Leslie Manser Primary School
The Impact of Mobilise
School Aim
-To ensure all lessons have sufficient challenge for more able pupils
-To further develop the creative use of cross curricular IT to improve teaching/learning
Mobilise Aim
-To ensure CTs and TAs are working with a variety of groups
-To encourage independent learning (scaffolding triangle link)
-Smart screens installed
-Apple TV installed in all classrooms
-iPads purchased for each teacher
-iPads purchased for use within lessons (Teachers can book out green iPads as a class set and blue iPads as a class set or a few at a time)
-High quality headphones purchased
-Dropbox account created for the whole school
-Dropbox ‘Pupil Share’ folder created so that children can access files
-Staff meeting to explore using an iPad app called Explain Everything to create teaching videos (Autumn term 2)
-Staff were given time to explore the app and watch videos that teachers had already made
-Training day focus – recap of Explain Everything app – teachers given time to create a video that they can use within their lessons within the first week of term (Spring term 1)
-Regular feedback about when teachers have trialled using the app – phase team leaders regularly encouraging their team to share good practise
-Videos saved in a central file for others to watch and gain ideas from
-Teachers sharing videos with the same aim (Children have loved being taught by a different teacher)
-Children taught to use the app and create their own videos – this has encouraged reasoning skills and helped the teacher to assess the understanding of children from their explanations
-Children have been taught how to save to Dropbox where their work can be accessed by the teacher
-Teachers can be teaching two or more groups of children at the same time (Teachers can check on the children who have watched the video after they have finished their teaching input)
-Children have expressed that they enjoy listening to the videos which engages them and ensures they are on task
-Children are independently watching the videos back to remind themselves if they are not sure (This has improved independent learning and independence)
-Teachers/ TAs have been able to teach focus groups of children effectively without having to check they are on task
-Videos have been used effectively with all ability groups
-There is more evidence of reasoning on planning and in books
-Children have been able to instantly share their work with the rest of the class by linking up to Apple TV
-Children have been creating videos to support the learning of other children in class (E.g. HA children creating a video for a formal written method that the MA/LA can watch and learn from)
Further Considerations/ Aims
-At which age are videos used most effectively?
-Are videos being used more in Maths than English?
-We aim to create videos linked to written methods in Maths and areas of grammar that parents can access. (These could be created by teachers or children)
-Linking independent learning with use of QR codes. Children are to scan the code and access a teaching video.