“Building Citizens
Striving for Excellence”
Box 1000, Unity, Saskatchewan S0K 4L0
Ms. R. Cey, Principal Phone (306) 228-2657
Mr. K. Parker, Vice-Principal Fax (306) 228-2228
November 9, 2015
Dear Sir or Madame,
We are the students of the Leadership class from Unity Composite High School. Last year, together with our Positive School Climate Committee, we created a project to promote kindness and inclusion for all of the students and staff in our school. Due to the success of this project, we have decided to turn this idea into a province wide school contest. It is our hope that all students from across the province will get on board and create a positive project and enter it into our contest.
Last year our Positive School Climate Committee created an Activate Campaign, where each class was responsible for creating and implementing an idea to bring about inclusion and to help stop bullying. Some of our classes created a video, some shared baking, some left positive messages for others and one class passed around a card with positive messages on it. To check out our work visit our twitter page @ActivateUCHS.
This year we want to take it to a new level. We believe that this message of inclusion and belonging starts with us students. In order to help spread this message, we invite and encourage all students to enter our contest. Our contest is simple:
· The project should show kindness and inclusion
· Create and submit your idea: It can be a poster, a video, a skit, a book mark, a shirt design or logo
· This entry enters you for a chance to win the acknowledgement of your success and a possible monetary donation.
The ideas are endless and so are the possibilities. One small act of kindness can make a big impact!
If you have any questions or need further information please contact Becky Krentz at
becky.krentz @lskysd.ca.
Yours truly,
UCHS Leadership Class Activate Coordinator
Intent to Enter/ Display/ Publish
I ______
From ______
Acknowledge that the attached work is solely my own creation. I give permission to Unity Composite High School to display my work and to, if need be, publish my work, with my name attached to it. I also give Unity Composite High School permission to share my picture and my name if I am chosen to be a winner. If selected as a winner, I may be asked to attend the presentation ceremony either in person or via Skype/FaceTime.
Signature of Student ______
Signature of Parent ______
Signature of Staff Member______
Date: ______
Contact information:
Name: ______
Age: ______
School Name and Phone number and mailing address ______
Contest Rules and Regulations
Eligibility: Open to all registered students of Saskatchewan ages 5 to 18.
Only originals accepted, no fax or photocopies accepted.
Enter as an individual or a group.
Age Categories:
Grades K—3, Grades 4—6, Grades 7—9, Grades 10—12.
Create a means of showing or promoting kindness and inclusion. It may be a poem, an essay, a book mark, a poster, a video, a slogan/logo, a play, etc.
How to enter: Mail your entry, postmarked no later than March 14th, 2016 to:
Activate Our Day Contest
c/o Unity Composite High School
Box 1000
Unity, SK S0K 4L0
Winners will be notified by telephone call or written letter two weeks prior to April 20th, 2016. All entries must have a signed intent to enter or to qualify.
We reserve the right to reject any or all entries.
There may not be a winner in every category.
Prizes to be awarded April 20th, 2016 at Unity Composite High School Activate Our Day Ceremony. Wherever possible winners should be in attendance.
Prizes awarded for 1st and 2nd place.
A panel of 10 judges have been selected from across the province to help judge our entries. No local judges have been selected.