Created by Kerry Moody

Week Beginning: / PLC: Once upon a Time: Fairy Tales – Transition Unit / Week: PLC 1

Key Question: How can we keep ourselves fit and healthy?

Healthy Week Timetable

Time / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
8:50 / Carpet session 1: Register and news from the holidays – How did chn celebrate the Jubilee
Introduce children to our new PLC. / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register then Whole School Celebration Assembly
9:15 / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Ind Readers/Handwriting Playground / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Outside Activities EY
HLTA: Ind Readers/Handwriting / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Ind Readers/Handwriting Playground
Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Outside Activities EY
HLTA: Ind Readers/Handwriting
Carpet session 2: PSRN CT/HLTA
Warm Up: Show chn 5 soft toys in random order of height. Chn say which is tallest and which is shortest. They help you to put them in order to check. Rpt with 5 new toys.
Obj: I can use words like ‘greater’, ‘smaller’, ‘heavier’ or ‘lighter’ to compare quantities
Main Teaching Session:
Show chn a tall and thin container and a wide and short container, the 2nd holding more than the 1st, e.g. large mug and tall shampoo bottle. Chn discuss which holds more. How can we find out? Fill one container with coloured water and use it to fill the other as yesterday. Use a funnel if necessary. Rpt filling the other container first. Which holds more? Discuss how it was difficult to tell until you filled the containers with water because one container was tall but narrow, and the other wide but short. / Children: MA Raindrop / Children: MA Rainbow / Children: LA Snowflake / Children: HA Sunshine
Setting up continuous Provision/ Outdoor Activities then
Ind Readers / Diamond Class
Healthy Eating/ Healthy Lifestyles
RKi cover
KMo/ DW to Nursery
Re: Transition / Carpet session 2: PSRN CT/HLTA
Warm Up: Show chn a 30cm ruler. Chn draw on their w/bs something in the room which they think is longer than this, then shorter. Use the ruler to test some ideas.
Obj: I can use words like ‘greater’, ‘smaller’, ‘heavier’ or ‘lighter’ to compare quantities
Main Teaching Session:
Show chn a 1 litre bottle, e.g. squash bottle, and 4 other containers, some which hold more than a litre and some which hold less. Ask chn to guess which containers hold less than the squash bottle and which hold more. Invite them to the front to test out their ideas by filling a container with water and pouring it into the squash bottle in a washing up bowl to catch any spillages / Diamond Class
9:00 – 9:40
Football Skills (TG) / Circus Skills Assembly
9:00 – 9:30
Diamond Class
Healthy Eating
9:30 – 10:20
10:00 / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
Obj: See main session
Show chn 5 containers, some with different capacities, and 2 with the same capacity but of different proportions. Ask chn to guess their order of capacity, and then measure the capacity of each using cupfuls. / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
Obj: See main session
Show chn three different empty containers and ask them to guess their order of capacity. Invite chn to directly compare their capacity by filling one with water and pouring the contents into the other two bottles in turn. Finally agree their order of capacity. / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
Obj: See main session
Show just two bottles, and then another two.
Assess use of full/ half full/ empty/ nearly full/ nearly empty. / Diamond Class
Healthy Eating
9:30 – 10:20
Children: HA Giraffes / Children: MA Crocodiles / Children: MA Penguins / Children: LA Pandas / Children: CT Observations/ Identified Focus Groups from AFL
10:20 / PLAYTIME
CT – Ph3
DW – Ph2 / Carpet session 3: L&S
Recall all previously learned sh th ch ng ai ee long oo short oo, oa ar or , igh, ur, ow, oi / words and pictures site
Sing alphabet song and point to letters
Use new PPT shows. / Carpet session 3: L&S
Read through high frequency words off, can, had, back, we, me, he, be, she, no, go, the, and, to, I, are, see, was, will, with, my, for, too, you, this, that
Teach ‘ear’ using phonics scheme
Blending for reading: Sound buttons p58: near, tear, year, beard. / Carpet session 3: L&S
Practice reading you, this, that.
Segmenting for spelling:
Phoneme frame p88: ear, dear, fear, hear.
Demonstration writing p97 write the sentence: I can hear an owl hoot at night. / Carpet session 3: L&S
Find any letter learnt so far, from a display, when given the sound.
Segmentation for spelling: Quickwrite words p89: beard, how, coin, turn
Be able to blend and segment in order to read and spell (using magnetic letters) VC words ox, CVC words coin, town, hear, and silly words ois, fow. / Carpet session 3: L&S
Write each letter correctly when following a model.
Be able to spell the tricky words the, to, I, no, go.
Be able to read/write the tricky words he, she, me, be, we, was.
11:00 / Carpet Session 3: CLL CT/HLTA
Obj: Listens with enjoyment to stories, songs, rhymes, poems, sustains attentive listening & responds with relevant comments, questions or actions
Focus Text: Eddie’s Garden & How to Make Things Grow
Show chn Eddie’s Garden PPT. Look at back and front cover. What do chn think the book might be about? Have any chn grown things themselves? In pots? In a garden? Discuss how you can have indoor & outdoor gardens, window boxes, etc. Read the story up to p13 (purple pages). Discuss the story so far. / Carpet Session 3: CLL CT/HLTA
Obj: Attempts writing for a variety of purposes, using features of different forms
Re-read pp4-5. Write Eddie’s question on the f/c. What makes plants grow? Focus on his mum’s answer. Draw a circular chart to display the 4 things required: food, rain, air and sun. Discuss how we might symbolise these. Perhaps a sun for the sunlight! Ask different chn to suggest symbols.
Continue reading Eddie’s Garden from p14 to the end. Look back at p14. List the containers that Eddie and his mum collect to sow the seeds into: flowerpots, seed trays, yogurt pots, etc. Can chn think of other containers they could use, e.g. old jars, old shoes, old bucket… Add their suggestions to the list. / Carpet Session 3: CLL CT/HLTA
Obj: Shows an understanding of how information can be found in non-fiction to answer questions about where, who, why and how. Attempts writing for a variety of purposes, using features of different forms.
Bring in seed packets for chn to look at. Pass these around. Encourage chn to read the names of the plants. Which ones are flowers? On the IWB, enlarge using the visulaizer or write the instructions for how to sow the seeds from one packet. Read through the instructions with the chn. Number these and read them again in order – discussing why they are in this order.
In Mixed ability pairs: Chn sow some seeds and then write their own instructions for how to do this. They must number their instructions and write them in the form of a ‘zig-zag book’, one instruction + picture in each space / Carpet Session 3: CLL CT/HLTA
Obj: Attempts writing for a variety of purposes, using features of different forms.
Look again at pp28-29. Are Eddie and his mum and granddad enjoying the picnic? Why? What foods do the chn like to eat if they go on a picnic? Start writing a list of things which we would all like to take on a picnic. Discuss the difference between healthy foods such as Eddie and his mum were eating and some other things we might like! Model how to write the list. / Diamond Class
10:45 – 11:30
Circus Skills
11:20 / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
G. Reading/ G. Writing
KM: Guided Reading – Red Text
DW: Chn work in pairs and small groups to sow a variety of seeds in an even wider variety of containers. Try sunflowers, cress, mustard, lettuce, carrots… (See back of Eddie’s Garden for further suggestions.) Use lots of different containers to sow the seeds in, e.g. watering cans, jugs, teapots, mugs, old shoes… / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
G. Reading/ G. Writing
KM: Guided Reading – Red/yellow Text
DW: Chn work in pairs and small groups to sow a variety of seeds in an even wider variety of containers. Try sunflowers, cress, mustard, lettuce, carrots… (See back of Eddie’s Garden for further suggestions.) Use lots of different containers to sow the seeds in, e.g. watering cans, jugs, teapots, mugs, old shoes… / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
G. Reading/ G. Writing
KM: Guided Reading – yellow Text
DW: Chn work in pairs and small groups to sow a variety of seeds in an even wider variety of containers. Try sunflowers, cress, mustard, lettuce, carrots… (See back of Eddie’s Garden for further suggestions.) Use lots of different containers to sow the seeds in, e.g. watering cans, jugs, teapots, mugs, old shoes… / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
G. Reading/ G. Writing
KM: Guided Reading – blue/green Text
DW: Chn work in pairs and small groups to sow a variety of seeds in an even wider variety of containers. Try sunflowers, cress, mustard, lettuce, carrots… (See back of Eddie’s Garden for further suggestions.) Use lots of different containers to sow the seeds in, e.g. watering cans, jugs, teapots, mugs, old shoes… / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
CT Observations/ Identified Focus Groups from AFL
HLTA: Spellings and
Handwriting Focus
Children: LA Snowflake / Children: MA Rainbow / Children: MA Raindrop / Children: HA Sunshine / Children: CT Observations/ Identified Focus Groups from AFL
11:50-12:00 / Handwashing & Lunchtime
1:00 / Carpet Session 4: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10
TA: AL IEP TARGETS / 1:00 – 1:45pm
Diamond Class
Scooter Smart / Carpet Session 6:
Obj: Finds out about past and
present events in own life, and in those of family members and other people s/he knows
Begins to know about own
culture and beliefs and those
of other people
Briefly discuss Jubilee celebrations chn participated in during the holidays. Did any of the chn visit London/ watch it on TV/ have their own street parties?
Ensure chn und that the Jubilee celebration is to celebrate that it is 60 years since Queen Elizabeth came to the throne & explain that it was her Diamond Jubilee. Look at the 2D diamond shape & discuss properties. Chn draw a portrait of the Queen in a diamond shape. / Carpet Session 6:
Obj: Listens with enjoyment to stories, songs, rhymes, poems, sustains attentive listening & responds with relevant comments, questions or actions
Read Jasper’s Beanstalk to chn. Discuss front cover. Ask a child to point to the title. Read title then look at the picture. Chn describe what they see in the picture. Ask chn to think what the story will be about. Collect ideas. What is a beanstalk? Do they know of any other stories with beanstalks in? Locate and read names of the author and illustrator then read the story encouraging chn to predict the days of the week as you go.
Explain to chn that they are all going to get a chance to be like Jasper and plant a seed.
Each child plants a bean seed in a small pot.
Ask chn how they are going to look after their seed to help it grow. Make a list of the sensible answers they suggest, stressing the order we do things. Read list and stick on wall next to their seeds in pots. / Physical Development – DW Fundamentals / Athletics
See Separate planning / Carpet Session 6:
See MTP Spring 4 RE/ SEAL Plans:
CT AIA: Listen to and begin to learn the song ‘First Time’
·  Make a list of the things the children in the song did for the very first time.
·  Talk about children’s first time experiences….and why it is sometimes scary.
·  What can we do to make first time experiences less scary?
·  What should we do when things don’t go as expected?
·  How can we help each other when we are doing something for the first time?
1:45 / Adult Led Activity
CT AIA: Large scale collaborative collage of the queen’s face using union Jack colours to create a large scale postage stamp. Make ind. tissue paper flowers.
IND AIA: Paint portraits of the Queen
Make a number ‘60’ collage from photographs of the queen from magazines
TA: Outside Activities/ Observing/ Ind Readers / Adult Led Activity: Library Session
Obj: Support / develop children’s individual reading.
CT: Observing/ Ind Readers
TA: Outside Activities EY Playground
2:05 / Whole School Assembly
2:30 / Adult Led Activity
CT AIA: Continue as before break
TA: Outside Activities/ Observing/ Ind Readers / Adult Led Activity
TA: AIA Continue as before break
CT: Observing/ Ind Readers / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Attempts writing for a variety of purposes, using features of different forms.
TA: AIA Help chn to make their own bean diaries using the book template titled ‘My Bean Diary’. Ask chn to draw an appropriate front cover & write their names on it. Support chn writing the days of the week on each page using words cards.