Registration Assistance
- Make sure you are registering students for the correct term
- You must clear an advisee for them to be able to register themselves in MyCSU- Here are the steps:
Advisor clearance is used for all traditional undergraduate students. An advisor must grant clearance for their advisees to enable registration to occur by the advisor or the student. If you register a student and do not clear them in MyCSU, they will be unable to drop or add after the initial registration.
To clear an advisee through MyCSU, log into MyCSU and click on the Faculty tab and then click on Student Advising:
- Next, change the advisee status to Needs Registration Clearance and make sure you are using the current term and hit search.
- If you are ready to clear your advisee, click on grant and they are cleared to be registered by you or on their own.
- Students need to complete the Registration Agreement in their MyCSU account before you can register them (you will see this message on your MyCSU; the students just need to log into their MyCSU and click on academics and then answer yes. If you see that message and the student is with you, have them log into their MyCSU account, click on Academics and check yes. The Registration Agreement resets itself monthly.
- If the student has a hold(s), please send them to the appropriate office(s) to have the hold cleared. Most holds are unable to be overridden in MyCSU or Jenzabar. However, math placement ‘holds’, which are used for advising purposes, are not true holds. These are placed on the record to assist you in placing them in the proper math class based on testing. Our office will remove the holds once the math requirement is completed.
- To register a traditional student in a CAPS class (Sections 45, 46 or 47) we need an add form with the Dean of their major’s signature; there is also an additional $180.00 charge per course
- Please don’t forget to use the Advising worksheets to help you advise and register students; please notify our office if you find any errors in the audits; if courses fall into the courses do not apply section, check to see if the student is in 12 hours toward their degree, if they are, they are fine, if not, you will need to drop those courses as Financial Aid will not cover them or add additional classes toward the degree.
- Please make sure you pay attention to prereqs and error messages on individual courses. Do not override the prerequisite error on a course if the student is not currently in the course. If you would like to override a prerequisite error, because the student is currently in the course, here is how:
To override a prerequisite error:
When you add a student to a class that has a prerequisite of a course and that course requires a certain grade and the student is currently in the course, here is how you override the message. Register the student for the course like any other course and if you see this message, click on Override Errors:
The student will then be placed into the course:
Thanks for all you do and as always don’t hesitate to call me843-863-7991