL ten questions in this section and show your working steps clearly in the space provided.

1. The height above sea-level is represented as positive (+) and height below sea-level is represented as negative (–). A village cross-harbour tunnel is 20 m below sea-level.

(a) Use a directed number to represent the height of the tunnel. (1 mark)

The height of the tunnel is ______.

(b)  Peak B is 263 m above the tunnel.

(i) Find the height of Peak B above sea-level using a directed number. (2 marks)

(ii) If a man dived 9 m below sea-level, find the vertical distance between the man and Peak B. (2 marks)

Secondary 1____ Group_____ Name: No:

Section B (Continued)

2. Find the values of the following expressions.

(a) (2 marks)

(b) (2 marks)

3. The following table shows the fares of a bus.

Fare (per person)
Adult / $18.3
Child/Senior / $9.2

(a) If there are p adults, q children and r seniors on the bus, write a formula for calculating the total bus fare ($T). (2 marks)

(b) If 3 adults and 2 seniors take the bus, how much will be their total bus fare? (2 marks)

Secondary 1____ Group_____ Name: No.:

Section B (Continued)

4. Dots are used to make a sequence of figures as shown.

(a) Complete the table below. (3 marks)

Figure / 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th
Number of dots

(b) Find the general term of this sequence. (1 mark)

(c) Find the number of dots in the 20th figure. (1 mark)

5. Solve the following equations.

(a) (2 marks)

(b) (3 marks)

Secondary 1____ Group_____ Name: No:

Section B (Continued)

6. Simplify the following expressions.

(a) 2a2 – 3a + 5a + a2 (1 mark)

(b) (– 6x)2 ÷ 12x (2 marks)

7. The following pie chart shows the distribution of books on different subjects in a library. There are 500 books in the library.

(a) Find the value of x. (2 marks)

(b) Find the total number of Science and Mathematics books. (2 marks)

Secondary 1____ Group_____ Name: No:

Section B (Continued)

8. The broken-line graph shows the number of traffic accidents in a district from 2007 to 2011.

(a) Referring to the graph above, complete the following table. (2 marks)

Year / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011
Number of traffic accidents in
a district from 2007 to 2011

(b) Find the percentage decrease in the number of traffic accidents from 2007 to 2011.

(2 marks)

(c) Describe the trend of the number of traffic accidents in the district from 2007 to 2011.

(1 mark)

Secondary 1____ Group_____ Name: No:

Section B (Continued)

9. (a) Refer to the figure and complete the following.

(i) The volume of the liquid is ______, correct to the nearest 50 mL. (1 mark)

(ii) The volume of the liquid is ______, correct to the nearest 100 mL. (1 mark)

(b) In the figure, a notice is posted up on a notice board. If the area of the notice is 120 cm2,

estimate the area of the notice board. (2 marks)

10. Sandy wants to buy some packets of stationery in a bookstore. The prices of these packets are as follows:

$29.2 / $8.6 / $19.9 / $28.2 / $30.3

(a) By rounding up the price of each packet of stationery above to the nearest dollar, estimate the total price. (2 marks)

(b) Sandy has $120 only. Does she have enough money to pay for all the packets of stationery? Explain your answer without working out the actual total price of the packets of stationery. (2 marks)

Secondary 1____ Group_____ Name: No:

Section C (37 marks)

Attempt ALL three questions in this section and show your working steps clearly in the space provided.

1. (a) A coffee shop sells tea, coffee and fruit juice. Last Friday, the shop sold x cups of tea. The number of cups of coffee sold was 3 less than twice that of tea. The number of cups of fruit juice sold was 10 more than half that of tea. The total number of cups of tea, coffee and fruit juice sold was 147.

(i) Express the number of cups of coffee sold in terms of x. (1 mark)

The number of cups of coffee sold is ______.

(ii) Set up an equation in x and find the value of x. (4 marks)

(b) The price of a cup of coffee was $(k + 1) and a cup of fruit juice was $4 less than that of a cup of coffee. The price of 5 cups of coffee was $74 more than that of two cups of fruit juice.

(i) Set up an equation in k and find the value of k. (4 marks)

(ii) Find the price of a cup of coffee. (1 mark)

Secondary 1____ Group_____ Name: No:

Section C (Continued)

2. (a) There are 15 students in study group A and 15 in study group B in S 1. The mathematics test marks of students in study group A are shown in the following back-to-back stem-and-leaf diagram.

Mathematics test results of students in study group A and study group B
Study group A
Leaf (1 mark) / Stem (10 marks) / Study group B
Leaf (1mark)
8 2
7 7 3 2 0
8 3 2
6 5 1 1
2 / 5

(i) Find the difference between the highest mark and the lowest mark in study group A. (1 mark)

(ii) Find the percentage of students who got 85 marks or above in study group A.

(2 marks)

(b) (i) The following shows the Mathematics test marks of students in study group B. Complete the above back-to-back stem-and-leaf diagram. (2 marks)

60 73 73 73 75

79 81 82 85 88

90 91 94 95 96

(ii) Which group performed better in the Mathematics test? Explain your answer. (2 marks)

Secondary 1____ Group_____ Name: No: Section C (Continued)

2. (c) (i) Using the data in the above back-to-back stem-and-leaf diagram, complete the following frequency distribution table for the results of the 30 students in study group A and B together. (3 marks)

Mark / Class boundaries / Class Mark / Frequency
50 – 59 / 49.5 – 59.5 / 54.5
60 – 69 / 59.5 – 69.5 / 64.5
70 – 79
80 – 89
90 – 99

(ii) Using the result of (c) (i), draw a histogram to represent the Mathematics test results of the 30 students on the following graph paper. (3 marks)

Secondary 1____ Group_____ Name: No: Section C (Continued)

3. In a clearance sale, department store A offered different discounts for different categories of goods.

(a) The marked price of a refrigerator was $3900 and it was sold at a discount of 20%.

(i) Find the selling price of the refrigerator. (2 marks)

(ii) If the cost price of the refrigerator was $3200, find the percentage profit or loss.

(2 marks)

(b)  In the sale, all the furniture were sold at a discount of 65%.

(i) The selling price of a sofa was $2100. Find the marked price of the sofa. (2 marks)

(ii) The marked price of a table was $6600. After a discount of 65% on the marked price, a 20% loss was made. Find the cost price of the table. (2 marks)

Secondary 1____ Group_____ Name: No: Section C (Continued)

(b) (iii) If the owner of the department store A would like to make a profit of 10% by selling

the table at a discount of 65% of the new marked price, what should the new marked price of the table be? (3 marks)

(c) The marked price of the same jacket in 2 different department stores, A and B, was $1300.

In department store A, a discount of 30% was given.

In department store B, a discount of 10% and then the discounted price was given a further 20% discount.

Which department store gave the lower price? Show your working steps.

(3 marks)


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