REGISTER OF INTERESTS 2014/15September2014

Roger Laughton
(Chair) / Paid Employment:
Self Employment:
Significant Shareholdings:
Elected Office: Chair, AUB
Trusteeships,/Charities & Voluntary Body Management: Services Sound & Vision Corporation
Public Appointments: None
Professional Body/Trade/Association Membership: Member Royal Television Society
Professor Stuart Bartholomew
Principal & Vice Chancellor / PaidEmployment: Principal & Chief Executive, The Arts University Bournemouth
Self Employment
Directorships: AUB Subsidiaries: AUB Enterprises Ltd; AUB Services Ltd; Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra,
Significant Shareholdings
Elected Office
Trusteeships,/Charities & Voluntary Body Management The Arts University at Bournemouth Charitable Foundation
Public Appointments:
Professional Body/Trade/Association Membership: Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts; Chair of the Association of Colleges and Universities of Arts and Design (Ukadia)
Stephanie Barton
Independent Member / Paid Employment: Pan Macmillan Publishers - employee
Self Employment: Previous consultancy on hold
Directorships: None
Consultancies: None
Significant Shareholdings: None
Elected Office: None
Trusteeships,/Charities & Voluntary Body Management: None
Public Appointments: None
Professional Body/Trade/Association Membership: Nottingham University Alumni; Media Education Association; Children’s Media Foundation: Culture, Education and Arts
Dan Broadbent
Students’ Union President / Paid Employment: Sabbatical Officer, AUB
Significant Shareholdings
Elected Office
Public Appointments
Trusteeships,/Charities & Voluntary Body Management; Governor for the Arts University Bournemouth and Trustee to the Students’ Union
Nick Byrne
Independent Member / Paid Employment: Head of Academic & Professional Development and Director, of the Language Centre, London School of Economics & Political Science; Director of the Confucius Institute for Business London (LSE)
Self Employment: N/A
Significant Shareholdings
Elected Office
Trusteeships,/Charities & Voluntary Body Management: Institute of Linguists, Christ’s College, Finchley
Public Appointments
Professional Body/Trade/Association Membership
Michael Clarke
Independent Member / Pail Employment
Self Employment
Directorships/Professional Partnerships: Clarke Willmott LLP
ElectedOffice: Member (& past Chair) CBI South West Council
Trusteeships,/Charities & Voluntary Body Management: Trusteeship Royal West of England Academy Advisory Board, School of Manst. Bath University
Public Appointments: Panel of Experts, Civil Justice Council
Professional Body/Trade/Association Membership: Law Society, INTL Bar Association, CH. Inst. ARB
Michael Gibson
Independent Member / Paid Employment: Partner at PwC
Self Employment
Directorships/Professional Partnership/Partnership in Business of Companies:
Significant Shareholder:
Elected Office
Public Appointments
Trusteeships,/Charities & Voluntary Body Management;
Professional Body/Trade/Association Membership:
Simon Gorham
Independent Member / Paid Employment:None
Self Employment: None
Directorships/Professional Partnership/Partnership in Business of Companies: None
Consultancies: None
Significant Shareholder:None
Elected Office\; None
Public Appointments: None
Trusteeships,/Charities & Voluntary Body Management;
Professional Body/Trade/Association Membership:None
Vicky Gosling
AUB Professional Services Staff member / Paid Employment: Employee Arts University Bournemouth
Self Employment: None
Directorships: None
Significant Shareholdings: None
Elected Office: None
Trusteeships,/Charities & Voluntary Body Management: None
Public Appointments: None
Professional Body/Trade/Association Membership: None
Kay Homer
Independent Member / Paid Employment:
Self Employment:
Significant Shareholdings:
Elected Office
Trusteeships,/Charities & Voluntary Body Management:
Public Appointments:
Professional Body/Trade/Association Membership:
Chris Martin
Independent Member / Paid Employment:None
Self Employment: None
Directorships/Professional Partnerships/Partnership in Business of Companies: Director of Piper Pritchard Associates Ltd and Wessex Developments Ltd
Consultancies: None
Significant Shareholder:5% Shareholding in Piper Pritchard Associates Ltd.
Elected Office: None
Public Appointments: None
Trusteeships,/Charities & Voluntary Body Management;Trustee Salisbury International Festival Ltd, Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, a trustee ofTold by an Idiot Ltd.
Professional Body/Trade/Association Membership: ACA Membership
Lady Angela Neuberger
Independent Member / Paid Employment: None
Self-employment: TV production and writing
Consultancies: Testimony Films, Bristol
Significant Shareholdings
Elected Office
Public Appointments
Trusteeships,/Charities & Voluntary Body Management; Trustee of Weldmar Hospice Trust, Advisor to Dorset Child and Family Counselling Trust, Patron ExtraSpecial Trust (Learning Disabilities)
Professional Body/Trade/Association Membership: Life member National Union of Journalists
Terence O’Rourke
Independent Member / Paid Employment: Director Goodwood Estates Company Limited
Self Employment: None
Directorships: AUB Services Ltd
Consultancies: None
Significant Shareholdings: None
Elected Office
Trusteeships,/Charities & Voluntary Body Management: Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra (Chairman); Arts Council England SW Advisory Board; National Trust SW Regional Board and National Architectural Panel
Public Appointments: None
Professional Body/Trade/Association Membership: Royal Institute of British Architects; Royal Town Planning Institute; Fellow, Royal Society of Arts
Kabir Shaikh
Independent Member / Paid Employment: Retired
Self Employment: None
Directorships: Director of Consultancy on Global Education related largely to School Education
Consultancies: In education management unrelated to HE
Significant Shareholdings: N/A
Elected Office: N/A
Trusteeships,/Charities & Voluntary Body Management: Member, Management Board of Council of Education in the Commonwealth
Public Appointments: N/A
Professional Body/Trade/Association Membership: Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry
Pete Symons
AUB Academic Staff Member / Paid Employment: Employee Arts University Bournemouth
Self Employment:
Significant Shareholdings:
Elected Office:
Trusteeships,/Charities & Voluntary Body Management: Vita Nova Board of Trustees; AUB Charitable Foundation
Public Appointments:
Professional Body/Trade/Association Membership:
Sara Webb
Independent Member / Paid Employment: Sotheby’s
Self Employment
Significant Shareholdings
Elected Office
Trusteeships,/Charities & Voluntary Body Management
Public Appointments
Professional Body/Trade/Association Membership
Emma Hunt
Deputy Vice-Chancellor / Paid Employment: Employee Arts UniversityBournemouth
Self Employment
Significant Shareholdings
Elected Office
Trusteeships,/Charities & Voluntary Body Management
Public Appointments: Member Parliamentary Design Commission
Professional Body/Trade/Association Membership: Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Fellow of the Higher Education Association
Dr Bethan O’Neil
University College Secretary/
Clerk to the Governing Body / Paid Employment: Employee Arts University Bournemouth
Self Employment
Directorships: CM21 Associates
Significant Shareholdings
Elected Office
Trusteeships,/Charities & Voluntary Body Management
Public Appointments
Professional Body/Trade/Association Membership: Institute for Learning (Fellow)
Mary O’Sullivan
Director of Finance & Planning / Paid Employment: Employee Arts University Bournemouth
Self Employment
Significant Shareholdings
Elected Office
Trusteeships,/Charities & Voluntary Body Management: Governor Bishop of Winchester Academy
Public Appointments
Professional Body/Trade/Association Membership:Fellow of Institute of Accountants in Ireland


As a member of the Arts University Bournemouth Governing Body, I hereby acknowledge that I have received and will adhere to the current Code of Conduct which outlines the behavior, roles and responsibilities expected of a Governor at the Arts University Bournemouth. In addition I have seen and read a copy of the Committee of University Chairs (CUC) ‘Guide for Members of Higher Education Governing Bodies in the UK’ (available on the Governors’ Reading Room)

Signed: ______

Dated: ______

Signature of Clerk and Secretary to the Governing Body ______