For this project Follow all instructions and the project must be complete. This project is due on Monday October 23. This is an out of class project and will count as a test grade. You may hand your project in early for up to a max of 5 pointsof extra credit. NO LATE PROJECTS WILL BE ACCEPTED.You should have plenty of pictures and cite at least 3 sources. (DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA, my notes, OR YOUR TEXTBOOK) Grading Rubric is on the back. This is an example of an acceptable cited source from the internet:
1.Create an informative power point presentation on the 3 types of pollution. You should describe point and non-point pollution sources. Give at least 5 examples in the world today of each type of pollution. Discuss the clean air act 1963, andFederal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972. Explain what the superfund is and what it is used for. Last explain how a modern solid waste facility works. You should use graphs, pictures, and other visuals in your presentation.
2.Create an informative power point presentation on The Chesapeake Bay. You should discuss in detail how the bay formed, majorgeologic events that have effected the bay. You should discuss in detail the current issues surrounding the bay and list the source points of pollution that currently impact the bay. Give an opinion paragraph on what you could do to assist in the recovery of the bay. Define what theChesapeake Bay watershed is and what states the bays watershed comes from and list the major tributaries to the bay. You should have plenty of pictures.
3. Create a picture book on the 3 types of pollution. You should describe point and non-point pollution sources. Give at least 5 examples in the world today of each type of pollution. Discuss the clean air act of 1963, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972. Explain what the superfund is and what is used for. Last explain how a modern solid waste facility works. You should use graphs, pictures, and other visuals in your presentation. You can hand draw your pictures, graphs etc.
Beginning2 / Developing
3 / Accomplished
4 / Exemplary
5 / Score
Information / Little to no information on topic selected. Information is incomplete or incorrect. . / Some information on topic selected. Information is incomplete or incorrect / Information on topic selected. Information is nearly complete with no or few errors. . / Information on topic selected is clear, concise, complete and accurate. .
Presentation / Presentation does not follow directions. Presentation is incomplete, unorganized and sloppy. / Presentation follows some directions. Presentation is incomplete,
unorganized or sloppy. / Presentation follows directions. Presentation is nearly complete, organized and neat. / Presentation follows all directions. Presentation is complete, organized and neat
Grammar and spelling / Information is misspelled, in pencil, and there are many grammatical errors / Information is misspelled in pencil and there are some grammatical errors. / Information is generally free from misspellings and there are little or no grammatical errors. / Information contains no misspelled words and there are no grammatical errors.
Sources / Sources are not listed or listed in the correct format. / Some sources are listed but are formatted incorrectly / Most sources are listed and are in the correct format / All sources are clearly listed in the correct format
Total Score