Session Presenters:
Sample Agenda
Curriculum for the Moderate and Severe Cognitive Impaired Population
8:45 – 9:00 Check in, Continental Breakfast
9:00 – 9:05Introduction - Agenda
9:05 – 9:15Part 1: Overview of Project & Process
9:15 – 10:15Part 2a: Review of Curriculum Format & Content
Part 2b: General Education Core Curriculum
Activity – Find Objectives in Curriculum
10:15 – 10:30Break
10:30 – 11:30Part 3a: How to use the Curriculum to write IEP goals
Part 3b: Aligning IEP goals to State Academic Standards
Activity – Writing Goals/Objectives
12:00 – 12:45 Lunch
12:45 – 1:15Part 4: Cross-Referencing
Activity – Find Cross-Referenced Goals
1:15 – 1:30Break
1:30 – 2:15Part 5: Curriculum Appendices
2:15 – 2:45 Conclusion: Future Plans, Dreams
Wrap Up & Evaluation
Index of Handouts
Agenda 2More Practice Finding Objectives - P3
More Practice Finding Objectives – SI4
Curric. Overviews Math, ELA, SCI – P5-8
Curric. Overviews Math, ELA, SCI – SI 9-12
Writing Objectives – P13
Writing Objectives – SI14
More Practice Cross Ref. – P 15
More Practice Cross Ref. – SI16
Scenarios for Using the Curriculum17 / Needs Questionnaire – P18-19
Needs Questionnaire – SI 20-21
Observational Assess – P22-23
Observational Assess – SI 24-25
Modified Codes26
Active Learning – P27
Handwriting w/o Tears – SI28
Software Guide29
Objective Monitoring 30
Task Analysis Sample31-32
Sex Ed. Resources33
Sharing – Themes Example 34
/ More Practice on Finding Objectives
in the Participation Curriculum
1st 3 objectives are on the PowerPoint
Objectives / PE # / AG/SGStirs food without spilling.
Washes hands with soap.
Participates in simple interaction games.
Maintains proper head control in wheelchair.
Identifies self in picture.
Expresses one-word greetings (Hi, hello).
Reaches over head to assist in dressing.
Identifies characteristics of animals (mouth, tail, fur, feathers, head, torso/body, teeth, nail/claws, feathers, etc.).
Copies own name between lines from model.
Matches/recognizes or reads common signs (home, school community).
Organizes data by sorting pictures or objects.
Attends to computer game/activity.
Locates places on a map or globe (United States, Michigan, own city, other cities, other states, other countries, other continents, etc.)
* There may be more than one correct answer, because the same or similar objective can appear in different sections of the curriculum.
/ More Practice on Finding Objectivesin the Supported Ind. Curriculum
1st 3 objectives are on the PowerPoint
Objectives / PE # / AG/SGPrepares simple foods.
Washes and dries hands.
Plays cooperatively in group games.
Makes long term goals by listing ___...
Engages in __ activities during unstructured times.
Follows procedures to complete shopping…
States ways to react to strangers.
Performs packaging tasks.
Utilizes touch screen to access computer.
Sorts coins and bills.
Demonstrates use of map or globe.
Matches/recognizes/reads survival words/icons.
Identifies parts of plants (seeds, stem, leaves, roots).
* There may be more than one correct answer, because the same or similar objective can appear in different sections of the curriculum.
Curriculum Overview for MathematicsParticipation
Strand: Numbers and Operations
- Determine which has more
- Number concepts
- Patterning
- Ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, etc.)
- Part and whole
- Differentiate between themselves and others
- Sorting
- Choice making/problem solving
- Following multi-step directions
- Associate activities with the approximate time of day
- Warm vs. cold
- Comparing size
- Money concepts
- Shape concepts
- Spatial relationships
- Locating targeted areas/objects
Curriculum Overview English Language Arts
Strand: Reading
- Match/identify word, pictures, objects
- Functional words
- Survival signs
- Book exploration
- Listen/respond to questions related to text
- Using and understanding informational text/pictures
- Comprehension strategies
- Develops alternate communication strategies
- Self evaluations
- Show interest in text
- Pre/writing skills
- Rhyming and reciting concepts
- Utilizes alternate communication strategies
- Show interest in writing
- Uses language/symbols to communicate
- Uses simple grammar concepts
- Communicate appropriately to setting/situation
- Engage/maintain conversation
- Retelling familiar experiences and/or stories
- Following directions
- Attending and response skills
- Demonstrate understanding to speech and/or text
Curriculum Overview for ScienceParticipation
Strand: Constructing New Scientific Knowledge
- Responds/asks questions about the world (yes, no, choice)
- Cause and effect
- Identify/use simple devices
- Identify sources of information related to science (ie. Weather, computer, maps, television, etc.)
- Personal/family information
- Use senses to explore world
- Technology in everyday life
- Environmental awareness
- Characteristics of living vs. non-living things
- Characteristics of animals
- Identify plants and animals
- Life cycles
- Healthy lifestyles
- Five senses
- Match parent to offspring
- Features/materials of the Earth
- Attributes and properties of common objects
- Mixtures (solids and liquids)
- Electrical circuits
- Changes in matter
- Motion of objects and body
- Magnets
- Simple machines
- Sound and light concepts
- Reflections
- Features/materials of the Earth
- Conservation concepts
- Water sources
- Uses of water
- Weather concepts
- Weather safety
- Sun and moon
Curriculum Overview for MathematicsSupported Independence
Strand: Numbers and Operations
- Quantitative concepts (more, less, equal, greater than,
- Rote counting
- Number order
- Ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, etc.)
- Part, whole, and fractions
- Number patterns
- Basic addition and subtraction
- Gather and organize data
- Sorting
- Using graphs
- Calendars and schedules
- One to one correspondence
- Story problems
- Time concepts
- Calendar concepts
- Temperature, volume, length
- Money concepts
- Shape concepts
- Spatial relationships
- Knowledge of routes in the school
- Directional Terms
- Map Concepts
Curriculum Overview English Language ArtsSupported Independence
Strand: Reading
- Recognize words paired with pictures/objects
- Sound/Letter Correlation
- Word families, blends, and syllables
- Functional words/schedules/familiar tasks
- Survival signs
- Personal information
- Content area words (math, science, etc.)
- Sight Words
- Concepts of print/punctuation cues
- Relating literature to personal experiences
- Text genres (stories, poetry, songs)
- Story elements (characters, setting, sequence, etc.)
- Fiction vs. fact
- Using informational/functional text (calendars, cookbooks, newspapers, etc.)
- Text patterns (sequencing, cause/effect, problem/solution)
- Using pictures to clarify text
- Follow written directions (recipe, project, etc.)
- Using prior knowledge (make predictions, draw conclusions)
- Retell, summarize events of story
- Making connections (characters/themes)
- Ask questions/apply information from content area text
- Self-monitoring comprehension strategies
- Graphic organizers (lists, story maps, venn-diagrams)
- Assess/evaluate personal work
- Show interest in reading
- Create personal narrative
- Exploring poetic language (rhyming)
- Write for functional purpose
- Brainstorming for class project
- Appropriate audience for book/s
- Organizational writing strategies (outline, story map)
- Writing personal information
- Editing
- Express original ideas
- Use simple/compound sentences
- Spelling
- Handwriting
- Shows interest in writing
Curriculum Overview English Language ArtsSupported Independence - continued
Strand: Speaking, Listening, and Viewing
- Uses grammatical structures correctly
- Effective communication for different audiences/purposes
- Using appropriate voice volume
- Communicate appropriately to setting/situation
- Engage/maintain appropriate conversation
- Retelling main ideas/themes of stories
- Sequencing
- Plan and deliver simple presentations
- Listen and respond appropriately in conversation
- Demonstrate understanding to speech and/or text
- Identify purpose of speech (persuasive, informative, functional)
- Following directions (one-step, two-step, complex)
Curriculum Overview Science
Supported Independence
Strand: Constructing New Scientific Knowledge- Asks questions to gather information about the world (“wh” questions)
- Scientific investigations/observations
- Identify/use simple devices
- Identify sources of information related to science (i.e. Weather, computer, maps, television, etc.)
- Displaying scientific information (Charts, graphs, etc.)
- True/false/fact/opinion
- Identifying need and sources of help
- Relating science through arts
- Relating science through common activities
- Technology in everyday life (advantages and risks)
- Environmental awareness
- Characteristics of living vs. non-living things
- Characteristics of animals/plants
- Differences between plants and animals
- Match/sequence life cycles
- Food groups
- Healthy lifestyles
- Five senses
- Match parent to offspring
- Survival and extinction
- Basic needs of plants and animals
- Ecosystems (natural habitat vs. manmade)
- Attributes and properties of common objects
- Mixtures (solids and liquids)
- Electrical circuits
- Electrical safety
- Changes in matter
- Motion of objects and body
- Magnets
- Simple machines
- Sound and light concepts
- Reflections and shadows
Curriculum Overview Science
Supported Independence - continued
Strand: Using Earth Science Knowledge- Features/materials of the Earth
- Geological events (earthquakes and volcanoes)
- Conservation concepts
- Water (solid/liquid)
- Water sources
- Safety precautions associated with water
- Uses of water
- Weather concepts
- Weather safety
- Identify sources of information related to weather
- Seasonal changes
- Solar system
- Conditions that support life on earth
/ Activity – Write IEP Goals/ObjectivesUsing the Participation Curriculum
•Use the Participation Curriculum and the following sample PLAAFP (Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance) to create an:
instructional area
annual goal
and short term objective(s)
•Add ABCD elements. (Audience, Behavior, Condition, Degree)
Sample Student PLAAFPStudent: Tammy TigerBirthdate: 9/9/96
Tammy does not participate in the general curriculum due to limited cognitive functioning.
Based on assessment data, Tammy’s cognitive functioning requires use of adaptive curricular materials and extensions of the GE curriculum frameworks for successful participation in all areas of her education.Tammy has a severe cognitive disability and requires assistance in skill building (etc.) The Michigan Curriculum Model Participation level, along with the EGLCE’s are used for identifying goals and objectives.
* This statement may need to be adjusted when standards based IEP’s are defined.
* Please check with your district on opening statement requirements.
- When a familiar work assignment has been given to Tammy, she does not initiate the work assignment until verbally prompted 100% of the time.
- Tammy independently initiates the same leisure activity every day (a puzzle). She will do 5 other leisure activities with prompts, but does not initiate any of them.
- Tammy attempts to gain a person’s attention by grabbing or hitting on 3 of 5 occasions.
- Tammy is nonverbal and uses a picture exchange to communicate her desires when the picture of the desired object is placed in front of her and within 10 feet away. Her accuracy is 60% when selecting from 2 pictures for the item she desires.
5.During lunch, Tammy feeds herself with a plate guard on her plate, but has spillage onto the table 80% of the time.
- Tammy identifies money as “money” and can carry a wallet. She has difficulty making an exchange of pre-counted money for a purchase and drops it on 2 of 5 occasions.
- Tammy does not consistently recognize the symbols for the restrooms with 40% accuracy, and she will walk into the wrong bathroom one time per week.
Student: Tammy Tiger IEP Goal
Instructional Area: ______
Annual Goal: ______
Short Term Objective(s):______
/ Activity – Write IEP Goals/ObjectivesUsing the Supported Ind. Curriculum
•Use the Supported Independence Curriculum and the following sample PLAAFP (Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance) to create an:
instructional area
annual goal
and short term objective(s)
•Add ABCD elements. (Audience, Behavior, Condition, Degree)
Sample Student PLAAFPStudent: Terry TigerBirthdate: 9/9/96
Terry does not participate in the general curriculum due to limited cognitive functioning
Based on assessment data, Terry’s cognitive functioning requires use of adaptive curricular material and extensions of the GE curriculum frameworks for successful participation in all areas of his education.
Terry has a moderate cognitive disability and requires assistance in the areas of skill building, (etc). The Michigan Curriculum Supported Independence level, along with the EGLCE’s are used for identifying goals and objectives.* This statement may need to be adjusted when standards based IEP’s are defined.
* Please check with your district on opening statement requirements.
- Terry pays for items using the one more Dollar Bill Method when rehearsed 4 out of 5 times. He is unable to use combinations of bills in the community, even when rehearsed.
- Terry initiates work assignments 4 out of 5 times, however, only completes an average of 25% of the tasks.
- Terry uses public transportation 0% of the time. Terry has expressed an interest in using a bus to get around in his community.
4.After lunch, Terry takes care of his tray 4/5 times independently, but never wipes the table clean, even though there are spills daily.
- Terry does recognize the symbols for restroom, but does not recognize any survival signs for danger or emergency symbols.
- Terry comes to school neatly groomed. After lunch, his face needs washing 100% of the time. Terry washes his face when prompted, but only initiates face washing 1 out of 5 times.
- Terry asks the same questions over and over during conversation, even when he knows the answer 100% of the time.
Student: Terry Tiger IEP Goal
Instructional Area: ______
Annual Goal: ______
Short Term Objective(s):____________
/ Activity –More Practice Finding Cross-Referenced GoalsIn the Participation Curriculum
This example is the same as on the PowerPoint.
1st Find PE #1, Goal: I A: Interacts with others during leisure activities.
2nd List up to 5 of the cross-referenced goals for the above goal.
PE # / AG #/STG / Goal Statement from OutlinePE #1 Pro / II E / Participates in games.
PE #2 Soc / VII C
PE #2 Soc / VII D
PE #3 Com / VIII I
1st Find PE #4, Goal: XI G: Participates in Eating Routine.
2nd List up to 5 of the cross-referenced goals for the above goal.
PE # / AG #/STG / Goal Statement1st Find PE #6, Goal: XV C1:Calendar
2nd List up to 5 of the cross-referenced goals for the above goal.
PE # / AG #/STG / Goal Statement1st Find PE #3, Goal: I D: Increases Work Habits.
2nd List up to 5 of the cross-referenced goals for the above goal.
PE # / AG #/STG / Goal Statement/ Activity –More Practice Finding Cross-Referenced Goals
In the Supported Ind. Curriculum
This example is the same as on the PowerPoint.
1st Find PE #1, Goal: I A: Improves Eating/Drinking Skills
2nd List up to 5 of the cross-referenced goals for the above goal.
PE # / AG #/STG / Goal Statement from OutlinePE #1 P C / II B / Nutrition
PE #2 Dom / II B
PE #4 Com / II C
#9 Ac / II A4
#9 Ac / IV A4
1st Find PE #2, Goal: III A: Increases Laundry Skills.
2nd List up to 5 of the cross-referenced goals for the above goal.
PE # / AG #/STG / Goal Statement1st Find PE #4, Goal: II B: Increases Shopping Skills.
2nd List up to 5 of the cross-referenced goals for the above goal.
PE # / AG #/STG / Goal Statement1st Find Sec.#9, Goal: II C2: Writing Skills
2nd List up to 5 of the cross-referenced goals for the above goal.
PE # / AG #/STG / Goal StatementScenarios for Using the Model Curriculum and Appendices
- Student has an IEP:
- Get Parent Input for goals/objectives.
Ex. Needs Questionnaire – Handout pg. 19-22
(from Parent Input Appendix)
- Review assessment data.
Ex. Observational Assessment Booklet – Handout pg. __
(Sample page from Record Keeping Tools Appendix).
- Identify goals/objectives from curriculum
- Determine if there are any State standards related to goal/objectives:
Ex. Curric. Overviews for Math, ELA and Science – Handout pg. __
Ex. EGLECs Cross-Referenced to P/SI Curriculum Documents –
(from Cross-Reference Appendix)
- Write IEP annual goal/short term objectives
- Provide instruction on goals and objectives:
- Determine best practices/strategies to use:
Ex. Active Learning (P) – Handout pg. ___
Ex. Handwriting Without Tears(SI) – Handout pg. ___
(from Methodologies/Best Practices Appendix).
- Determine if technology resources available related to goal/objectives.
Ex. Software guide - Handout pg. ___
(from Technology Resources Appendix)
- Determine how to monitor student progress:
- Progress Charting
Ex. Progress Chart Form – Handout pgs. ______
(from Record Keeping Tools Appendix)
- Task Analysis
Ex. Fast Food Restaurant Task Analysis– Handout pg. ___
(from Task Analysis Forms Appendix)
- If you want to develop your school’s Sex Education Program,
- Search for Materials/Resources
Ex. Resources – Handout pg. ___
(from Human Sexuality Appendix)
- If you want to develop themes/instruction that aligns with State Standards:
- Use EGLECs Cross-Referenced to P/SI Curriculum Documents
(from Cross-Reference Appendix)
- Use Teacher Share Network
Ex: Sample of Heartwood Themes for SCI – Handout pg. ___
Student Name______Age______
Homeroom Teacher ______School Year______
Please return to Homeroom Teacher by: ______
Purpose: The purpose of this form is to get parent/guardian input for selecting goals and objectives for the upcoming IEP. The following areas are from the Participation Curriculum.
Directions: Please select only (3) items on the entire form that you feel are priority areas for your child to be working on for this IEP year. In the Comments area, please describe or give examples of specific skills you would like addressed. Please refer to outline of the curriculum content for more specific content description.