Casual Appointments – EAIT Faculty & Schools
Have you returned the following documents to your School HR/Finance Officer?
Tax file number declaration
Method of salary payment form
Copy of your passport or driver’s licence
Copy of your visa details (if applicable)
Confirmation that you have completed the mandatory training modules (copy of MyTraining Report on Blackboard)
Please ensure that the above documents have been provided to the HR/Finance contact in your School.These documents are required before your appointment can be finalised.
As a casual employee of The University of Queensland you are required to record the hours that you have worked in order to receive payment. Payments are received on a fortnightly basis in arrears following the submission of an online timesheet (Timekeeper Form) through MyAurion.
Offer of Appointment Letter
Once your appointment has been finalised, you will receive an Offer of Appointment letter via email. All details relating to your casual appointment will be included in the offer of appointment letter, including how you will be paid and how to access your UQ staff user name and password. Indicate your acceptance of the terms and conditions of the offer by completing the acceptance page and returning it to the relevant person on the letter or your School’s HR/Finance Officer. If you commence work without completing and returning the acceptance page, you will be regarded as having accepted the conditions of the offer.
If you haven’t previously lodged a Method of Salary Payment (bank account) Form or a Tax File Number Declaration Form with the University, or if your circumstances have changed since lodging one, you will also need to complete and submit these forms. These forms will be made available during tutor training or otherwise please see the HR/Finance Officer in your School. If you are on a student or temporary visa, please also provide a copy of your passport and visa details to the School’s HR/Finance Officer when you submit your forms. Note: all of these will need to be submitted together in order to complete your appointment as soon as possible after you commence.
UQ Username and Password
To access MyAurion you need a UQ username and password. UQ Connect will automatically generate a letter with this information and mail it to the School Office for you to collect.
If you have not received your letter from UQ Connect within two weeks of receiving your Offer of Appointment letter, you should contact ITS on 336 56000 (option 2 for staff) or go to the UQ Connect office, located in the Prentice Building. UQ usernames and passwords will not be provided over the phone or via email.
This staff username (should start with ‘uq’ at the beginning) and password must be used when accessing MyAurion. Note: You cannot use your UQ Student Logon for accessing and lodging your electronic (Timekeeper) timesheet.
Please note that your staff account is temporary. It will be terminated when your appointment as a tutor ends. Access to a staff email account will not be extended or reinstated once the casual appointment has ended.
Health and Safety
All UQ staff, including casual staff, have a duty of care for their personal welfare and the welfare of their colleagues. As a tutor, you are responsible for the safety of the students in your tutorial and should be familiar with UQ emergency procedures and the particular hazards and safety procedures associated with your tutoring duties.
Safety resources available for your reference include;
- Online OHS Training modules (see below),
- UQ Tutors website
- UQ OHS Division website
All specific safety related enquiries should be directed to your course coordinator or school WHS coordinator.
Mandatory Online Training Modules
All casual teaching staff must complete mandatory online training modules.
Sign in to Learn.UQ using your UQ Staff or Student Username and Password and navigate to UQ Workplace Inductions and OHS Training.
If you do not have a UQ student or staff username and password, please contact your HR/Finance Officer for instructions on how to access these training modules.
Select the following modules in **Learning Modules** and **Assessments**. Note that you must achieve a mark of 80% to pass the assessment.
General Workplace Safety Training
Annual Fire Safety Training (must refresh training annually)
Code of Conduct Training
UQ Privacy Training
Sustainability General Training
- Equity Online – Module 1 (navigate to EO Online module from UQ Equityand Diversity page)
Some course coordinators will also require completion of other OHS online training modules relevant to specific teaching activities. It is your responsibility to ask if your work requires further local training.
When all required Learn.UQ modules are complete, forward My Training Report by email or hardcopy to the relevant School Office.
Please note: Payment will not be processed until the My Training Report has been received by the School Office.
Information for Scholarship Holders and International Students
Scholarship Holders
In general, scholarship holders have employment restrictions, which may include a restriction on the number of paid hours worked. For further information on the specific conditions relating to other employment such as tutoring, see Employment while studying ( on the UQ Graduate School site and refer to the UQ Research Scholarships General Conditions ( for the full set of general conditions relating to scholarship tenure.
Working While Studying on a Student Visa
If you received your student visa on or after the 26th of April 2008, you should have received permission to work automatically with your student visa. This will apply to both you as the student and any family members who are travelling with you on your student visa. For more information, please see: New permission to work arrangements for student visa holders (
The Department of Immigration and Border Protection permit coursework students to work for a maximum of 40 hours per fortnight during semester and unlimited hours when your course is not in session. Work restrictions vary for family members of international students.
You are responsible for ensuring that you meet the requirements and work restrictions for your visa. Please refer to the Conditions for work while studying for further information (
Can I work unlimited hours during Summer Semester on a student visa?
If youchoose to do summer courses, you can work full time. However,if your course includes acompulsory summer/winter semester, you can only work 40 hours per fortnight.
Resident for taxpurposes
The amount of tax you have to pay depends on your taxable income and whether or not you are a resident of Australia for tax purposes.
As an international student, ifyou are studying in Australia for 6 months or more, you are classified as a resident for tax purposes only. See: Residency – what you need to know (
If you are not sure whether or not you are a resident of Australia for tax purposes,use the Determination of Residency tool ( on the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website.
Claim the Tax-Free Threshold?
The amount of tax you pay will also be determined by whether you claim the tax-free threshold from The University of Queensland. The tax-free threshold is the annual income you can earn that is not taxed.
You must be an Australian resident for tax purposes to claim the tax-free threshold. You may also only claim the tax-free threshold from one employer. The University is considered to be one employer, even if you have multiple casual appointments.
It is recommended that you claim the tax-free threshold from the employer you expect to receive the most salary from during the year.
Additional information about the tax-free threshold is available on the ATO website, What is the tax-free threshold? (
Claiming Payment for Hours Worked
Log on to MyAurion to enter hours worked in the Timekeeper form (electronic timesheet) for relevant pay period and submit.
Select the corresponding Employee Number on MyAurion for the correct course and supervisor. For multiple supervisors you will have multiple Employee Numbers.
Submit electronically to the relevant supervisor/approver with course code included.
Detailed instructions on completing timesheets via MyAurion are accessible in the User Guideswhen you log into MyAurion.
Submitting your Timekeeper form when you have more than one course coordinator (Supervisor)
You may have additional employee numbers if you work for different Schools or Faculties. You may also have one for any scholarships you are receiving.
If you have more than one employee number, you must take care in MyAurion to select the employee number which relates to the casual appointment with the specific work you are claiming for. For further information on how to select your employee number, refer to the Quick Reference Guides accessible in MyAurion.
Submitting your claims (Timekeeper forms)
Casual salary payments are made fortnightly in arrears.Pay day is every second Friday. All claims for work performed should be lodged by you within the fortnight immediately after the work was performed. A claim will be processed for payment after it has been approved by the Timekeeper Approver.
Deadline for submission
The deadline for submission of your Timekeeper formis Tuesday (5pm) of non-pay week. You will not be able to access the system after this time until the following week.
Supervisors/Timekeeper Approversmust complete the approval of all submitted Timekeeper forms by 12:00 pm on Friday of non-pay week.Claims must therefore be submitted, reviewed by supervisors and actioned by Timekeeper approvers prior to this deadline.
You should submit your Timekeeper formsregularly to avoid having a large amount of tax deducted from your pay and also to avoid having your appointment terminated due to inactivity.
Please note:Pay Advances cannot be processed if the deadline for submitting Timekeeper Forms for approval has been missed.
Recalling a Timekeeper form
There is an option to recall your Timekeeper form should you need to change it for any reason. You can only recall the Timekeeper form if your claim has not been paid.
Changes to previous fortnights that have already been submitted and approved, can only be done manually, you will need to contact the School office to arrange this.
Accessing your Pay Advice (Pay slip) in MyAurion
Your pay advice (pay slip) can be accessed via MyAurion every fortnight on Tuesday of pay week. Detailed instructions on accessing, saving and/or printing your payslip via MyAurion are available in the Quick Reference Guide, Viewing Your Pay Advice.
School Contact Details
School of ArchitectureSchool of Architecture Room 306B, Zelman Cowan (#51)
Email: Due to absences in the team please contact Mech & Mining Engineering at -
Phone: 336 54051
Erin Lewis
School Manager
Phone: 334 69082
Email: / School of Civil Engineering
Level 5, Advanced Engineering Building (#49)
Wendy Jeans
Finance Officer
Phone: 336 53620
Cindy Van Der Gevel
School Manager
Phone: 336 54208
School of Mechanical & Mining Engineering
Room 201, Level 2, Frank White Building (#43)
Enquiries Office
Phone: 336 54202
Email: / School of Chemical Engineering
Room 317, Level 3, Chemical Engineering Building (#74)
HR Officer
Phone: 336 67713
School of Information Technology & Electrical Engineering
Room 406, Level 4, GP South Building (#78)
Lyn Howells
HR Officer
Phone: 336 57592
Jennifer Croud
School Manager
Phone: 336 52809
Email: / First Year Engineering
(Includes all First Year Engineering Learning Centre & ENGG1100 / ENGG1200 Tutors)
First Year Engineering Learning Centre, Level 2, Hawken Engineering Building (#50)
Lisa Deacon
Manager, First Year Engineering
Phone: 336 53678