Constitution and Statutes Minutes

November 17th, 2014

Senate Chambers 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Chair: Senator President Pro-Tempore Gloster

  1. Call to Order

-Meeting called to order at 5:33PM

  1. Roll Call – Appointed Vice-Chair Grantham

-Quorum is established with 4 voting members.

  1. Student Remarks


  1. Approval of Minutes – November 3rd, 2014.

- Senator Rader: I move to approve the minutes from November 3rd 2014. Second. All in favor. Moved

  1. Approval of Agenda

-Senator Gomez: Motion to approve the agenda. Rescinded.

-Senator Grantham:I move to add OB-14 2813 to the agenda. Second. All in favor. Moved.

-Senator Grantham: I move to add SR-14F-24xx to the agenda. Second. All in favor. Moved.

-Senator Rader: I move to add SB-14SB-28xx to the agenda. Second. All in favor. Moved.

*Chairman Gloster: Senator Byrom is in class and can’t make it to her hearing at this time*

-Senator Rader: I move to table Senator Byrom’s appeal hearing. Second. All in favor. Moved.

-Senator Grantham: I move to approve the agenda. Second. All in favor. Moved.

  1. Guest Speakers


  1. Remarks of the Chair –

-I wrote two bills, I did send an email out to you all that there needed to be aefinement of our polices.

  1. Old Business
  2. New Business
  1. Senator Guiette- (Received 2 points from October 6th, 1 from November 3rd, and 1 point from the summer Total of 4 points).

-Senator Guiette: I am here to appeal 1 of my points. My last committee meeting is one I put in a form for, since I was sick. I am very adamant about making meetings. I missed a meeting back in October; I was in a business meeting in New York. That was something I chose over the senate meeting. I can’t directly remember why I missed the others.

*Chairman Gloster: The summer points were under the old process. They believed those were going to be removed. The senator would’ve only had 3 points

  • Senator Rader: How many summer meetings did you miss? -Just one.
  • Senator Gomez: How many points from summer? -She had 2, it was appealed to 1.
  • Senator Grantham: What were the other 3 points?- I missed a senate meeting, then I missed a committee meeting from being sick
  • Senator Rader: Did you let the senate president know that you were going to miss? -Yes.
  • Senator Grantham: Did you submit a form? -Yes.
  • Senator Grantham: So 1 point from summer, 1 point from senate meeting, and 2 points from a committee meeting.
  • Senator Guiette: This is one of my last meetings; I want to finish out strong.
  • Senator Gomez: I motion to remove one point from Senator Guiettes points from the summer. Second. Nay I was going to motion to remove 2 points. Roll call vote: Senator Gomez: yes, Senator Grantham: yes, Senator Melquist: yes, Senator Rader- yes. Motion passes 4-0-0.
  • Senator Rader: I motion to remove 2 points from Senator Guiette. Second. All in favor. Moved.
  1. Senator Byrom


  1. OB-14F-2813

-Senator Grantham: This is similar to what we had before that was passed by the senate and then vetoed by the president. The only thing that is changed is in 408.4, it should read: “all records including…..should be available online within 2 business days of becoming effective.” So if it was a bill, it would be 2 business days after the president’s signature. So if it took 5 days for the Senate President, 5 days for Student Body President, and then 2 days to get it online for a total of 12 days. It would vary depending on the legislation.

  • Senator Gomez: How do those 2 business days play in with the 5 business days for the Senate President and Student Body President? -Those 5 days won’t be touched. If it’s an agenda, it would be 2 days after being approved in senate. This will allow for it to get out as quick as possible.
  • Chairman Gloster: If we kept it at the current process, it would still a lot for 5 days, 5 days, and 1 day?-
  • Attorney General Harris:This was to fix the word passage. The part of touching 408.4 was not necessary. The president said this extension of the timeline makes everything less transparent by extending the timeline. It’s your legislation;I’m not going to tell you what to do with it. I would strongly recommend the committee and senate consider before extending the date and the implications that that has.
  • Chairman Gloster: If a bill is passed on Monday, signed on Tuesday by the Senate President, Student Body President signs it Wednesday. Then it would have to be updated by Friday, so that would be in the end 4 days.
  • Chairman Gloster: Would you be against keeping it as it is? - I wouldn’t be against it.
  • Senator Gomez: After records become effective, who deals with it? –The SenateSecretary.
  • Senator Rader: I move to approve OB-14F-2813. Second. Roll call vote: Senator Gomez: yes, Senator Grantham: yes, Senator Melquist: yes, Senator Rader- yes. Motion passes 4-0-0.

*Senator Gloster: Motion to reopen the agenda to be amended. Second.All in favor.Moved.

*Senator Gloster: Motion to have the SB before the SR on the agenda. Second. All in favor.Moved.

  1. SB-14-SB-28XX

*Chairman Gloster steps down as chair, Vice Chair Grantham takes over*

-Chairman Gloster: *shows bill on projector* I did a lot of thinking of the policies of the senate over the weekend. I want us to be efficient. I am proposing that we get a new committee, ran by the senate president pro-tempore called the internal affairs committee. This committee would be responsible for all internal affairs of the senate, should meet after 3 days the senate. The agenda would be put together in this committee. If all the committee chairs are on this committee, they will know what bills need to go on the agenda. This would be composed of the committee chairs, senate president, and senate president protempore.

  • Senator Rader: You are asking for a new committee, was it necessary before? -You would have to ask past senate presidents and senate president protempore’s. This current administration could use it.
  • Senator Melquist: Can you give your outcome for this 5th committee? -To make sure the organization of the senate is handled by this committee. The chair people along with the senate president will be together at the same time. It would handle all other business of the senate, like senator orientation. This committee would handle the policies and procedures. It can be argued that this can be considered a cabinet meeting; the senate president wouldn’t be chairing the meeting. They would appoint all people from the senate to the committees.
  • Advisor Shore: Just a point of order, 402.5A, you have “the internal affairs shall make all reasonable….” It’s the same writing; it really needs to show that you took out that part where it was the Senate President.
  • Senator Melquist: It will consist of all of the committee chairs? -Other schools have this committee, their makeup of the committees are different.
  • Senator Gomez: Can the senate president still change it after the committee? -No, it can only be amended in the senate.
  • Advisor Shore – The committee would make agendas for the senate meetings?-Yes. It would take place that Thursday before.
  • Advisor Shore: I want to reiterate about the general idea, I feel a little confused. Why we need this other committee? - looking at our committee standings now. There are internal issues that can’t be handled now. I am being proactive, so that things like senator orientation happen. This would be what goes on in the senate. It doesn’t just have to be the chairs. We could write in a minority leader.
  • Advisor Shore: This meeting is when? - I would like to say Wednesdays before senate, if not after senate. We still need to figure that out. After the committees meet and before the senate president needs to send out the agenda.
  • Senator Melquist: So they would make an agenda according to what happened in the committees? -Correct.
  • Senator Gomez: This committee doesn’t pass any legislation? -No, they would do things like senator orientation; this committee will also go over the budget.
  • Senator Melquist: We just passed OB-14F-2813, I would bring that to the committee and say that it needs to be added to the agenda?- Yes
  • Senator Grantham: Does it specify the membership? -That could be amended. This is to divvy out the committees. That would be specified in the SR.
  • Senator Grantham: Do we need to put additional membership in the committee? - Yes we can add that.
  • Senator Melquist: So the Pro temp would be the chair, leaving a leadership for the C&S? - I will be meeting with the B&A chair, Treasurer, and Business Manager about the finances. It would be $3,860, including the 1.4% FICA, also including 20 work hours for the C&S chair.
  • Senator Gomez: Would this make legislative cabinet meetings unnecessary? -Yes. What if an issue is accidently concerning legislation comes up in a cabinet meeting?
  • Senator Melquist: After the agenda is made, can the committee add something to the agenda? -Yes, only that night, it cannot change until the night of.
  • Advisor Shore: Do you have to propose a positon prior, what if you pass it and there are no finances for it? –We need to bring it to the B&A committee first, so at this point it would be best to table these.
  • Chairman Gloster: Motion to table both the SB and SR. Second. All in favor. Moved.
  1. SR-14F-28XX



-There is an emergency meeting tonight at 7:30PM.

XI.Final Roll Call – Appointed Vice-Chair

-Quorum is reestablished with 4 voting members.


-Meeting is adjourned at 6:20PM.

Minutes prepared by: Leah Tolisano, Senate Secretary