HNNP Meeting of 18.00 16th February 2004

Notes and Action Points

Attendees: Ann Wynne (AW), Nick Roxan (NR), Anita Broome (AB), Cllr. Cosin (MC), May Adamson (MA), Felicity Bryan (FB), Chris Page (CP), Merik ? (M), Paul Jameson (PJ), Tony ? (T), Fabian Watkinson (FW), Shirley Moy (SM), David Snewin (DS), Claire Dulieu (CD), David Rodgers (DR), Petra ? (P) and Ben Griffiths (BG)

1.  Apologies: Enid Evans, Bob Gryspeerdt, Stacey Dale, Deb Froome

2.  Notes of Previous Meeting Agreed

NR updated HNNP on successful recruitment of temporary partnership worker from Brook Street Agency.

3.  Temporary Neighbourhood Partnership Support Worker Report.

i) Website

Decision: Rough outline of website approved. BG to liase with web designer and circulate website address when the site becomes active. Feedback can then be directed back to designer.

ii) Resources

MC questioned the need for all equipment listed, suggested taking a more ‘outward’ looking approach. Also suggested a risograph instead of a photocopier.

NR suggested a budget of £2,000 for equipment.

Decision: BG to price risographs. Any community members / groups with requests for equipment to contact AW or email before the next HNNP meeting.

iii)  Logo

AB and MA voiced objections to the use of the Chester Road sculpture in the logo. FW questioned need for any logo.

AB suggested use of Highgate Newtown RA logo, MC suggested using the library in some way.

Decision: BG to gather all possible logos (including sculpture logo) in 2D format and circulate to try and judge HNNP feeling. Issue to be raised again at next meeting if required.

iv)  Policy

NR: Are there gaps in HNNP policy?

Decision: BG to send out policy (Constitution, Terms of Reference and Use of Partnership Shop) to all members and ask for feedback.

v)  Overview of BG responsibilities

MC raised concerns about the windows, AB suggested window pockets.

NR & FW raised concerns about council housing being sold and privately rented.

Decision: BG to look into smartening window display and to continue collating statistics on local area.

4.  Pilot Community Bursary Scheme

AW explained this would mean £2,500 of training available to community Groups and individuals within HN NRA. Each applicant would have to show how the training applied for would benefit themselves and the wider community. Suggested max £250 per individual and max. £600 per group. It was agreed that 3 HNNP volunteers would decide on applications for training. General enthusiasm for the idea.

Decision: AB and MA interested on sitting on the committee. DS possibly interested depending on time constraints. Suggested that CD approached as well. Reps. included.

5.  NRF Update


·  NRF £50,000 for 2 years.

·  Parent Pack £70,000 until 2005 (but nothing for 2006).

·  Raydon Street £112,000 for scheme.

·  Joint Partnership Support worker (with Caversham) £50,000 p/a for 2 years.

·  2 Highgate Newtown projects listed in top 20 NRA projects.

·  Lost bid for the Juice Bar. Still looking for funding – MC suggested ‘Venture Capital money from the Home Office.

AW said a community discussion afternoon on Raydon Street is being organised.

Joint HN & Cav. appointment panel and management group for Partnership Support Worker suggested.

Decsions: AW, NR and FW to sit on appointment panel for HNNP. M to organise Cav. panel. M provisionally prepared to work directly with HNNP over job description, but will need to confer with members of Cav. community. Interviews hopefully to take place by end of March.

MC to enquire into Home Office funding for Juice Bar.

6.  HNNP Working Party Reports

i) Highgate Library Development

PJ: Library renovation plans going ahead in consultation stages.

PJ & FW both explained how the expanded Home Library Service will allow the library access to three times the number of books that would usually be the case.

T mentioned that Bob is the only one to have seen the plans so far.

Decision: MC suggested that the plans are displayed in the HNCC, 60 Chester Road and possibly Brookfields School once they are released.

ii)  Secret Garden

SM: Wall knocked down. Workshops up and running. Rise Phoenix coming to help kids with mosaic.

DR and P raised concerns over security / safety / visual aspects of the Secret Garden.

Decision: Secret Garden group to meet with DR and P to discuss concerns. Also suggested that DR and P contact AB regarding HNRA.

iii)  Textile Project

AB showed example of the ongoing work.

Decision: NR agreed to display the finished banner in the Community Centre. A screen print of the library will be displayed at 60 Chester Road.

7. Other Reports

i)  RAs

FW: list of problems on Whittington Estate – security shutter broken, playground padlocked, underground car park doors not working, lighting mixed, defensive planting dead and fence erected by cemetery. General concern over forthcoming waterproofing project.

Most areas had not received letters about the housing meeting.

Decisions: Meeting to be arranged between Whittington RA / MC and Housing Dept.

MC to attempt to join MA for housing walkabout (17/02/04).

ii)  Youth Forum

No attendees

iii)  Building Stronger Communities


·  Full workshops planned for the Secret Gdn.

·  £8,000 funding has been secured from the Social Inclusion Strategy. This will allow a pilot benefits / welfare advice session to run twice a week. It will also help build a clearer picture of current barriers to employment.

·  CAB worker for 2 mornings a week to deal with employment barriers.

Decision: MC to meet with AW to discuss linking this with ‘New Deal’ and possible central govt. funding.

iv)  CPZ

MA: No forms received for Croftdown Road. AB: ditto for Raydon St.

DS: No permits for school. PJ and T: ditto for library.

Decision: MC to chase parking permits (particularly for school).

v)  Credit Union

AB: Camden P£us. New development worker for 9 months from beginning of March. Possibly looking for a place to work locally – shop under 60 Chester Rd. suggested.

Decision: Seminar/workshop with development worker to be arranged and hosted in Community Centre. M said that Cav. would be interested in taking part as well. Advertise in Newsletter.

8. AOB

i)  Bob Gryspeerdt

PJ: Money Matters – classes teaching people to manage money & use internet/email to be run from HL. Possible tie in with CAB worker. Potential to invite CAB to one of these sessions.

Decision: Library to consider the possibility of evening sessions following suggestion from MC. Information to be linked with Cav. and Holly Lodge if possible.

ii)  Dining Club

AB: Using dining room/kitchen in community centre once a month. This is to encourage healthier eating and will also offer a social opportunity to those living alone.

Decision: Give it a try. AB to report at next meeting.

iii)  Noise 2004

FB: Christian youth organisation. Did lots of good work last summer, want to do something again this summer – looking for things to help with. FW commented on how successful last summer’s work had been.

Decision: Community groups/organisations to consider anything that they would like help with and get back to HNNP or email .

iv)  School Community Governor

DS: Governor needed for Brookfields School. Cannot have children at the school.

Decision: Advertise in Newsletter. All RAs to mention the post to see who is interested.

v)  Power Cuts

P: No letters sent out concerning meeting about recent power cuts. General agreement to this.

Decision: MC will get in touch with the EDF about this issue.

vi)  Enid Evans – email on NRF

Email laying out pros and cons of the processes she had volunteered to be involved with.

Decision: BG to send letter of thanks to Enid for donating so much of her time.

vii)  Community Police

CD: NRF bid for PCSOs for HN and Caversham had been unsuccessful.

Decision: Will remain committed to looking for alternative sources of funding.

viii)  Community Day

MC: Day was huge success, can we repeat?

Decision: Repeat the day, but involve the school from an earlier stage.

ix)  Albert Hall

MC: Evening at the Albert Hall run by Camden Council – very good.

Decision: BG to ask for tickets for members of HNNP.

x)  Neighbourhood Care Scheme

NR: There is space on this scheme for both the elderly and those who care for the elderly.

Decision: Scheme to be mentioned to any people who could benefit, anyone interested should contact Marcia at HNCC for more details.

9. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 19.00, 24/03/04 @ 60 Chester Road.

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