· Can you clarify what the district means by the term "Benefit Interpretations"? I assume this is an employee benefit communication/education piece but am not certain. If you have a sample from prior years, that will suffice in illustrating what the district is looking for here. This is correct. Also includes coming and doing onsite enrollment meetings.
· As regards SUSD making comparisons of costs between vendors, has the district's current broker/consultant disclosed all sources of revenue in place today as well as associated amounts? These often include items such as:
Yes, the current broker has disclosed its compensation. At this time the District chooses to not share this information in order to maintain the integrity of the RFP (*).
A. Commissions on stop-loss/reinsurance – *
B. Commissions on Life and other forms of insurance – *
C. Add-ons for the various vendors:
1. TPA - *
2. Utilization Review - *
3. Prescription Drug dispense or administration fees - *
4. Revenue sharing on programs calculated on a percentage of savings – *
D. Brokerage and/or consulting fees - *
· If the answer to #3 is "Yes", is the district able to share what the current compensation is? *
· Is the district using an actuary to set its loss funding and determine it’s incurred but not reported (IBNR) liabilities for its financial statements? If so, can you advise as to the name of the firm providing these services and whether they are included in the above compensation or are in addition to it? Yes, actuarial services are included in our services as needed.
· Is the district's plan on a July 01 - June 30 or a calendar year for budget and rate purposes? Also, what are the dates for the next open enrollment? The renewal is 7/01/12 (contract term is 7/01/12 through 6/30/13), the open enrollment date is TBD (currently projected during the first week of May, 2012).
· Third Party Administrator-Current commission, bonus, and override fees paid by Gilsbar to Benefit Intelligence. *
· Reinsurance-Current commission, bonus, and override fees paid by the vendor to Benefit Intelligence. *
· Pharmacy Benefit Manager- Current commission, bonus, and override fees paid by the vendor to Benefit Intelligence. *
· Provider Network-Current commission, bonus, and override fees paid by Blue Cross Blue Shield to Benefit Intelligence. *
· Exhibit 2, Proposer’s Questionnaire. “Do you have any experience developing Benefit Interpretations (BI’s) for a health plan?” Please define Benefit Interpretations. Please see first item, top of page 1.
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· How many total eligible employees? 244 (currently for FY2012)
· How many on Health Plan? 220 (currently for FY2012)
· How Many on Life Plan? 237 (currently for FY2012)
· How many on Vision Plan? 234 (currently for FY2012)
· Monthly Health Premium paid? $ 361.54 (District contribution to employee premium –
currently for FY2012).
$22,981.86 (District monthly premium to current provider –
currently for FY2012).
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