Minutes of Adisham Parish Council, 9th May 2011

A Meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday 9th May 2011 in Adisham Village Hall.

Present: Councillors Mrs M. Maxted, Mr K. Terrett, Mrs S. Mellowship, Mrs S. Salt, Dr E. Collins. Mr D. Leidig, Mrs V. Talbot Rosner and 3 members of the public.

1. Election of Chairman and Vice-chairman of the Council: Councillor Terrett proposed Councillor Maxted which was seconded by Councillor Collins as Chairman. All councillors voted unanimously in favour of this as they did to Councillor Maxted’s proposal of Councillor Terrett as Vice-Chair seconded by Councillor Mellowship. Declarations were read aloud and signed in the presence of the council.

2. Appointments allocated to each councillor: All elected councillors read aloud their declaration of acceptance of office aloud and signed in the presence of the council. The Chairman allocated the following appointments:

Cllr Terrett – Planning- Village hall and KALC

Cllr Collins – Highways and Planning

Cllr Mellowship – Planning

Councillor Salt – Social Housing matters and Police matters

Cllr Leidig – Aylesham Development and Adisham School

Cllr Talbot Rosner – Recreation Ground

3. Apologies: Cllr Michael Northey.

4. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 4th April 2011 were agreed as a true record and were signed by the Chairman.

5. Matters arising: Cllr Terrett advised members he had not yet investigated into whether the gas fires in the Village Hall had been serviced this year. All are certain they have not been and Cllr Terrett will check. Cllr Maxted confirmed that a letter had been sent to Canterbury City Council in response to the Site Meeting in March setting out the Parish Council’s views on the development of the site. As yet no reply has been received from the City Council’s planning department.Councillor Collins agreed to follow up her request for an Adisham Village sign at the Woodlands road entrance to the village. Councillor Terrett asked whether a planning application had been submitted from Mr Husk for a house to be built at Woodlands Farm. The Clerk confirmed an application had not been received. Councillor Leidig confirmed he had reported an area of the bridle way by the picnic area that was particularly hazardous to Kent highways,causing a rider to fall off her horse resulting in a leg injury.

6. Declarations of Interests by Councillors: The Chairman and Cllr K Terrett declared an interest in the village hall..

7. Matters raised by the public: The meeting was adjourned for public questions and comments.

8. Reports:

School – Councillor Terrett advised the next meeting will be at the end of May. He confirmed he has asked for access via a gateway into Erin’s memorial garden to be included on the next agenda. He is concerned that the children will be using this as a walkway which could be hazardous and could be of particular concern to Ofsted too. Cllr Terrett feels the subject needs airing again just to keep in mind that this is a memorial garden.

Village Hall – nothing to report

Aylesham & Community Development Partnership - nothing to report.

KALC Canterbury Area Committee - Councillor Terrett advised that the next meeting is in July. He will report after this meeting on the Standards Committee and how the parish council may have to maintain standards without sanctions in place.

9. KAPC / NALC /ARCK: The correspondence received from these organisations as listed on the agenda and on the supplementary list of items received since the publication of the agenda was noted.


10. Correspondence: The correspondence received as listed on the agenda and on the supplementary list of items received since the publication of the agenda was noted.

11. Accounts:

Income: £ 0.00

Outgoings: Chairman – Flowers for Kathleen Terrett £ 20.00

Came & Company Liability Insurance £415.13

The Council confirmed payments of the above outgoings and noted the monthly Budget Monitoring Report distributed with the Agenda

12. Any other business for discussion only: All members agreed that Sure Start could have their summer event in August on the village green. The Clerk will confirm they mean the recreation ground and not Pond Green.

Councillor Collins confirmed that the Public Rights of Way vegetation clearance will take place in May and August. A list of areas is available to view and it was suggested by members that the following should be added to the schedule. CB198 Bridleway(the point it meets CB188 and then cuts down ontoWoodlands road). The first part of thisis on the edge of a field but there is a section of about 150m which is narrow and will need cutting otherwise it will become completely impassable. This is used regularly . CB202 Byway. From the end of The Street through to the point it meets CB199A. Again this is regularly used by riders and walkers too. Councillor Collins asked for details of this to be published in the ‘newsheet’. Councillor Collins will also contact residents where hedges and trees are overhanging onto the footpaths.

All members agreed to remain with Came & Company Liability Insurance as it specialises in Parish Councils and comes recommended by Canterbury City Council. The option for a reduced premium over a three year term was agreed to.

The parish clerk met with Rob Young from Kent Landscaping services after concerns over the standard on grass cutting on Pond Green. KCC are now clear where they should be cutting and the standard required by the parish council.

Councillor Collins will chase for a definitive map of footpaths in Adisham. The dog bin has been arranged to be erected shortly. Councillor Terrett asked whether a warning sign could be erected along Coldharbour Lane alerting road users of the sharp bends coming into the village. Councillor Collins agreed to speak to Sam Da Costa. She had already approached Kent highways about a 30mph sign along there, however Cllr Terrett remembered speed signs can usually only be erected where street lighting commences. If this is the case the speed sign would not be fit for purpose as it would be erected too near to the village.

Councillor Salt asked Cllr Terrett to advertise for Speedwatch volunteers in the ‘newsheet’ as five are needed before basic training can be given by the Police. Cllr Salt is eager to proceed with this as Station Road is particularly hazardous and would benefit form a speedwatch campaign.

Councillor Salt reported that PC Andy Taylor is no longer the Rural Police Officer and she find out who his replacement is and pass this on to Cllr Terrett to report in the ‘newsheet’. All agreed that a Police presence at some meetings would be beneficial.

Councillor Maxted reported to members about a call she had received from Clare Silcock , who had registered for a seat on the parish council at the previous election. She was very upset that her name had been used on a canvassing letter sent to residents from David Leidig without her consent. Cllr Leidig advised members he had sought advice about this from Bob Bennett at Canterbury City Council prior to sending the letters out. Councillor Maxted agreed names should not have been used without prior consent.

13. Next Meeting: 6th June 2011 at 7.30pm in the village hall.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.30 p.m.