Application for

Neurologic Subspecialty Recognition


The trend of subspecialization in the field of neurology started evolving in the late 1990’s. Since that time, numerous neurologic subspecialties have emerged and are now viable training and career choices for physicians.

Neurologic subspecialties that have developed to the point that they can demonstrate they are discrete practice areas with a unique body of knowledge may apply for recognition through the United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties (UCNS). Through the UCNS recognition application process, small neurologic subspecialties begin the first steps of strategically developing and defining the standards of competence for physicians and the measures of excellence for training programs in the subspecialty field.

Applications are reviewed by the UCNS Board of Directors who are leaders in the field of neurology. Subspecialties approved for recognition are guided through the process of developing the examination that certifies the knowledge and skills of physicians and the accreditation criteria that recognizes excellence in fellowship training programs.

Subspecialties may apply for UCNS recognition in one of two categories, either as a Neurological Subspecialty Area or an Independent Board.

  1. Instructions

All subspecialties must complete the entire application for recognition. Many items require a composed response to a specific question. Please respond briefly and concisely. The following application includes instructions, definitions, and required forms and templates that must be included with the application. The application for recognition and appendix templates must be downloaded and completed off-line.

The subspecialty is responsible for the content of the completed form, and the information will not be considered complete without all required signatures and the appropriate payment. Incomplete applications, or applications submitted without payment, will not be reviewed.

Completed applications must include:

  1. Completed Sections 1-6
  2. Appendix A: Sponsoring Organization Agreement Letter(s)
  3. Appendix B: Sponsoring Organization(s) Bylaws
  4. Appendix C: Training Program Requirements
  5. Appendix D: Certification Content Outline
  6. Appendix E: Certification Eligibility Requirements
  7. Payment of application fee
  1. Application Submission and Fees

Please complete the application and email the completed document to . The application fee must be submitted by check or money order in U.S. funds and may be mailed to UCNS, 201 Chicago Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55415.

Once a subspecialty is recognized, it will be responsible for an annual administrative fee. Annual fees cover the calendar year January 1 through December 31. Sponsoring Organizations are invoiced for this fee each January. If a subspecialty has more than one Sponsoring Organization, the fee is shared between each organization. Fees are subject to change.

Subspecialty Fee Schedule

Neurological Subspecialty Area: $1,000 application fee

$1,000 annual fee

Independent Board: $500 application fee

$500 annual fee



Instructions: Indicate the category(either Neurological Subspecialty Area or Independent Board) for which the subspecialty is applying.

Neurological Subspecialty Area – qualifying neurological subspecialty areas include medical associations or societies, subspecialty “sections” or special interest groups of a primary neurological association or society.

Neurological Subspecialty Recognition Criteria

  1. Agreement to abide by the accreditation and certification standards adopted by the UCNS Board.
  2. Demonstration that the subspecialty represents a unique body of scientific knowledge in neurology.
  3. Agreement on the training requirements and certification process by the major organizations in the specialty and subspecialties.
  4. Demonstration that there is an organizational structure in the subspecialty that is able to develop and sustain the accreditation and certification of fellows trained in the subspecialty. The elements to be considered include, but are not limited to:
  1. One or more national organizational sponsors that broadly represent the interests of the subspecialty and are capable of providing the experts necessary to support the required accreditation and certification activities through UCNS.
  2. Recognition of the subspecialty by a national medical organization.
  3. One or more national peer-reviewed medical journals that regularly publish the basic or clinical research being conducted by the members of the subspecialty.
  1. Demonstration that there exists a comprehensive definition of the subspecialty (core curriculum) in a form that would support the development of examination specifications and competencies.
  2. Demonstration that there exists a comprehensive set of training requirements to support the approval of accredited training programs approved by the UCNS Board or,alternatively, to demonstrate the capacity to produce requirements acceptable to the UCNS Board within two years and prior to the initiation of the certification process.
  3. Demonstration that there currently exist at least five training programs in the subspecialty.

Independent Board – certifying boards that provide subspecialty accreditation or certification.

Independent Board Recognition Criteria

  1. Agreement to abide by the accreditation and certification standards adopted by the UCNS Board.
  2. Demonstration that the subspecialty represents a unique body of scientific knowledge in neurology.
  3. Demonstration that there exists a comprehensive set of training requirements to support the approval of accredited training programs.
  4. Agreement on the training requirements and certification process by the major organizations in the specialty and subspecialties.
  5. Demonstration that there is an organizational structure in the subspecialty that is able to develop and sustain the accreditation and certification of fellows trained in the subspecialty. The elements to be considered include but are not limited to:
  6. One or more national organizational sponsors that broadly represent the interests of the subspecialty and are capable of providing the experts necessary to support the required accreditation and certification activities through UCNS.
  7. Recognition of the subspecialty by a national medical organization.
  8. One or more national peer-reviewed medical journals that regularly publish the basic or clinical research being conducted by the members of the subspecialty.
  9. Agreement to accept for certification only candidates from training programs accredited by UCNS, ACGME, or the RCPSC. Exceptions must be specifically outlined in the UCNS application.
  10. Agreement to develop and administer examinations in accordance with UCNS standards (see examination criteria).
  11. Demonstration that there currently exist at least five training programs in the subspecialty.
  12. Agreement to pay an affiliation fee as defined by the UCNS Board.
  13. Agreement to pay a certificate fee for all initial certificates issued by the Independent Board and for all certificates reissued by the Independent Board.
  14. Agreement to place on all certificates and information issued by the Independent Board a statement that the Board is affiliated with UCNS.

Please provide the following information for a minimum of one national organizational sponsor of the Independent Board or Neurological Subspecialty Area. If the subspecialty has more than one sponsoring organization, please copy the table and provide information for all additional sponsoring organizations.

  1. Organization Information

Name of Organization:
City: / State: / Zip:
Staff Contact: / Staff email:
Number of Active Members: / Date established:
Next Board Meeting Site and Dates:
Describe the organization’s principal activities:
  1. Are there other organizations with the same interest in this subspecialty that are not included as sponsoring organizations of the subspecialty? If yes, please provide the names and contact information for these organizations.

Required Appendices:Submit a letter from each sponsoring organization using the template provided as Appendix A. Submit the organizational bylaws for each sponsoring organization as Appendix B.

  1. Provide the definition of the subspecialty.
  1. Outline evidence that the subspecialty represents a unique body of knowledge within neurology. Special attention should be given to potential areas of overlapping training and practice with other neurology subspecialties.
  1. Which primary specialties should be included in the eligibility requirements for fellows enrolling in an accredited program or applying for a certification examination?
  1. Complete the following information for at least one national peer-reviewed journal that regularly publishes the basic or clinical research being conducted by the members of the subspecialty. If there is more than one journal, copy the table and provide the information for each journal.

Name of Journal:
Journal Address:
City: / State: / Zip:
Website: / Email Address:
Date Established: / Frequency of Publication:
Editor: / Owner or Sponsor:
  1. Complete the following information for each existing training program.

Institution Name:
Date Established: / Program Duration:
Is the institution accredited by ACGME or RCPSC?
Fellow Enrollment: / Total Number of Program Graduates:
Program Director:
City: / State: / Zip:
Email Address:
  1. Does any portion of the subspecialty training take place during the period required for any other specialty or subspecialty? If yes, please provide a narrative description of the circumstances.
  1. Does another accrediting body not listed as a sponsoring organization in Section 2 accredit training programs in this subspecialty? If yes, include the name and contact information for the organization(s).

Required Appendix: Attach as Appendix C the program requirements to be used for programmatic accreditation. The common program requirements template is provided and must be used when developing the subspecialty’s program requirements.Bolded items in the common program requirements are required of all subspecialties and may not be edited.

  1. Does another certification body not listed as a sponsoring organization in Section 2 certify physicians in this subspecialty? If yes, include the name and contact information for the organization(s).

Required Appendices: Using the example provided, attached as Appendix D the certification content outline.For Appendix E, use the appendix template to define the subspecialty’s eligibility requirements. Bolded items are required of all subspecialties and may not be edited. Only items in regular typeface may be revised.


Please complete the signature section using the appropriate electronic signature format (see example below), or sign and include a scanned copy with your electronic submission, or sign and fax only this signature page to UCNS at (612) 454-2750.

The signatures below attest to the completeness and accuracy of the information provided.

Insertion of an electronic signature:

By typing your name in the space provided, you are submitting the electronic equivalent of a legal signature. You are also asserting that you completed the application. To verify the contents of the application, the signatory must enter his/her name in the space provided Acceptable “signatures” should be preceded and followed by the forward slash (/) symbol. Acceptable “signature” must be as follows: /John Doe/.

Please provide a signature for each organization listed in Section 2. If more than one organization is listed, please copy, paste, and complete the table below for each organization.

Name of Organization:
Email address:


For Appendix A, please submit letters using the template language below from each sponsoring organization identified in Section 2.

The following is the template language for the letter:


United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties

201 Chicago Avenue

Minneapolis, MN 55415

Dear UCNS Board of Directors:

This letter serves as the Sponsoring Organization Letter that accompanies the subspecialty recognition application for the [Subspecialty] subspecialty. The [organization name] recognizes [Subspecialty] as a discrete body of knowledge within neurology. The [organization name] agrees to serve as [a/the] sponsoring organization for [Subspecialty] and endorses the program requirements, core content, and practice track requirements attached to this application and we agree to pay the annual sponsoring organization fee.




For Appendix B, please attach the organizational bylaws for all sponsoring organizations listed in Section 2.


For Appendix C, use the common program requirements below to develop the subspecialty-specific fellowship training program requirements. Bolded items are required of all subspecialties and may not be edited. Only items in regular typeface may be revised.

Common Program Requirements

The common program requirements are standards required of accredited programs in all UCNS subspecialties. They are shown in bold typeface below. Requirements in regular typeface are to be completed and defined by each subspecialty.

  1. Introduction
  1. [Description and parameters of subspecialty]
  1. [Purpose of the training program]
  1. Institutional Support

There are three types of institutions that may comprise a program: 1) the sponsoring institution, which assumes ultimate responsibility for the program and is required of all programs, 2) the primary institution, which is the primary clinical training site and may or may not be the sponsoring institution, and 3) the participating institution, which provides required experience that cannot be obtained at the primary or sponsoring institutions.

  1. Sponsoring Institution
  1. The sponsoring institution must be accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), and meet the current ACGME Institutional Requirements. This responsibility extends to fellow assignments at all participating institutions. The sponsoring institution must be appropriately organized for the conduct of graduate medical education (GME) in a scholarly environment and must be committed to excellence in both medical education and patient care.
  2. A letter demonstrating the sponsoring institution’s responsibility for the program must be submitted. Such a letter must:
  3. confirm sponsorship of the training program,
  4. state the sponsoring institution’s commitment to training and education, and
  5. be signed by the designated institution official of the institution as defined by ACGME.
  1. Primary Institution
  1. Assignments at the primary institution must be of sufficient duration to ensure a quality educational experience and must provide sufficient opportunity for continuity of care. The primary institution must demonstrate the ability to promote the overall program goals and support educational and peer activities.
  2. A letter from the appropriate department chair(s) at the primary institution must be submitted. Such a letter must:
  1. confirm the relationship of the primary institution to the program,
  2. state the primary institution’s commitment to training and education, and
  3. list specific activities that will be undertaken, supported, and supervised at the primary institution.
  1. Participating Institutions
  1. Assignments to participating institutions must be based on a clear educational rationale, must have clearly stated learning objectives and activities, and should provide resources not otherwise available to the program. When multiple participating institutions are used, there should be assurance of the continuity of the educational experience.
  2. Assignments at participating institutions must be of sufficient duration to ensure a quality educational experience and should provide sufficient opportunity for continuity of care. All participating institutions must demonstrate the ability to promote the overall program goals and support educational and peer activities.
  3. If a participating institution is used, a participating institution letter must be submitted. Such a letter must:
  1. confirm the relationship of the participating institution to the program,
  2. state the participating institution’s commitment to training and education,
  3. list specific activities that will be undertaken, supported, and supervised at the participating institution, and
  4. be signed by the department chair of the participating institution.
  1. Facilities and Resources
  1. Each program must demonstrate that it possesses the facilities and resources necessary to support a quality educational experience.
  2. [Subspecialties stipulate what they require, including, but not limited to, office space, clerical support, meeting and classroom space, library and reference facilities, access to laboratories or particular equipment, and exam and patient facilities.]
  1. Faculty

The faculty of accredited programs consists of: 1) the program director, 2) core faculty, and 3) other faculty. Core faculty are physicians who oversee clinical training in the subspecialty. The program director is considered a core faculty member for the purpose of determining the fellow complement. Other faculty are physicians and other professionals determined by the Subspecialty to be necessary in order to deliver the program curriculum. The program director and faculty are responsible for the general administration of the program and for the establishment and maintenance of a stable educational environment. Adequate durations of appointments for the program director and core faculty members are essential for maintaining such an environment. The duration of appointment for the program director must provide for continuity of leadership.

  1. Program Director Qualifications

1.There must be a single program director responsible for the program. The person designated with this authority is accountable for the operation of the program and he or she should be a member of the faculty or medical staff of the primary institution.

2.The program director must:

  1. possess requisite specialty expertise as well as documented educational and administrative abilities and experience in his or her field,
  2. be certified in a primary ABMS or RCPSC specialty [as specified by the Subspecialty],
  3. possess a current, valid, unrestricted, and unqualified license to practice medicine in the state or province of the program, and
  4. be certified, and maintain certification, in [insert appropriate subspecialty] by the UCNS [1].
  1. Program Director Responsibilities
  2. The program director must:
  3. oversee and organize the activities of the educational program in all institutions participating in the program including selecting and supervising the faculty and other program personnel at each participating institution, and monitoring appropriate fellow supervision and evaluation at all participating institutions,
  4. prepare an accurate statistical and narrative description of the program as requested by the UCNS as well as update the program and fellow records annually,
  5. ensure the implementation of fair policies and procedures, as established by the sponsoring institution, to address fellow grievances and due process in compliance with the institutional requirements,
  6. monitor fellow stress, including mental or emotional conditions inhibiting performance or learning, and drug- or alcohol-related dysfunction, and
  7. obtain prior approval of the UCNS for changes in the program that may significantly alter the educational experience of the fellows. Upon review of a proposal for a program change, the UCNS may determine that additional oversight or a site visit is necessary. Examples of changes that must be reported include:

1)change in the program director,