UNCW Disability Resource Center (DRC) Faculty Portal

Faculty Guide for Scheduling a Test, Exam or Quiz

Faculty link: DRC Faculty Portal

Step 1: Please click or insert DRC Faculty Portal into an internet browser. You will be prompted to login using your UNCW credentials. You will be directed to the main page below (see Example 1A):

Example 1A:

Step 2: Click on “Courses” to view all courses for which you are the assigned instructor. You will be linked to the page below (see Example 2A).

Example 2A

Step 3: Click on “Test and Exams” located to the right of the page under “Options” (see Example 3A). You will be directed to the “Scheduled Test and Examinations page (shown in Example 3B).

Example 3A:

Example 3B:

Step 4: Before adding a new test, please check the “Tests and Exams” list to see if your student’s scheduled test already shows (See Example 4A). If it does, simply click “confirm/edit” to add testing instructions and upload a copy of the test. To add a new test, insert the date the student will take the test with the Disability Resource Center, and click “Add this test” (see Example 4B). You will be directed to the “Test Details” page (shown in Example 4C). On this page, insert the date, test start and end time, then click “Next.” NOTE: The date, start, and end times should show when the student will be taking the test with the Disability Resource Center. This information may differ from the overall class. Faculty and student(s) should discuss testing times prior to submitting a test.

Example 4A:Example 4B:

Example 4C:

Step 5: You will be directed to the “Students” page (shown in Example 5A) which shows the list of students who have requested accommodations for this particular test. In this example, only one student (Sammy Seahawk) has requested accommodations for the test. After reviewing the students, click “Next.”

Example 5A:

Step 6: You will be directed to the “Test Information” page (shown in Example 6A). There are five questions on this page requesting information about the test (questions one and two displayed). Please answer all five questions. In this example, the class will receive 120 minutes of testing time. This test will also be open book and open notes. Once you have answered all questions, click “Next.”

Example 6A:

Step 7: You will be directed to the “Submit Changes” page (shown in Example 7A). This page will provide a summary of all the information you inserted for this test. Review the information to ensure it is accurate. At the bottom of the page you will see “File Upload” (shown in Example 7B). You will upload your test in this section. Once you’ve reviewed the information and uploaded your test, click “Submit Changes” and you have successfully scheduled a test.

Example 7A:

Example 7B:

NOTE: To submit multiple documents you will have to upload them one at a time. Select your first document and submit changes. Go back to your courses list and click “Review File” for the test. You will be directed back to the page shown in Example 7B. Use the file upload field to upload your next document. Your first document should appear in the “Previously Uploaded Tests” field.