207 Greenbury Drive, Phoenix, 4068
P.O.Box 139, Mt.Edgecombe, 4300
Phone: 031 811 3236, Tel/Fax: 031 502 3236
Cell: 083 400 3236
Open from 7am to 5pm
E-mail –
The Power to Educate
Emis no: 430051
Code of conduct
(AS per SA Schools Act, 1997)
As with any organisation, it is necessary to have a set of rules and regulations in order that all are able to co-operate and interact beneficially.
A formal set of rules and regulations is usually unnecessary for the majority of our pupils who conduct themselves sensibly and in a manner that is mutually advantageous. However, there are pupils who need the guidance of rules and regulations and instructions.
A number of unwritten procedures apply from time to time. These are always announced and explained at the School. All rules are subject to annual revision.
We are satisfied that all our rules, regulations and instructions are educationally based and as such we expect all pupils and Parents to co-operate with ALL of them.
The following shall be the rules and principles that shall govern Just Junior’s Academy.
1. School times:
Learners are expected to be at school no later than 07h45. Learners that arrive late must report to the office with their parent.
The school day ends for Grades 1, 2 & 3 at 12h45 Monday to Friday.
The school day ends for Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 at 14h00 Monday to Friday.
It is the onus of the parent to ensure that learners are punctual. All children must be picked up on time.
Aftercare closes at 5pm sharp.
2. Absenteeism:
Attendance is very important. Absence can only be condoned for medical reasons or urgent private affairs. Phone calls are appreciated and a medical certificate or note indicating the reason for absence must be sent via the message book on the day the child returns to school.
If a child is absent during a test or examination, then a medical certificate is required. The class average is given as the learners mark or a % of C.A.S. is considered. (the decision is made at the discretion of the Principal according to circumstance)
3. leave taking:
Parents need to communicate via the message book and to the office telephonically, if there is a request for leave.
Leave taking will only be granted in the case of an emergency.
Only parents are allowed to pick up learners unless alternate arrangements are made with the office. If parents are not available, please make alternate arrangements for someone else to fetch your child. You must inform the office of the alternate person. Your child will not be released otherwise.
Note: Educators are not permitted to grant learners leave or release learners into anyone’s care without consultation with the office.
4. communication with Parents/Educators:
A message book is issued to each learner. Parents and Educators communicate via the message book. All lost message books must be replaced by the parent. The message book is also used to inform Parents of events taking place at school. The back of the message book is used for pasting receipts of school fees.
A formal parents meeting is held in the first term of each school year. The aim is for parents and educators to meet. At this meeting, learner’s books are on display and the learner’s progress is discussed with the parents.
Matters relating to discipline and progress are thereafter communicated via the message book.
Parents are not allowed to go to the classrooms during lessons or at dismissal time as this interrupts the educators and learners’ routine.
If you need to speak personally to the Educator then an appointment can be made via the school Principal or Secretary.
5. Accidents and Emergencies
Parents are contacted immediately. The School may not refer a child to a doctor or a hospital until arrangements are made by the parents. If the parent cannot be contacted, the School will refer the child to the family doctor, the nearest doctor, or the Casualty Section at the nearest hospital.
Please ensure that the Secretary is informed of changes of address and telephone numbers.
6. school uniform:
6.1 girls uniform: (Summer & Winter)
Brown and cream check dresses (knee length or longer), white anklet socks and brown shoes.
Brown jerseys or Blazers and brown school hats. (School monogram on dresses and hats)
6.2 boys uniform: (Summer & Winter)
Cream school shirts, brown shorts/longs, school tie, brown socks and brown shoes.
Brown jerseys or Blazers and brown caps. (School monogram on shirts and hats.)
6.3 Sport uniform
Cream/stone T-shirts and brown shorts, socks and takkies.
6.4 Badges:
Name badges are compulsory for each pupil.
Name badges are bought by parents from school and must be worn to school everyday. Lost badges must be purchased when the school re-orders badges. Educators will issue special badges on a rotational basis. These badges are incentives for your child’s performance and should be handed in according to teacher’s instructions.
Badges may be removed at the discretion of the educator upon consultation with the Principal.
6.5 Grooming:
Learners general appearance directly influence the way in which a school is perceived in terms of the norms and standards advocated and upheld by that institution. It creates an undeniable sense of entity within the School context and contributes positively towards issues such as discipline, orderliness and goal oriented academic achievement.
Boys: Hair and nails should be short and neat at all times. Hair should not bunch at the back of the head or above the ears but must be shaped and graded. Hair must be clear of the collar. Spikes and use of gel is not permitted.
Girls: Hair and nails should be short and neat at all times.
Hair must be clear of the collar; if hair is longer then it should be tied in a ponytail or plaited. Hair bands or ribbons should be white or brown.
Fancy hairstyles/hairgrips are not permitted.
Fashionable hairstyles or any hairstyles likely to cause comment /distraction are unacceptable within the school context.
6.6 BAGS:
Only Just Juniors School Bags will be allowed.
Note: Jewellery, cell phones, toys and trinkets are not permitted. The school cannot be held responsible for missing items. Nail polish, lip-gloss, and excessive amounts of money are also not allowed. Items will be confiscated.
7. Excursions/Activities: Will be undertaken during the year. Notice will be given in the form of a message. Indemnity forms that are given must be signed and sent to school. Children that do not have an indemnity signed will not be allowed to participate.
8. Corporal punishment:
NO corporal punishment is to be inflicted on any learner. Learning must take place in a disciplined and purposeful school environment.
Discipline will take the form of:
8.1 time out:
Learners will be isolated for a period of 6 minutes (depending on age). They will be given this time to reflect on their behaviour. After this time, they will be reabsorbed into the class.
8.2. Exclusion from activities: Continuous offenders will be excluded from activities where applicable.
8.3. Detention: Learners will be asked to remain after school. Parents will be informed via a message to make arrangements for transport or pick up.
8.4 Serious offences:
a) A learner who intentionally hurts or assaults another learner will have his/her name entered in the office record book and the offending learners’ parent will be called in.
b) A learner who intentionally damages, defaces or vandalises school property will have his/her name entered into the office record book and the offending learner’s parent will be called in. Parents will be liable for cost of damages.
Responsibilities of Parents – with regard to Pupils and School:
Parents must make sure that: -
• their children go to school every day and are punctual
• academic reports and follow-ups are forthcoming
• the rights of their children to learn are upheld
• their children follow the rules and codes of the School
• their children are healthy, neat and clean
• they tell school authorities about any problem concerning their children or other children/people in the School
• they don’t use abusive language or behave in an abusive way
• they discuss reports, homework and assignments with children
• they supply their children with the basic resources needed for school and homework
• they become involved in the School’s activities
· Fees are paid timeously and up to date. Default of payment will incur the following:
Reports will be withheld if payment is not up to date.
A learner may be refused admission to school.
It is the responsibility of the educator to instil good moral values and ethical behaviour in the classroom. Honesty, truthfulness, fairplay, compassion and respect are some of the ideals advocated by Just Juniors Academy. It is the onus of the parent to reinforce these values in their children.
Parents should at all times be supportive of the structures and general ethos of the school.
Signed on this the ______day of ______20______.
Child’s Name: ______Grade: ______
I, ______parent of ______
______do accept and undertake to abide by the rules of the school.
Signature of Parent
Witness (Print Name) Witness (Sign)