Application for the Kōtuku
Emerging Leaders Programme
To apply, please complete the following documentation and submit it to by 9am Monday October 30, 2017.
Please attach the following 5 separate documents to your email:
Why do you want to be a Kōtuku Emerging Leader?
This is the fun part and your chance to really stand out from the crowd. Be creative and have fun with this part of the application: essay, photo essay, vlog, blog, you name it! We just want to know the following:
· Tell us what excites you about developing your leadership skills at this time in your career
· Explain why you want to be part of this programme in particular
· Summarise your leadership experience to date, identifying what prior leadership training you’ve had and what impact it’s had on your career
· Describe a challenge you’re currently facing, or a project that you’d like to be involved in, that will require you to use your leadership skills over the next year
· Visualise where you see yourself in 5 years time, and how participation in this programme would contribute to achieving this
· Explore how developing your leadership skills would benefit your association (LIANZA, Te Rōpū Whakahau, or Museums Aotearoa), and the wider GLAM sector
Tell us what you think is important to the GLAM sector
The ideas from this part of the application will be used within the Programme. You can submit this information in any form you choose, but please include a text transcript if you use a non-text medium. You can make this specific to your industry.
What do you think the top 3 issues are facing your profession in New Zealand today? Why?
Give us 3 projects you think LIANZA or other professional associations could undertake to help prepare the New Zealand GLAM sector for a thriving future. How?
Share 3 ideas that LIANZA or other professional associations could use to help develop leadership capacity in the GLAM sector.
Support Systems
Please provide brief answers to the following questions, and add any relevant comments that will help us provide you with the support you need:
1. What opportunities within your workplace, wider organisation or community do you have to develop your leadership skills during the programme?
2. Do you have a senior colleague in your workplace, wider organisation or community who is willing to mentor you? (We work with successful applicants to select an appropriate mentor so there’s no need for you to set one up before you apply).
3. To what extent are you already involved with LIANZA or other professional association groups? (e.g. member of committee or working party, attending events, personal networks)
4. Do you have access to a computer and internet at home as well as at work?
5. Do you have the time, and the support of your family/friends, to commit to 12-15 hours a week for 8 months?
Curriculum Vitae
We need to know about your experience within the sector! Please submit a current CV with any relevant activities within LIANZA or other professional organisations.
Please supply the details of two referees who would be willing to talk with the selection panel about your suitability for the Programme.
Include their contact details, job titles if appropriate, and an indication of their relationship with you.
If you have any questions about the application process, or the LIANZA Emerging Leaders Programme, please contact the LIANZA Leadership Facilitator, Jane Cherry.