English 12R

Hamlet by William Shakespeare

Ms. Kovics

Act 2 Study Guide

Plot Summary:

Scene 1

Polonius plans to send his servant Reynaldo to Paris to spy on Laertes and see how his son has been conducting himself. Polonius tells Reynaldo to start mild rumors about Laertes, thinking that his acquaintances’ reactions will help Reynaldo determine whether Laertes is tarnishing the family reputation. After Reynaldo exits, Ophelia enters in a distressed state. She tells her father that Prince Hamlet came into her private room all disheveled and acting crazy. Polonius immediately goes to tell the King and Queen about Hamlet’s erratic behavior, thinking the source of his madness is his unrequited love for Ophelia.

Scene 2

Part 1: The scene opens with the King and Queen addressing Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, two of Hamlet’s school friends. Claudius and Gertrude called Hamlet’s friends to Denmark to ask them to spy on Hamlet and figure out why he’s acting so bizarre. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern agree to check up on Hamlet.

Part 2: Polonius comes to the King and Queen to talk to them about Hamlet, but first there is an update on the situation with Norway. Voltemand, a courtier, tells Claudius that old Fortinbras has convinced his nephew, Prince Fortinbras, to attack Poland rather than Denmark. This news pleases the King so much that he plans another party for that night. Polonius tells the King and Queen that the source of Hamlet’s madness is his feelings for Ophelia, but he does so in a way that is verbose and ridiculous. Polonius suggests using Ophelia to spy on Hamlet, and Claudius and Gertrude agree to his plan. When Hamlet enters the King and Queen leave him with Polonius, and they have an seemingly nonsensical conversation during which Hamlet makes fun of Polonius without his realizing.

Part 3: Hamlet runs into Guildencrantz and Rosenstern and quickly realized that they’re employed by the King to keep an eye on Hamlet. Hamlet’s character seems to transition back to that of the intellectual. They begin talking about the current state of theatre in Elizabethan England, and his friends tell Hamlet a theatre troupe is coming to perform. Polonius re-enters and continues to be made a fool.

Part 4: When the players enter, Hamlet talks to them about a speech he once heard based on Mythological characters. He then asks them if they’ll perform The Murder of Gonzago with the addition of a scene about King Hamlet’s murder. Once left alone, Hamlet reflects on his weakness of character and his inability to take action. He berates himself and vows to finally do something to avenge his father’s murder. Hamlet decides that he will base his revenge on Claudius’ reaction to the play.

Please summarize each Act in terms of the plot structure of a tragedy described in the chart—

Act 1

Setting and background:


Introduction of the conflict:

Act 2

Character development:

Hero struggles:


Rising action:


Purport (2.1 92):



Perusal (2.1 102):



Confound (2.2 592):



Lecherous (2.2 608):



Wanton (2.1 24): Rebellious, unrestrainted, out of control

Expostulate (2.2 93): To reason with someone in order to dissuade or discourage them

Brevity (2.2 97): Being brief or fleeting

Conceit (2.2 580): An extended metaphor or comparison

Review Questions:

Scene 1:

1. What is Polonius asking Reynaldo to do? Why?

2. What did Polonius decide is the cause of Hamlet’s strange behavior? What is his plan of action?

Scene 2:

1. Why do the King and Queen call Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to the kingdom?

2. How does Hamlet react to his friends’ arrival? What does he realize about their intentions?

3. Why does Hamlet call Polonius a “fishmonger”? What tone is their conversation?

4. What is The Murder of Gonzago? How does Hamlet modify it?

5. In the closing soliloquy, what does Hamlet berate himself for? How does he plan on changing this/?