September 4, 2016


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Welcome to Memorial Lutheran Church!! Memorial exists for students like you. Our building is open from 8:30 AM to 11 PM, Sunday through Friday, and from 10 AM to

7 PM on Saturday. You are welcome to find your own study space. Coffee, tea, and sometimes snacks are available in the kitchenette (next to the Student Center). We also have free Wi-Fi.

F.I.S.H (Friday International Student Hospitality) Dinner

Join us next Sunday for our first free breakfast pizza from 10:30-11 on the east side of Fellowship Hall before the 11 AM service.

Student Fellowship will meet on Wednesdays at 8:30 PM in the Student Center. Join us this Wednesday, August 25, for Christian songs, a devotion, prayers, and a snack.

If you attended the Youth Gathering in New Orleans this summer, please join us for our services September 25 to celebrate the Gathering.


In our prayers(email prayer requests to )Mary Gillette is recovering from surgery,


Today is “Mite Box Sunday”. Please put your contribution in a plain envelope labeled “mites” and take it to the church office. Make your checks out to Women of Memorial as they have their own account.

Confirmation instruction begins on September 7. 6th grade will meet in the 7th Grade will meet in the 8th Grade will meet in

If your child will be new to Sunday Schoolat Memorial in the fall, please contact the church office so we can be sure to get them on the list. We want to make sure we have enough materials for everyone. Children who are 3 years old by September 1 and potty-trained are eligible for the Pre-School class.

Sunday School will begin next Sundaywith our Rally Day service. We will be asking parents of Sunday School children to bless their children. Parents are also asked to take their children to their classrooms to meet their teachers. There will be no music time until the 18th. During class on the 11th a Bible story book will be given to new preschoolers, a pin to Kindergartners, a Bible to 3rd graders, and a catechism to 6th graders.

"Fermenting the Faith” Young Adult Bible Study – Begins Tuesday, September 6th

at 8:00 PM in the "Iowa State" room at Olde Main - All graduate students and young professionals are invited to join us for weekly Bible study and Christian fellowship. Please contact Pastor Dave, Hannah Worral (), or Kristine Neu () for more information."


Memorial on Facebook—like our pages:LSFatMLC-(Lutheran Student Fellowship

at Memorial Lutheran Church), Families at MLC, and International Student Ministries

An option for worship—beginning next Sunday we will resume our special worship service at 10 AM in the MLC Student Center. Parents can attend while their children are in Sunday School and the service will be simplified for internationals who may be attending.

Memorial’s music groups:


6 PM -Beginning Bells II – Director, John Anderson ()

7 PM -Memorial Bells – Director, Kirsten Reineke ()


7 PM -Memorial Choir – Director, Jackson Daubitz ()

8:15 PM -Memorial Brass – Director, Alec Garringer ()

International Student Ministry...Contact Judy () if you are interested in helping with the following:

Serving as a conversation partner—Do you have an hour during the week to help an international practice their English? You will receive guidance to get started including ideas for topics or activities.

Part-time afternoon childcare position open, available immediately at Ames Christian School. It is 13 hours per week. Contact Julie Long at Have a blessed day!


(Sept. 4-Sept. 11)

Today8:30 AMWorship Service (HC)

9:40 AM Sunday School

10:00 AMInternational Bible Study

10:00 AMAdult Bible Study

11:00 AMWorship Service (HC)


Tuesday6:00 PM Beginning Bells- Organ Loft

7:00 PM Memorial Bells- Organ Loft

7:00 PM Property Committee Meeting- Office

Wednesday 11:00 AMWomen’s Bible Break – Cardinal Room

????????Confirmation - Fellowship Hall

8:30 PM Fellowship- Student Center

Thursday 1:00 PMMen’s Bible Study – Cardinal Room

7:00 PM Memorial Choir- Organ Loft

8:15 PM Memorial Brass- Organ Loft

Friday - 6:00 PM F.I.S.H (Friday International Student Hospitality) Dinner

Saturday5:00 PMInformal Worship (HC) – Student Center

Sunday 8:30 AMWorship Service (HC)

10:00 AMInternational Bible Study

11:00 AMWorship Service (HC)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Helping with worship – Preacher: Mark Heilman;Communion Asst: Chuck Robinson:Organist: Zach Heilman; Reader: (8:30 AM)David Heddendorf: (11 AM) ???????????????; Sound Tech: (8:30 AM) Tyler Teske, (11AM) Norm Weitzel; Visual Tech: (8:30 AM)Luke Heilman, (11AM) Carl Balvanz; Greeters: David & Dianne Brotherson, Ted & Pam Millen; Ushers:(Sat. 5 PM)Lynn Nehls; (8:30 AM)Aaron & Carter Clayberg, Bruce & Karsten Battles; (11 AM) Beta Sigma Psi Fraternity; Altar Guild: Joyce Meier, Janis Meier, Donna Heilman, Natalie Battles. Thank you for your service!

Memorial Lutheran Church and Student Center

2228 W. Lincoln Way, Ames, Iowa 50014


Email: Office Phone: 515-292-5005

“By this, people will know that we are Jesus’ disciples,

as we love one another, teach His Word, and serve all people.”

September 4, 2016


Mark Heilman, Senior Pastor.....home phone: 232-4595; email:

David Beagley, Associate Pastor...home phone: 292-7542; email:

Richard Osslund, Pastor Emeritus...... email:

Judy Newhouse, Coordinator of International Ministry......

phone: 292-5005; email:

Jeanne Noack, Admin. Asst...... office phone: 292-5005; email:

Lyle Groth, Director of Volunteers..cell phone: 451-0573; email:

Kebede & Workitu, Agricultural Missionaries...... email:

mail: Ethiopian Evangelical Church MekaneYesus, Tabor Congregation,

PO Box 49, Awasa, Ethiopia


Saturday:5:00 PMInformal Worship (Holy Communion each week)

Sunday:8:30 AMTraditional Worship (Holy Communion 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays)

Sunday:11:00 AMTraditional Worship (Holy Communion each week)


Office: Monday-Friday – 8 AM-4:30 PMSunday – 8 AM-11 AM

Building: Sunday-Friday – 8 AM-11 PMSaturday – 10 AM-7 PM

Sharing in Holy Communion—We invite you to read the following statement of faith about Holy Communion. This is our statement of faith. If it is your statement of faith, we invite you to share the Holy Communion with us. The Lord's Supper is celebrated at Memorial in the confession and glad confidence that, as Christ says, He gives into our mouths not only bread and wine but also his very body and blood to eat and drink for the forgiveness of sins and to strengthen our union with Him and with one another. Our Lord invites to His table those who trust His words, repent of all sin, and set aside any refusal to forgive and love as He forgives and loves us, that we may show forth His love for all until He comes. If you desire to commune with us, we ask that you fill out a blue registration card in the pew rack in front of you and hand it to the usher when you come forward to commune. This helps us to get to know the many worshippers who come to Memorial.