1. There shall not be any alcohol or illegal substance on the camp premises while camp is in operation. Evidence of the above will be grounds for immediate removal from the camp. Operation of camp commences at 15:00 hours Friday (3:00 P.M.) May 23, 2014 and ends at 11:00 hours Sunday (11:00 A.M.) May 25, 2014
2. Any form of prescription drugs are to be listed on the physical fitness or Scouts Canada registration form
1. For smokers, butts in the pocket not on the ground. Do NOT smoke in front of youth.
2. Quiet time 23:00 hours (11:00 p.m.). If some so choose to sit up all night, that’s fine, just be quiet so the rest of us can sleep and be up on time and functional the next day.
3. Outhouse/toilet courtesy. Anyone caught defacing or dirtying the toilet seats or the outhouses/portable toilets in anyway shall have to scrub down the mess and will be asked to leave camp. Pee and poop in the toilet, not on it. It will be the responsibility of the leader of that group to see that the guilty youth is taken home or picked up by the parent/legal guardian.
4. Permission to enter a campsite must be given first.
5. Please be polite and refrain from swearing.
6. 21st Century Rule: No trace camping. Leave it cleaner than it was when you arrived.
7. If you move something – table, fire pit, wood – Put it back where you found it before you leave
1. As groups/sections arrive at the camp site, they must come to camp headquarters. Each group/section arriving will be given instructions where they are to set up.
2. Wascappelle Spring Camp and Scouts Canada accepts no responsibility nor liability for providing medically necessary care and maintenance required by youth who are known to suffer from a serious ongoing medical condition. A parent or legal guardian must accompany such youth to Camp in order to render the medical care or maintenance necessary.Camp registration for such youth will not be accepted unless a parent or legal guardian capable of providing the care necessary accompanies the youth for the entire camp.
3. All youth, leaders, and staff registered for this camp must turn in a form of medical info/legal guardian permission AND EACH PERSON MUST CARRY A COPY OF FORM ON THEIR PERSON. This info is on the individual Scouts Canada registration form that was filled out at registration in Sept/13. This binder is to be turned into Administrator. Because of the privacy act, the leader turning in the binder will initial a form saying that the binder was turned in. At the closing of camp, this form will be initialled again, saying you received the binder. Only the camp first aider or EMT will see the contents of the binder.
4. Anyone coming to camp that is not listed on Form (B), must sign in at headquarters.
5. Anyone coming to camp as a sibling, helper, whatever, and are staying for either the whole weekend or for just Saturday, must fill out a physical fitness form and turn into the camp admin and carry a copy. Non-registered Adults must sign a code of conduct and take the child and youth safety course on myscouts.ca training website.
6. If a uniformed Leader brings an under-aged sibling to camp, that leader is responsible for arranging childcare while he/she runs activities or ushers groups around program and he/she must complete an individual hold harmless agreement for the youth upon arrival at camp.
7. Each Group is responsible for providing their own first aider. Any injuries, youth or adult, must be reported and an Incident form filled out. Any treatment must be logged.
8. With the exception of designated emergency vehicles, all vehicles will be in the designated parking lot and must not drive around or leave camp.
9. Each site will be allowed a kitchen/storage trailer. Vehicles can enter the camping area, unload gear/equipment and out immediately. Unauthorized vehicles must be parked in designated parking after. Saturday morning there may be youth arriving. Same rule applies. Vehicles in, dump gear/equipment and out, park in the parking lot.
10. No one is allowed to leave camp until their campsite has been checked and cleared by the designated camp staff.
11. Camp staff, which includes program coordinators, are not allowed to leave until the entire camping area is cleaned.
12. Campfire will commence at 7:30 pm sharp. Dress warm as it can get quite cold. We will be marching in formation. Be ready at 7:15 pm and join in at the end of the line. For some of us more experienced scouters, (age) a lawn chair is allowed. Please keep yells/cheers positive. Each Group/section must be prepared with a song, skit, and cheer – although all 3 may not be presented. Please build that expectation with your youth.
13. If someone has to leave camp temporarily, they must inform camp headquarters they are going, and for how long they will be gone. A reason for their leaving would be nice. If you have to leave in the middle of the night, please make sure camp knows you have left.
14. Youth must be under supervision at all times. Youth can not cross the roads that border the camp property unless accompanied by an adult.
15. Should a situation arise between a parent, a youth, or a leader, the camp staff will address the situation. If the camp staff deem it necessary, their Group Committee will then be contacted. There will be NO camp disruptions.
16. Family Pooch is NOT allowed at camp. NO PETS AT CAMP PLEASE - This is a Scouts Canada Policy in BP&P
17. Please bring all bills to the camp admin before the end of camp on Sunday morning, so we can close the camp books promptly
Other Camp Notes
· All garbage must be bagged. Garbage trucks will be on site and garbage will be dumped daily.
· Fire Hazard and fire drills will be discussed at the leaders meeting on Friday night at 10:00 p.m. One leader per group per section must attend the meeting. Meeting will not exceed ½ hour in length.
· Emergency Signal – Three long blasts of car horn means assemble the camp at the emergency meeting spot for further instructions.
· The camp will be marching in formation into opening ceremonies/ campfire/ closing ceremonies. Please be ready at your campsite at 8:45 am on Saturday. The same process will apply at 7:15 p.m. Saturday for campfire. Sunday morning groups should just gather at the horseshoe flag at 9:25 for closing.
· If there are any groups that have a parent helper that will be bringing out a camper, RV or trailer, powered sites are available, at an additional fee in the main campground. Youth will not be allowed to sleep in RV’s. They must remain with the group in the designated tenting area. If there are extenuating circumstances, please discuss with Camp Administrator in advance.
· There are sufficient water taps on site. Water lines will be flushed prior to our arrival and safe for drinking.
· Be prepared to pickup a table. Each site is allowed 1 table.
· Camp Fires
i. Fire Barrels – there are a limited number of fire rings and fire grates. Groups may NOT bring their own fire barrel. No more than ONE campfire per campsite please. Plan to cook on stoves
ii. Limited Wood is available for our use. Please do not create any blazing infernos – be wise in the use of our resources.
iii. Return all ‘leftover’ wood pieces to the wood pile before you leave.
· Cell phones work. In case of emergency dial 911.
· Wood ticks!!! Its that time of the year, Don’t panic. Although most of us had had encounters of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd kind, with these waxy little suckers - here is some tick info
Tick Removal
Tick's mouthparts have reverse harpoon-like barbs, designed to penetrate and attach to skin. Ticks secrete a cement-like substance that helps them adhere firmly to the host. If you find that you or your pet has been bitten by a tick, it is important to remove it properly.
Tick Removal Procedure:
1) Use fine-point tweezers to grasp the tick at the place of attachment, as close to the skin as possible.
2) Gently pull the tick straight out .
CAUTIONS: Children should be taught to seek adult help for tick removal.
If you must remove the tick with your fingers, use a tissue or leaf to avoid contact with infected tick fluids.
Do not try to smother the tick (e.g. petroleum jelly, nail polish) as the tick has enough oxygen to complete the feeding.
Alternate method that may work: Dip a cotton ball in dish detergent and swab area where tick is imbedded. Detergent dissolves the ‘cement’ and allow the ticket to be brushed gently away.