Table S4.Generalized linear modelGLM analysis comparingthe number of saplings (nsaplings)among the three treatments of different thinning intensities (Control, Weak, Intensive) for dominant hardwood species.Akaike’s information criteria (AICs) were calculated both for the full model and −–Thinn model. Significantly smaller AIC value (ΔAIC < 2) was expressed by bold face (sensu McCarthy 2007).
Parameters / Devience / AICVariables / Estimated / SE / P / Null / Residual / Full model / -Thinn model
Cornus controversa(Cc)
Intercept / 4.258 / 0.069 / ***
Thinning (Control) / −-2.792 / 0.286 / ***
Thinning (Weak) / −-1.506 / 0.161 / ***
316.722 / 68.838 / 115.597 / 359.480
Acer rufinerve(Ar)
Intercept / 2.367 / 0.177 / ***
Thinning (Control) / −-2.773 / 0.729 / ***
Thinning (Weak) / −-1.163 / 0.362 / **
51.606 / 17.306 / 48.085 / 78.386
Sambucus sieboldiana (Ss)
Intercept / 1.846 / 0.229 / ***
Thinning (Control) / −-1.153 / 0.468 / *
Thinning (Weak) / −-0.999 / 0.442 / *
37.437 / 28.301 / 55.932 / 61.068
Aralia elata (Ae)
Intercept / 1.735 / 0.243 / ***
Thinning (Control) / -1.735 / 0.626 / **
Thinning (Weak) / -1.042 / 0.475 / *
35.725 / 23.596 / 47.998 / 56.126
Juglans ailanthifolia (Ja)
Intercept / 1.386 / 0.289 / ***
Thinning (Control) / −-1.792 / 0.764 / *
Thinning (Weak) / −-2.485 / 1.041 / *
24.055 / 9.928 / 29.954 / 40.082
Acer mono(Am)
Intercept / 1.097 / 0.333 / ***
Thinning (Control) / −-1.504 / 0.782 / ns
Thinning (Weak) / −-0.251 / 0.504 / ns
14.368 / 9.306 / 34.272 / 35.334
Stylax japonica (Sj)
Intercept / 0.981 / 0.354 / **
Thinning (Control) / −-1.386 / 0.791 / ns
Thinning (Weak) / 0.223 / 0.474 / ns
34.566 / 28.355 / 49.384 / 51.594
Acer cissifolium(Ac)
Intercept / 0.981 / 0.354 / **
Thinning (Control) / -2.079 / 1.061 / *
Thinning (Weak) / -0.470 / 0.570 / ns
22.993 / 16.760 / 36.297 / 38.530
Viburnum diatatum (Vd)
Intercept / 0.847 / 0.378 / *
Thinning (Control) / −-1.946 / 1.069 / ns
Thinning (Weak) / −-1.253 / 0.802 / ns
22.166 / 16.231 / 32.502 / 34.438
Acer palmatum var. matsumurae(Ap)
Intercept / −-0.406 / 0.707 / ns
Thinning (Control) / 1.253 / 0.802 / ns
Thinning (Weak) / 0.000 / 1.000 / ns
25.601 / 21.397 / 37.818 / 38.022
***, P < 0.001; **, P < 0.01; *, P < 0.05; ns, non-significant.