Troponin Test

This test screens for elevated levels of troponin in the blood attributable to heart muscle damage. The damage can be due to cardiomyopathy but can also be due external factors such as elevated adrenalin or thyroid levels or even virus infection. Nevertheless the test serves as an economic pre-screen for Boxer cardiomyopathy. Currently, at the Glasgow lab recommended, the maximum troponin level taken as normal is 0.15ng/ml. Levels of 0.16 – 0.20 are equivocal and suggest retesting. Higher levels indicate a need for further investigation.

This list shows dogs/bitches with normal troponin scores on the date indicated in brackets. Age at the time of test is shown in bold. Only recent (less than 12 months) scores are meaningful. D & B indicate sex.

Clarkenwells Rogue Trader (Ch), D (5, 08/08)

Clarkenwells Vogue Trader, B (2, 08/08)

Daervlish Wild Honey at Clarkenwells, B (4, 08/08)

Hillthorn Way To Go, D (2, 04/08)

Miofrey Tales Of Wisdom, D (1, 08/08)

Miofrey Telling Tales, B (1, 08/08)

Nell Gwynne of Seefeld, B (5, 02/08)

Sonshoby Mr McEwan at Seacrest, D (2, 02/08)

Sonshoby Shady Lady, B (3, 04/08)

Steynmere Just So, B (8, 08/08)

Steynmere Just Is, D (4, 11/07)

Steynmere Too Good To Miss, B (1, 11/08)

Steynmere Top Notch, B (2, 11/08)

Steynmere Total Eclipse, D (9, 07/08)

Sugarwood Slave to Love (Ch), D (7, 04/08)
Sulez Sirocco by Sonshoby, D (1, 04/08)

Visage Volare of Santonoaks, D (4, 05/08)

Holter Monitoring

Holter monitoring screens for abnormal heart beats (frequency and in conjunction with each other) over a 24h period. Frequencies of these VPCs at over 50 per 24hour period and/or their occurrence in couplets, triplets or runs in the absence of other identifiable causes indicates Boxer cardiomyopathy.

This list shows dogs/bitches with normal Holter readings on the date indicated in brackets with age at the time of test is shown in bold. As with the troponin test, annual Holter testing is necessary. D & B indicates sex.

Hillthorn Way Around, B (2, 04/08)

Steynmere Just So (Ch), B (8, 08/08)

Steynmere Oh Susannah, B (9, 11/04)