University Centers Advisory Board

Spring Quarter 2004

Minutes of Meeting #14

May 17, 2004

PriceCenter, Davis/Riverside Room

Chairperson Justin Williams called the regular bi-weekly meeting of the University Centers Advisory Board to order on Monday,May 17at 3:06pm in the Davis/Riverside meeting room located on the University of California, San Diego campus. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as reviewed.

Members Present:John Allison, Debby Chen, Carrie Du, Angela Fornero, Max Harrington,Jessica Kort, Donald Povieng, Gary Ratcliff, Jason Thornton,Justin Williams, Michelle Yousofi

Members Absent:Tom Corringham, Allie Firestone, Danny Le, Yolanda Leyva


Secretary Donald Povieng announced that the University Centers banquet to honor graduating seniors will be held on Thursday, May 20, 2004 from 2:00-4:00pm at the Student Center Pub Patio.

Max Harrington announced that he has been working on a more effective recycling program in University Centers, and will conduct a review of available trash facilities and recycling bins.

Public Input:

There was no input from the public


Williams reported that the Co-Op Oversight Committee made changes to the Master Space Agreement (MSA) that made language more specific, and would no longer require UCAB to review the budget annually. Instead, the MSA will specify acceptable budget guidelines that the Co-Ops will be required to adhere to.

Williams added that there seems to be an unspecified problem with the Price Center Food Co-Op. Associated Students has already approved the MSA for the Food Co-Op, however the Food Co-Op is not prepared to proceed with plans.

In the Building Advisory Committee (BAC), Scheme A was selected as the design for the StudentCenter after feedback was received from the town hall meeting. The new scheme may be seen online at

UCAB will need two representatives (1 UCAB chair, 1 appointed from the board) to the BAC over the summer and through the 2004-2005 academic year. Williams will be contacting interested board members.

Williams then stated that because the police sub station will be relocated to the eastside of campus due to the Price Center Expansion, representatives from the police station still desire to maintain a presence at the center of campus, in the form of a 150 square footkiosk that will house a lost and found center, and provide bicycle registration. If approved, the police sub station would be built under the student fee funded portion of the expansion. Following concerns and questions from UCAB board members, Director Gary Ratcliff stated that he would follow up with police station representatives regarding other possible services to be offered, lost and found traffic, and bicycle registration distribution patterns. Ratcliff added that if a police sub station were not added, space may be allocated to the All Campus Commuter Board, All Campus Transfer Association, or AS organizations.

Williams completed his report in saying that he met with all major student organization blocks and will compile information regarding space needs in the near future.

Vice Chairperson Jessica Kort reported that Star Wraps has been informed that its lease will not be renewed, and that the UCAB Food Committee is compiling a list of potential replacements for the space.

Kort also reported that the Space Committee received formal appeals from seven student organizations that are set to be heard Wednesday, May 19th, 2004 from 1:00-4:00pm.

Concerning the grocery store in the Price Center Expansion, Ratcliff stated that it would cost 2.9 million dollars to build out the shell for the store, which does not include build out of the business. As a result, Ratcliff proposed to have the UCSD Bookstore build out and manage the grocery store. Ratcliff also noted that if the Bookstore did operate the grocery store, it would still continue the operations of the Sunshine Store which includes similar items planned for the new grocery store.

Old Business:

Williams announced that the approval for the MSA will again be postponed to accommodate the Food Co-Op situation.

New Business:

UCAB Elections for the 2004-2005 academic year were held for the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson positions. Nominees included Carrie Du and Jessica Kort for Chairperson, and Debby Chen and Carrie Du for Vice Chairperson.Each candidate then provided the board with a personal statement of qualifications, and a secret ballot was held. After vote tabulation, Jessica Kortand Debby Chen were announced as Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, respectively, for University Centers Advisory Board for the 2004-2005 academic year.

Further discussion continued in regards to the grocery store. Williams stated that he agrees to have the Bookstore build and manage the grocery store; however he felt it necessary that UCAB define a mission statement that would prevent competition with other vendors. In addition, a Grocery Store Advisory Committee would be created either as a UCAB subcommittee or as a separate entity in which UCAB would have a significant role. Ratcliff added that an MSA will need to be drawn up for the grocery store that would include restrictions regarding items sold that would not overlap with other items offered by other Price Center vendors, and a clause regarding shared maintenance fees with janitorial services.

Williams stated that he would like to present the Bookstore with a resolution with requirements UCAB feels are necessary for the grocery store. These requirements include:

1.MSA for common area maintenance.

2.Mutually agreed upon mission statement.

3.Student advisory board

4.An inclusion of a restaurant similar to that of SixthCollege’s Food Worxs if the bookstore does open a grocery store

Jessica Kort moved, with a second from Debby Chen, to approve a resolution regarding the grocery store. Vote: 7-0-0; motion passed.

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned on motion.


Donald Povieng

Secretary, University Centers Advisory Board

Documents distributed at this meeting:

-No documents were distributed.

Notice: If you are in need of an additional copy of a referenced document discussed at the meeting, please email your request to Donald Povieng at .