10 August 2017



Dear Interested and Affected Party (I&AP),

Notice is given in terms of the National Water, 1998 (Act No. 36 of 1998), for a Water Use Authorisation application for a General Authorisation in terms of Section 21:

•Section 21 (c) - impeding or diverting the flow of water in a water course;

•Section 21 (i) - altering the bed, banks, course of characteristics of a water course.

For the proposed 48 Pearson Road Development.


Indiflora Environmental Services has been appointed by Mr Michael Grant Fieldto apply for a Water User Licence Application for the proposed 48 Pearson Road Development. Mr Michael Grant Fieldown the properties described as Portion396 (of382) of farm Everton No. 864, 2,4170 Ha, the land is presently vacant.

The purpose of the Background Information Document is to inform the public and Interested and Affected Parties (IAPs) about the proposed project, share information about the proposed project which will be of relevance to the potentially affected parties, and give IAPs an opportunity to register and comment.


The developer is proposing to develop a single residential home, a number of platforms for recreation areas and an access driveway. The rehabilitation, of the water course and buffering conservation area, with appropriate local indigenous plants is already under way and the remainder of the property will be landscaped with local indigenous trees and plants.

The site layout plan for 48 Pearson Road, where a single residential home and recreation areas is being developed


The site is located in the area of Everton in the Outer-West area of the Durban Metro. The area lies north of the turning circle at the end of Pearson Road (see Figure 1). The site is located on the north facing slope of the hill.

Approximate co-ordinates for the project are:

48 Pearson Road Development
29°46'21.41"S / 30°49'18.91"E

Figure 1: 48 Pearson Road is encircled in red.


The identified water uses for the project of the proposed 48 Pearson Road development are:

(c) impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse – the development of a residential home, a number of platforms for recreation areas and an access driveway within a distance of 500m from a watercourse.

(i) altering the bed, banks, course or characteristics of a watercourse – the development of a residential home, a number of platforms for recreation areas and an access driveway within a distance of 500m from a watercourse.


Should you or your organisation have any comments or queries regarding this project, or if you would like to participate in the process and provide comment on the relevant documentation, please ensure that you register as an Interested and Affected Party (I&AP), in writing, to Indiflora Environmental Services, please submit your commentswithin 60 days of receipt of this notification.


Name of I&AP:______

Contact Details:______

Postal Address:______

Telephone number:______

Fax number:______

Email address:______

Please indicate your preferred language for communication purposes in block provided:

English / Afrikaans / Other

Please indicate whether you wish to remain on the project mailing list in block provided:


We wish to raise the following issue/s of concern:

We wish to the following suggestions to enhance benefits of the project:

We wish to comment on the proposed public participation process for the project:

Thank you for your participation in the above questionnaire.

Please return the questionnaire to the above postal, fax or email address.