*As shown on birth certificate or passport
Middle Name:
Chosen Name:
Gender: Male/Female
Date of Birth:
Home Address:
Home Telephone No:
Please indicate length of time resident at this address
Have you resided in the UK for the past 3 years - Yes/No
If no, please state where you have been a resident, for how long and whether you hold a British Passport
Country of Birth:
Ethnic Group:
Home Language:
1st Language:
Should an emergency occur at school it is sometimes necessary to contact a parent/carer during the daytime. Please indicate below where each parent/carer may be contacted during school hours.
Father/Carer Full Name* Mother/Carer Full Name*
*Please provide address overleaf if different from pupils *Please provide address overleaf if different from pupils
Place of Work/Contact Place of Work/Contact
Daytime Tel No: Daytime Tel No:
Mobile Tel No: Mobile Tel No:
E Mail: E Mail: _
If the nature of your occupation makes daytime contact difficult, please give the name, relationship, telephone No and location of up to three persons who may be reached in the event of an emergency to act on your behalf.
Name / Relationship / Tel No Place of ContactEducation History including address:
Present School:
Date of Leaving:
Previous School(s):
Dates From:
Name of Medical Practice:
Address/Tel No of Practice:
Special Educational Needs
Please indicate if you have any of the following recognised special needs:
Specific Learning Difficulty
Vision Impairment
Hearing impairment
Is there any other information that you think it might be helpful for the school to know:
Do you have any exam access arrangements of which you wish the school to be aware YES/NO
If yes, please give details (proof of this will be required from previous school):
Please give name and address of people with ‘parental responsibility’ if different from pupils address (Children’s
Act 1989)
Number of children in family
Position in family (ie 3rd of 4)
Siblings at Ashlyns (names)
Biometric Information – Consent Form
We currently operate a biometric system in the canteen and registration. Under legislation (The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012) we will require informed consent from at least one parent to collect and use this information. The attached sheet explains what this information is and how it is used at Ashlyns School. There are also details of our legal obligations.
Consent given by one parent will be overridden if the other parent objects in writing. Also, if a student objects, we cannot use his/her biometric information for inclusion on the system. Consent can be withdrawn at any time – in writing by parents and verbally by students. We would recommend that you discuss the right to object with your child. When the student leaves the school, or ceases to use the biometric system for any reason at all, biometric data will be securely deleted.
We will be registering students for the biometric tills in the first week of term. We will only be registering students for whom we have received consent. At the same time we will be sending the details to enable you to use our online payment system, WisePay. For those who wish there will still be the option to top up these canteen accounts by taking either cash or cheques (payable to Chartwells) to the Catering Manager either before school or at the end of break time. The tills will also take cash purchases as well, although this will be a slower method of payment and we are encouraging the move away from daily cash payment.
The school is happy to answer any questions you or your child may have. Biometric Consent
Having read the guidance provided to me by Ashlyns School, I give consent to information from the biometric fingerprint of (student’s name) being used by Ashlyns School as part of an automated biometric recognition system. I understand that I can withdraw this consent at any time in writing.
Name of Parent:
I/We accept the offer of admission to Ashlyns School for my/our child. In signing this acceptance form I/we:
· Agree to support the school in upholding its rules and guidelines.
· Agree to sign the school’s Home School Agreement.
· Undertake to ensure that he/she attends school regularly and punctually except in the case of illness.
· Undertake to ensure that he/she attends school in school dress.
· Undertake to ensure that he/she does home learning to the best of his/her ability. PLEASE SIGN THE FORM IN THE SPACE(S) INDICATED USING YOUR NORMAL SIGNATURE.
Signature of Father/Carer
Signature of Mother/Carer
Signature of Student
Biometric Information – the facts (and reassurances)
Biometric information is information about a person’s physical or behavioural characteristics that can be used to
identify them, for example, information from their fingerprint.
The information is used as part of an automated biometric recognition system. This system has taken measurements of the student’s fingerprint and converted these measurements into a template to be stored on the system. An image of the fingerprint is not stored, only an encoded extract. The template (ie measurements taken from the fingerprint) is what is used to activate the account.
Specific to our system – a partial image of each person’s finger is uploaded and then stored in an encrypted form only on the PC running the till screens and the connected image recognition units. It does not send any information back to the school database. This partial image cannot be used for any other purpose. Only the index finger/thumb of the right hand has a partial image taken, which is then converted into a number to be used for identification.
The use of the biometric system is sometimes confused with the use of biological material and biometric data in the criminal or terrorism context. The biometric systems in use in education do not precisely identify individuals in the general population in the way that police fingerprinting may do. The system merely distinguishes between different students well enough to charge the correct ones for their purchases or to mark them correctly for registration purposes. The data is not available anywhere else, it is a closed system and the data is only used in this setting. An individual’s biometric data is almost impossible to replicate making it a secure means of identification.
We need to adhere to a number of legal requirements. Some examples of these are:
(a) the school cannot use the information for any purpose other than those for which it was originally obtained and made known to the parents;
(b) the school must ensure that the information is stored securely;
(c) the school must tell you what it intends to do with the information;
(d) unless the law allows it, the school cannot disclose personal information to another person/body – you should note that the only person/body that the school wishes to share the information with is the system supplier, currently Sharps Retail Systems. This is necessary in order to run the system.
Further information and guidance
This can be found via the following links:
Department for Education’s ‘Protection of Biometric Information of Children in Schools – Advice for proprietors, governing bodies, head teachers, principals and school staff’:
ICO guide to data protection for organisations:
ICO guidance on data protection for education establishments: