SOCIOLOGY 302, Winter 2010

Rewrite assignment for Essay on Conflict Theory:

On Monday, February 8, I returned the original responses to the “brief essay question” on conflict theory without any grade to all those who submitted them. The purpose is to give everyone a “second chance” at completing the assignment successfully.

The instructions are as follows:

1) Re-read your essay and the articles that provided the background. If you judge that your essay satisfies the steps below you need only re-submit it in a highly legible fashion, ideally word-processed. (You may find, if you do any re-writing, that not only might your writing be clearer and more concise but your ideas and insights might improve as well – it’s been known to happen!)

2) From your set of core ideas for conflict theory find at least a minimum of four of the significant principles or elements that you have identified.

3) From the articles provided select examples of the principles or elements described above.

4) You need not quote them exactly or completely but you do need to identify what it is in the article(s) that illustrate the principle or element.

Be sure that an outside reader (such as myself, or your roommate, spouse, or intelligent friend) can readily discern the principle or element you have identified (from your core ideas) and the illustration you have selected (from the articles).

5) Write up your conclusions as close as you feel comfortable and/or appropriate for your way of thinking and communicating to the original instructions: “…write a brief essay in the form of a memo with bulleted points….”

[The point of the bullets in the above instruction was to structurally encourage you be clear and concise in your presentation.]

DUE DATE: No later than Friday, February 12, at the end of class.