.02.01D Certificate Conspicuously Displayed

●The certificate of reg shall be displayed conspicuously in a location where it can easily be seen and read by parents.

.03.04A Emergency Card

●Emergency information for each child shall be maintained on a form supplied or approved by the licensing agency.

●Emergency forms for children currently in care shall be kept readily accessible, including during off-site activities.

●Each child's emergency form shall be updated as needed, but at least annually, and signed and dated by the parent.

.03.05C-E Notification of Changes

●The licensing agency shall be notified immediately of a change in residents, operation, telephone number, or the provider's residence.

●The licensing agency shall be notified immediately of a pending criminal charge against an individual who has responsibilities for supervising children in care.

●The licensing agency shall be notified immediately of a pending criminal charge against a resident in the home.

●The licensing agency shall be notified immediately of any situation involving the home that may present a risk to the health, safety, or welfare of children in care there.

●Within 5 working days after an existing resident turns 18 or after there is a new resident in the home who is 18 or older, the provider shall submit a signed and notarized release form giving the licensing agency permission to examine records of abuse and neglect of children and adults for information about the resident.

●Within 5 working days after an existing resident turns 18 or there is a new resident in the home who is 18 or older, the resident shall apply for a federal and State criminal background check.

●Within 15 working days after notifying the licensing agency of a new resident, the provider or substitute shall submit a medical report on the resident, on a form supplied or approved by the licensing agency, that is based on a medical evaluation completed within the previous 12 months; or submit evidence that a medical evaluation of the resident has been scheduled.

.04.03 Child Capacity

●The number of children present in care at any one time may not exceed the child capacity number stated on the certificate of registration.

●Care may not be provided at any one time to more than two children younger than 2 years old unless approved by the licensing agency.

●Whenever more than two children younger than 2 years old are present in care, an additional adult shall be present who has met the all applicable requirements.

●The maximum total capacity of a family child care home may not exceed eight children, of whom not more than four may be younger than 2 years old.

.05.03 Cleanliness and Sanitation

●All areas of the home, including food preparation, service, and storage areas shall be maintained in a state of cleanliness so as not to endanger the children's health.

●Paper towels, a trash receptacle, soap, and toilet paper shall be placed within reach of a child capable of using the toilet without assistance.

●Trash, garbage, and wet or soiled diapers shall be disposed of in a clean and sanitary manner.

●After toileting and diapering, before food preparation and eating, after playing outdoors, after handling animals, and at other times when necessary to prevent the spread of disease, the provider or substitute shall wash the provider's or substitute's hands thoroughly with soap and warm running water.

●After toileting and diapering, before food preparation and eating, after playing outdoors, after handling animals, and at other times when necessary to prevent the spread of disease, the provider or substitute shall ensure that a child's hands are washed thoroughly, by the provider or by the child, with soap and warm running water.

●A child's diaper, clothing, and bedding shall promptly be changed when soiled or wet.

●Diapering procedures established and supplied by the licensing agency shall be followed.

●All diapering surfaces shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary manner.

●If used, portable toilets, also known as potty-chairs, shall be placed on a nonabsorbent surface or mat.

●If used, portable toilets, also known as potty-chairs, shall be located away from food preparation, food service, and eating areas.

●If used, portable toilets, also known as potty-chairs, shall be cleaned and sanitized after each use in accordance with procedures established by the licensing agency.

.05.04 Rooms Used For Care

●An area of the home may be used for child care only if it has been approved for use by the licensing agency.

●An area of the home may be used for child care only if it meets all applicable fire codes.

●An area of the home may be used for child care only if it does not have a condition that may pose a risk to children in care.

●An area of the home may be used for child care only if it has windows or artificial lighting that provides sufficient illumination for child activities.

●An area of the home may be used for child care only if it has natural or mechanical ventilation to provide a healthy and comfortable environment.

●An area of the home may be used for child care only if it has sufficient floor area to allow the children in care to engage in active play without overcrowding.

●An area of the home may be used for child care only if it has a room temperature of not less than 65° F.

●In rooms where a child younger than 5 is in care, all electrical sockets within reach of the child shall be plugged or capped.

●In rooms where a child younger than 5 is in care, suitable protective barriers shall be placed at accessible and potentially hazardous locations.

●In rooms where a child younger than 5 is in care, child-proof devices must be placed on cabinets and drawers containing potentially hazardous items.

●A window covering installed before October 1, 2010, shall not have exposed or unsecured cords, beads, ropes, or strings.

●A window covering installed on or after October 1, 2010, shall be cordless.

●If approved to provide care for inf or tod, the provider shall designate space for mothers to breastfeed or express breast milk that: 1. Is not located in a bathroom; 2. has access to an electrical outlet; 3. Has appropr seating; 4. Has access to running water; and 5. Accommodates a mothers need for privacy.

.05.05 Outdoor Activity Area

●There shall be ample, accessible space for outdoor activity that is free from conditions that may be dangerous to the health or safety of children in care.

●If required by the licensing agency, the outdoor activity area shall be enclosed to protect children in care from accessible hazards such as a heavily trafficked area, a body of water, or environmental hazards.

.05.06 Rest Furnishings

●The home shall have clean linen and adequate furnishings for rest periods that are comfortable, durable, safe, and appropriate for the ages of the children in care.

●Each child shall have an individual place to rest that is not used by any other child or resident unless the linens are changed between users.

●The provider shall furnish for each child approved for care in the home who is younger than 12 months old, a crib, portable crib, or playpen.

●The provider shall furnish for each child approved for care in the home who is at least 12 months old and younger than 5 years old, a bed, cot, mat, or sleeping bag, except as provided in §D of this regulation.

●Upon request by the child's parent, the provider shall furnish a crib, portable crib, or playpen as the resting place of a child who is at least 12 months old and younger than 2 years old.

●Each crib, portable crib, and playpen that is used for child care shall meet the standards of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

●Soft bedding items, including but not limited to pillows, quilts, comforters, and crib bumpers, may not be used as rest furnishings for a child who uses a crib.

●Each child in overnight care shall sleep in a separate bed or crib that is appropriate to the child's age, size, and needs.

●Each child in overnight care shall have separate clean linens and toiletries.

.06.02 Training Requirements

●During the first year of registration, a provider shall successfully complete 18 clock hours of the licensing agency-approved training.

●By the end of each 12-month period after the first full year of registration, a provider shall successfully complete a total of 12 clock hours of approved continued training that consists of: (a) at least 6 clock hours of core of knowledge training; and (b) not more than 6 clock hours of elective training.

●To maintain an initial registration or a continuing registration approved before July 1, 2010, a provider shall complete approved training on emergency and disaster planning as directed by the licensing agency, if the provider has not already completed that training.

●The provider shall maintain a professional development plan as required by the licensing agency.

●Continued training completed by the provider shall be consistent with the provider's professional development plan.

●Continued training completed by the provider shall be documented on the professional development plan.

●The provider shall maintain current certification in approved basic first aid and CPR at all times.

●If applicable, the additional adult shall maintain current certification in approved basic first aid and CPR at all times.

●A provider approved for an infant-toddler capacity of more than two children younger than 2 years old shall complete 3 semester hours or 45 clock hours of approved training, or the equivalent, related exclusively to the care of children younger than 2 years old in order to maintain that approval.

.07.01 Prohibition of Abuse, Neglect, Injurious Treatment

●A child in care may not be subjected to abuse, neglect, mental injury, or injurious treatment.

.07.02 Abuse and Neglect Reporting

●Each child shall be monitored for signs and symptoms of child abuse or neglect.

●An individual providing child care who has reason to believe that a child in care has been abused, shall report that belief directly to the protective services unit of the local department of social services or to a law enforcement agency.

●An individual providing child care who has reason to believe that a child in care has been neglected, shall report that belief directly to the protective services unit of the local department of social services.

.07.04 Child Discipline

●Child discipline shall be appropriate to the age, maturity, and physical condition of the child.

●Child discipline shall be consistent with family child regulations.

●The provider or substitute may not force a child to eat or drink.

●The provider or substitute may not punish a child for refusing to eat or drink.

●The provider or substitute may not withhold food or beverages as punishment.

.07.07 Child Security

●The provider shall ensure the safety and security of each child at all times.

●Whenever an area of the home is being used for a child care activity and children are present, the provider may not allow that area to be used at the same time for any other purpose without prior approval of the licensing agency.

●A person approved to supervise children in care must accompany a child whenever the child is in the presence of another person at the home who is not approved to supervise children.

●A person approved to supervise children in care must accompany a child whenever the child is in the presence of another person at the home who is not the child's parent, guardian, or other individual to whom the child may be released.

●A person approved to supervise children in care must accompany a child whenever the child is in the presence of another person at the home who is not authorized by the child's parent or guardian, and whose identity is verified by the provider, to provide a service to the child.

●A person approved to supervise children in care must accompany a child who is in the presence of another person at the home who is not another child enrolled in care.

●A person approved to supervise children in care must accompany a child whenever the child is in the presence of another person at the home who is not a child residing there.

●Unless documentation is on file at the family child care home that an independent contractor performing a service at the home has successfully passed federal and State criminal background checks and a review of child abuse and neglect records, an individual who meets the requirements of this subtitle for supervising children in care shall remain within sight and sound of the contractor whenever the contractor is in an area where a child is present.

.08.01 General Child Supervision

●An individual may not have responsibility for supervising a child in care unless the individual meets regulatory requirements pertaining to a provider, substitute, or additional adult, as applicable.

●When a child is present in care, the individual responsible for supervising the child shall at all times be alert and responsive.

●When a child is present in care, the individual responsible for supervising the child shall at all times know where the child is.

●When a child is present in care, the individual responsible for supervising the child shall at all times be able to see or hear the child.

●When a child is present in care, the individual responsible for supervising the child shall at all times be near enough to the child to render immediate assistance.