2nd Grade Curriculum Specifics
LanguageArts-VancouverSchool District uses the reading series published by Houghton Mifflin. There are 6 Themes throughout the anthology (Silly Stories, Nature Walk, Around Town, Amazing Animals, Family Time, and Talent Show). Each them has 4-5 stories included and each week we will be studying a new story. These stories will incorporate comprehension strategies, new vocabulary, and word decoding skills. In addition, students will be working towards mastery of the 100 GENTRY High Frequency Spelling Words for Second Grade. Students will be assessed three times during the year and lists will be sent home for added practice and reinforcement.
Some of our students will be completing their work in the Read Naturally series, some will be working at grade-level assignments, and others will be challenged with more advance work. Our goal in the VancouverSchool District is to teach each child as an individual.
In writing, we will be focusing on ideas, organization and the conventions of writing (spelling, punctuation, sentence structure) through Writer’s Workshop as well as daily journal writing and responding to literature. We include penmanship work in our writing curriculum.
To access the 2nd grade high-frequency words on the internet, go to the district website at and click on departments and then language arts. At the bottom of the page is a link to grade level high-frequency words.
To access Houghton Mifflin’s curriculum website go to This website offers information about Houghton Mifflin, our curriculum, and extension activities for families and kids based on our text.
Math-Some of the major concepts we will be working on this year are: comparing numbers, addition and subtraction facts and fact families, place value, adding double digits, adding with money, subtracting double digits and subtracting with money. Our time skills include telling time to the 15 minute mark and calculating elapsed time, as well as using a calendar. In measuring we will be looking at the standard system and the metric system for both distance and quantity. Towards the end of the year, we will be addressing geometry and fractions, looking into triple digit addition and subtractions and beginning multiplication and division. That is an overview of our Math Central curriculum.
On top of the standard curriculum, our class will be focusing strongly on problem solving and the different strategies we can use to solve a problem.
Additionally, we will complete a quick (2 minute) math facts timed test every day. Students are encouraged to study their math facts and fact families at home and will also have time during school to study. Students start with +1’s and work their way through the +’s, then they move to subtraction, multiplication and division. Extremely motivated students could have all of their math facts memorized by the end of the year!
I have to add that rote memorization is not generally my favorite tool for learning information however, I believe that there are some things that just have to be memorized and the math facts are one of them. Don’t worry, we will also be looking at grouping and the greater concept of multiplication as a big picture.
Science-The science curriculum for 2nd grade consists of 3 different units. We study a different area of science each semester. The units of study are: physical science with a unit on changes, earth science with a study of balancing and weighing and, lastly, physical science unit of soils. I look at our science time as a kinesthetic learning time when we will be questioning, testing, and digging in with our hands. We will write about our predictions (hypothesis), tests (experiments) and observations (conclusions).
Social Studies-Our four major concepts this year include geography, economics, civics and history. Geography includes mapping, landforms, and locations such as cities, states, countries, and continents. Economics and civics will both be explored during our Main Street unit. Main Street is a comprehensive unit taught in the Scottish Storypath method wherein students (with a partner) will create characters and businesses, be part of a downtown community, and solve the problems of the community together. Main Street is a very hands-on and interactive unit that the students love for its creative element and the opportunity to take ownership of learning. The historical element of our studies will include historical roots, historical landmarks, and patriotism through songs and poems.