The Hilliard Action Committee will meet in the Town Hall, 15859 West County Road 108, Hilliard, Florida, to consider the items of interest listed below.

The meeting is called to order by David Buchanan at 7:00 p.m.


David Buchanan – Mayor

Ann Buchanan – Ex Chairwoman

Lisa Purvis – Town Clerk

Jack Bailey - Chairman

Jackie Galbreath – Hilliard Gardening Club

Todd Duncan – Keep Nassau Beautiful

Bernita Dinwiddie – Citizen

John Beasley – Council President

Sharon Blanton – Town Hall

Approval of Minutes:

Motion is made by Ann Buchanan to approve the minutes for the October 28, 2013, Hilliard Action Committee. Seconded by Bernita Dinwiddie. Motion carries.


2014 Hilliard Town Clean Up in Association with

Keep Nassau Beautiful

The date and times are set as follows:

·  Date & Timeline:

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Refreshments 8:30 am

Clean Up Begins 9:00 am

Cook Out Begins 12:00 pm

Clean Up Ends 12:00 pm

The t-shirt color for 2014 is selected to be purple for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life.

Duties are assigned to the Town employees and members of the Hilliard Action Committee as follows:


·  Grants/Donations – FPL, OREMC, Wal-Mart, Sam’s, Home Depot, Lowe’s and Target (Lisa Purvis and Myra Cockerham)

·  Gloves (Micro Flex) contact for donation of gloves (Myra Cockerham)

·  Tickets for prizes (Myra Cockerham)

·  Metals (white goods) contact Lewis Stokes also to work with Town on other containers if needed (David Thompson)

·  Order Farmer John’s portable toilets and sink (David Thompson)

·  Schedule 2 public works employees to work the day of the clean up to run equipment (David Thompson)

·  Ask Hilliard Volunteer Fire Department to cook for the cook out (Lisa Purvis)

·  Request snack cakes from Lil Debbie vendor (David Thompson)

·  Prepare and Maintain a list of all donations for prize drawing (Myra Cockerham)

·  Prepare and Maintain a list of volunteers that pre sign up for the following: (Myra Cockerham)

To provide truck with trailer

To sign up for area to pick up

To make donation

To assist at containers

To have items picked up curb side by Town employees

Volunteer to clean up after event

·  Prepare Advertisements & Flyers:

An ad in the Nassau County Record and Westside Journal - 3 runs (Lisa Purvis & Sharon Blanton)

Note on Town of Hilliard water & sewer bills for March & April 2014 (Dawn Carroll)

Flyer on Town of Hilliard web site (Tiffany Murphy)

Town flyers announcing the event and happenings (Tiffany Murphy)

Letter requesting donations in cash or door prizes on Town letterhead (Lisa Purvis)

Letter requesting places of worship to volunteer at Town Clean Up (Lisa Purvis)

Place banners announcing the event around Town (Myra Cockerham & David Thompson)


·  Collect cash prizes and make cash bottles (Myra Cockerham & Jack Bailey) David & Ann Buchanan $50 and John & Donna Beasley $50

·  Request and collect donated prizes from the following areas:

Hilliard (Ann Buchanan)

Callahan (Jack Bailey)

Folkston (Bernita Dinwiddie)

Yulee (Jackie Galbreath)

·  Request or order buns from bread company or vendor (Lisa Purvis to ask Sean Dowie and if his company is able to donate then David & Ann Buchanan will get from bread company in Yulee)

·  Pick up Winn Dixie supplies for morning refreshments (David & Ann Buchanan)

·  Pick up SAMS supplies for cook out (David & Ann Buchanan)

·  Contact and advise the following organizations about volunteering at the event:

Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts (Cindy Steiner)

HES (Ann Buchanan) & HMSH (Bernita Dinwiddie)

4-H Group (Ann Buchanan)

·  Contact the Sheriff regarding the trustees coming to assist at the event (David Buchanan)

·  Volunteers for the following assignment the day of the clean up:

Table set up for morning refreshments (David & Ann Buchanan)

Assign areas of Town to pick up right of ways (Myra Cockerham)

Table set up to give out gloves, bags and pick up stick (Bernita Dinwiddie)

Table set up to give out free I Love Hilliard T-shirts (Peggy McConnell)

Table set up to sign up to volunteer (Ruth & Jack Vann and Emily Baumgartner)

Table set up to fill out prize tickets for drawing at cook out (Sharon Blanton)

Table set up with Child bike safety awareness items (Dawn Carroll)

Table set up with St Johns River Water Management items (Julie Thompson)

Kitchen to prep relishes for cook out (Lisa Purvis, Bernita Dinwiddie, Myra Cockerham & Sharon Blanton)

Table set up for prize drawing at noon (Myra Cockerham & Sharon Blanton)

Take pictures of the event for the Town website (Tiffany Murphy)

Dumpster duty (Todd Duncan)

Truck with trailer to pick up trash bags (David Buchanan, Cris McConnell & John Beasley)

Contact Chick Filet for food Donation (Sharon Blanton)

Keep Nassau Beautiful - Todd Duncan, Keep Nassau Beautiful

·  Bottled Water

·  Yard Debris, Tires, Household Trash & Containers

·  Pay Tipping Fees

·  Tires, Trash & Yard Debris

·  Banners (8) reusable

·  Glad Trash Bags

·  Purchase & Deliver T-shirts

Town of Hilliard - Refreshments & Cook Out: Supplies:


Hamburgers (19 packs) Check Can Sodas (26 – 12 packs)

Hotdogs (2 packs) Doughnuts (8 dozens)

Chips (6 packs) Orange Juice (2 gallons)

Cheese (1 pack) Milk (1 gallon)

Mayo (2 bottles) Chocolate Milk (1 gallon)

Ketchup (3 bottles)

Mustard (2 bottles)

Pickle Relish (2 bottles) MERITA BREAD CO

Pickles (3 jars) RT Multi Bread (9 @ $2.70)

Slaw (4 bags) RT Single Bread (3 @ $.99)

Lettuce (6 heads) Bread (2 @ $3.44)

Tomato (4 packs) RT Single Bread (16 @ $.69)

Onions (10 pounds)

Foil Sheets (1 box) MISC

Plates (2 packs) Grills (HVFD)

Napkins (1 pack) Coolers (HVFD & PWD)

Forks (1 box) Ice (PWD)


Lisa Purvis brings up the Hilliard Volunteer of the Year and asks if everyone will bring ideas for nominee recommendations to the Town Council. Lisa Purvis suggests Chad Brock for donating, planting and maintaining the plants and trees around the Welcome to Hilliard signs. Ann Buchanan suggests the Hilliard First Baptist Church and their work with the Hilliard Elementary School with their Bingo for Books and other events.

John Beasley brings up that he would like for the Town to offer shredding services to the citizens at the Town Clean Up. Todd Duncan advises that he will get the name of a mobile shredding company for Lisa Purvis to contact.


The next meeting is set for Monday, March 3, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. to continue the planning for the upcoming Town Clean Up.


The meeting is adjourned at 7:56 p.m.

Approved this _____ day of ______, ______by the Hilliard Action Committee.



David Buchanan, Mayor