Chapter Readings / Pages / Exercises / Discussion questions / Due Date

Chapter 1 – Testing your career savvy: get into shape

/ Pg 3 – 17 /
  1. First Impression
  2. Your Life Line
  3. Identify Your Interests
  4. Describe Yourself
  5. Consider Occupational Status
  6. Pre-Assessment
/ Share three academic programs or occupations you are considering. Share with the class, where am I going? How do I get there? And, what am I missing that might get in the way of achieving my goals? / September 27- 11:55 PM
Chapter 2 Buidling Your Career Success Profile: Discover Your Personal Power / Pg 19– 40 /
  1. Past actions and influences
  2. Two Perfect days: Your future Vision
  3. Emotional Intelligence Checklist
  4. Positive Self Talk
  5. Your Fantasy Careers
  6. Building Your Success Profile
/ Recent poll of executives indicate enthusiasm as a personality trait that makes a worker successful. Why do you think they ranked enthusiasm as the most important trait. What are some personal experiences can you share with the class that will support or refute this argument? / FridayOctober 4- 11:55 PM
Chapter 3 – Confirming Core Values: Strengthen your balance / Pg 41 – 55 /
  1. Values assessment
  2. Values Grid
  3. Explore Your Values
  4. Your Values – Some Hard Choices
  5. Values Related to Careers
  6. Values Related to Ethics
/ Share with the class, your thoughts on work values. Would you be willing to earn less income and work fewer hours for the opportunity to pursue balance in your life? Why and why not? / FridayOctober 11 - 11:55 PM
Chapter 4 –Assessing Your Personality and Interests / Pg 57 – 76 /
  1. Your Personality Type
  2. Your Holland Interests Environments
  3. Your Holland Occupational Interests
  4. Your Career Interest areas and academic fields
  5. Classified Careers
/ Share with the Class:
1) Why is personality type and interests important in career exploration?
2) what have you observed or noticed when personality type and interest are not good fit for the occupation? / Friday -October 18 - 11:55 PM
Chapter 5- Evaluating Your Skills / Pg 77 – 99 /
  1. Experiography
  2. Accomplishments
  3. Description of Accomplishments
  4. The Skills
  5. Your Transferable Skills
  6. Ideal Job
/ The Authors indicated that skills are your currency to the job market. Share with the class your top 5 skills and how they translated in a job you performed. What specifically about those skills made you succeed and what skill(s) did you wish you had more of. How can you enhance those skills. / Friday October 25, - 11:55 PM
Chapter - 6 Examining the World of Work: Broaden Your outlook / Pg 101 – 133 /
  1. First Impressions
  2. Gender Roles Questionnaires
/ Research employment discrimination in the news. Share one article related to discrimination in the workplace and recommend steps you might take to tackle the issue. Include weblink you used for your resource. / FridayNovember 1 - 11:55 PM
Chapter 7 - Exploring Career Information - Expand your Horizons / Pg 135 - 156 /
  1. A Tempting 10
  2. Job Research
  3. Gathering the Facts
/ Share with the class three career paths, academic programs or majors you are considering. What interest you about those areas and what steps might you take to get to achieve your destination. / Friday - November 8- 11:55 PM
Chapter 8- Developing your decision making: strategize your game plan / Pg 157 – 179 /
  1. Making Decisions
  2. Personal Statements
/ In the last 7 weeks, you have been going through a process of career exploration and career decision. Chapter 8 explained a model for making decisions. What are your main decision-making strategies in deciding on your career paths or academic major. (Hint: Read the section on “Decision-Making Strategies.”) / Friday - November 15 - 11:55 PM
Chapter 9 – Targeting your job search: Mobilize your network / Pg 181-213 / Information Interviews / Have you investigated the option of getting involved in a cooperative education (internship) program within your interest area or program area? What would be the advantages or disadvantages of such a program. / FridayNovember22 – 11:55PM
Chapter 10 – Crafting a Winning Resume and a Cover Letter / Pg 215-235 / Write Your Resume
Critique Your Resume
Write a Cover letter / Share with the class your experience applying for jobs. What worked and what did not work. What might be some dos and don'ts you can think of. / FridayNovember29- 11:55PM
Week 11 / Final Paper / Final Exam / Friday Dec 6, 11:55PM