2017 San Jose

Audubon Christmas Bird Count

Dear Section Leader:

This year’s San Jose Audubon Christmas Bird Count will be held on Sunday, December 17, 2017. We look forward to a good year now that we are out of the draught.

We will be holding this year’s Countdown Dinner at the Educational Park Library, just as we did last year. (Instructions specifically for the dinner are attached). It seemed like a good location last year, though I can’t say no one got lost. I’ve included my cell phone number for anyone who finds themselves unable to locate us. As we have in previous years, we ask for $5 from participants of the dinner to defray costs of the pizza.

Doors open by 4:45pm

Paperwork and decompression at 5pm

Pizza to arrive somewhere between 5 and 5:30

Countdown hopefully at 6, though we will wait until everyone feels ready.


One of the reports I am expected to make is for Santa Clara County Parks. I was wondering if everyone who has a County Park in their sector might do me a favor. If you could keep track of Park birds separately so that I can tell the County specifically which birds were seen in their different parks, that would be great. I am not asking for a count sheet or anything. Legible notes are just fine with the park name at the top. The birds seen in the parks can be added to the section count sheets.

I don’t know that we’ve done this before and frankly, I’m worried that people will think it’s too much work. If you are concerned that I am asking too much, please let me know. I just figured it would be a good way to give the Parks Department a more accurate report on their birds.

Thanks and happy birding!

Mike Azevedo


COUNTING: The count will be conducted on Sunday, December 17 between the hours of 12:01 AM and 12:00 midnight. Most counting will be done during daylight hours, but owling is greatly encouraged.

Species seen during the three days before the count (Dec 14, 15, 16) or the three days after the count (Dec 18, 19, 20) but NOT ON COUNT DAY will be included in the count week totals (report species only, not numbers of individuals).

During count day (Dec 17), please keep within your own sector; don’t count in someone else’s sector or beyond the limits of the circle. Please clarify with leaders of adjacent sectors who will count on common borders.

FEES: The fee of $5.00 previously collected for each participant to defray compilation and publication costs for the National Audubon Society has been waived. Donations to cover costs are still gratefully accepted. Should anyone wish to donate, please collect such donations and forward them to me.

All participants are invited to dinner that evening at the Educational Park branch library, located behind Overfelt Garden Park, at 1772 Educational Park Drive. (Maps are enclosed in party packets.) A $5.00 donation is requested for the dinner. You should mention this to your counters.

RECRUITING: Please do as much recruiting for your section as possible. Three to four persons per party is ideal – the more eyes the better. There is a positive correlation between the number of participants and the species count.

HANDOUTS: To make your job easier before, during, and after the count, the following items are provided:

  2. USGS and street maps of your sector. (Delayed… coming soon)
  3. Any correspondence related to permits/permissions for your sector.
  4. Past participant list with contact information.
  5. Summary sheets for participant numbers and party hours. Please be nice to the Compiler and determine party mile and hour statistics for the sector.
  6. Notes and observations. Please take time to add your comments and suggestions – ways to bird the sector, places to look for certain species – whatever you feel will be helpful to leaders who follow.

  2. Party Summary. Please be sure the party leaders supply all information in the spaces provided. Most items are self-explanatory. We must have a written description of the area covered.
  3. Party Hour and Party Mile Worksheet. This has always been the most confusing part of record keeping for the count. Please take time to review this with your counters and encourage them to keep these statistics in mind while they count. It is easy to get wrapped up in counting birds and forget about times and distances, but they are important too.
  4. Map to Educational Park Branch Library. Everyone is invited to dinner immediately following the count. Please encourage your counters to attend. There will be plenty of food for everyone. The room will be available after 4:30 PM. Dinner will be served between 5:30 and 6:00PM.
  5. Bird census list. List includes birds expected on the count. Birds rarely seen and requiring a write-up are in bold.
  6. Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Log. Each sighting should be followed by ‘a’ (adult), ‘i’ (immature), or ‘u’ (unknown). Encourage people to sketch the wing and tail patterns to help differentiate individuals.
  7. Rare Bird Forms. The Rare Bird Committee will make final judgments at the dinner on all unusual species. ALL birds reported in bold or under ‘Additional Species’ MUST have a Rare Bird Form filled out. Write-ups MUST be done at the time of the sighting, BEFORE consulting a field guide, by at least two experienced birders. Write-ups done hours later are not acceptable. Sketches and/or photographic evidence are excellent and encouraged.

WRAP-UP: As your party leaders turn in completed packets to you, PLEASE CHECK to see if everything is complete. It is your responsibility to be sure your party leaders complete their forms.

Please turn in all forms at the dinner. Please be neat and accurate and ask the same of the parties in your section.

THANKS AGAIN and Have Fun Out There!