YOUR CHANCE to improve your health at work!

It’s that time again - Your views, thoughts and ideas are needed in order to make positive changes here at Health Promotion Service and to see if any improvements have been made within the last year!

This workplace would like to continue to improve the health and well-bring of its staff by ensuring a healthier, safer and supportive working environment.

We feel in Health Promotion we should lead by example and practice what we encourage others to do.

In order to do this, we would like to gather feedback from developments and initiatives tried within the previous year and identify more future plans and ideas you may have to make positive changes or opportunities.

We would be very grateful if all staff could take 5 minutes to complete this questionnaire

All your answers and comments will remain completely confidential.

Feedback from Year 1

Over the past year the workplace health group have worked hard to provide opportunities and set up a variety of initiatives following the feedback from the first health at work questionnaire.

A wide range of opportunities have included:

Healthy Boxes / Honesty Snack Box / Healthy Breakfast Events
Cornwall Corporate Games / Monthly Activity Programme / Introduction of a Mentoring Scheme
Squash / HR Visit / Legs, Bums, Tums
Look After Yourself Day / Reflexology & Massage / Pedometer Challenge
Gardening Club / Fair Trade Events / Yoga
Choir / Felt Making / Flower Arranging
Active Travel Day / Pool Bikes / And many more
  1. Do you feel progress has been made within the past year?

Please comment
  1. Do you feel a wide range of activities and initiatives have been put in place to try and meet everyone’s need?

If yes, please comment
If no, please comment
  1. What developments have been the most beneficial to you?
  1. What developments have been most beneficial to the department?
  1. Have you benefited from taking part in any of the activities?

If yes please state which activities…………………………….
If no, please let us know any barriers…………………………
  1. What are the main barriers you face accessing the activities?

Lack of Motivation / Lack of Time / Lack of Permission
Lack of Management Support / Lack of Interest / Lack of Choice
Other, Please State:
  1. General comments

Future Wants Needs & Opportunities!

We would like to continue to implement more initiatives and continue to try to make more positive changes and developments within the Health Promotion Service. We cannot do this without your input and support.

  1. Please list any activities you would like to try in the future
  1. Are there any areas of improvement that we have not covered and should look in too?
  1. Would you be interested in sharing your skills and interest with other colleagues?

If Yes, please explain
  1. Would you be interested in joining the workplace health group?

Yes / No / Don’t know
  1. Would you like to see a more current well-being code for the Department?

Yes / No / Don’t know
If Yes, please add any thoughts or comments:
  1. Any ideas and thoughts for the future
  1. Are there any major issues for you at the Health Promotion Service that need to be addressed?
  1. Are there any training requirements needed for any workplace health issues?
  1. General comments

Healthy Eating Interests:

Extremely Likely / Fairly Likely / Undecided / Fairly Unlikely / Extremely Unlikely
Recipes & Tips for healthy eating
Cookery Classes
Talks, Presentations and workshops on healthy eating
Access to weekly healthy eating messages via email/notice board.
Team or individual ‘Eat-well Challenge’
Healthy Breakfasts

Mental Health & Well-being Interests:

Extremely Likely / Fairly Likely / Undecided / Fairly Unlikely / Extremely Unlikely
Stress Busters Sessions
Social Outings
Workshop Talks on:
-Mental Health Awareness
-Debt & Finance
-Relationship Problems
-Time Management
Physical Activity Sessions
Relaxation Sessions i.e. Massage
Topic Fact Sheets

Physical Activity Interests:

Extremely Likely / Fairly Likely / Undecided / Fairly Unlikely / Extremely Unlikely
On site activity sessions
Organised taster sessions off site
Team Activity Challenges
Cornwall Corporate Games
Any Other, please state:

On a wider agenda of staff health & well-being within the PCT, what could the PCT do improve staff health & well-being? Please all ideas and comments are much appreciated. It is now a PCT priority and the more staff engage the better to make real changes happen.

Thank you very much for your time.

Your views, thoughts and ideas are needed in order to make positive changes!

Please return forms to Rachel’s tray byFriday 17th July 2009

Thank you.