Lancaster University

Stress Risk Assessment

Guidance Notes

RISK IDENTIFICATION / Please review these questions to help you to consider if these issues present a risk for your department
Is the physical environment in your department comfortable and conductive to a productive atmosphere? / Are up to date risk assessments in place to control physical hazards in the department?
Is lighting adequate to meet staff needs? Is some natural light available?
Do all staff have adequate office/desk space?
Do staff have the necessary skills and capability to meet the demands made of them? / Do the qualification levels of staff meet the minimum requirements identified in the job description?
Have staff received training to enable them to do their jobs?
Do staff have individual training/development plans?
Do training records detailing training completed and planned exist for staff?
Are staff exposed to the threat of physical violence or verbal abuse? / Has the risk of physical violence or verbal abuse against staff been assessed?
If violence or verbal abuse is considered a risk have staff been given training to deal with and defuse difficult situations?
If violence or verbal abuse is considered a risk has advice been sought from the police or other bodies?
Do staff have sufficient resources (time & equipment) to meet the demands made of them? / Are workloads formally discussed with staff on a routine (at least annual basis)?
Is there an agreed work load modelling tool used in the department?
Are work patterns altered in agreement with staff to manage troughs and peaks of work?
Are staff free to plan their working day…for example to take breaks when they need to? / How is work planned in the department?
Do staff have flexibility to manage their work or are they constrained by processes or other factors?
Are staff consulted about changes to working patterns & given the opportunity to discus any problems? / Are staff able to influence decisions on work patterns?
Are staff encouraged to show initiative and use their full range of skills? / Are opportunities provided for staff to use their skills in roles or projects outside of their normal job?
Do staff understand how their skills fit into the overall objectives of the department?
Are staff able and generally willing to provide support to their colleagues? / Are there opportunities for staff to get together to discuss work?
Are (cross functional) teams established to tackle specific departmental projects?
Are procedures in place to help staff cope with work or home related issues? / Are staff given the opportunity to work flexibly to meet home/work life commitments?
Do staff take their annual leave entitlements in full?
Do staff feel that their contribution is appropriately recognised? / Recognition can take many forms; positive feedback, benefits, prizes etc.
Are staff regularly provided with constructive feedback (informally and through formal performance management systems)? / Do staff receive regular, formal constructive feedback about their performance through the performance review process?
Do staff receive regular, informal constructive feedback about performance, particularly praise when something goes well?
Are staff supported when undertaking new tasks? / Are the reason for new tasks existing explained to staff?
Is training provided to staff who undertake new tasks?
When new tasks are allocated is consideration given to the skills of existing staff?
Do staff know where to go to discuss any concerns that they might have about working relationships? / Do staff know where to find copies of the disciplinary, grievance and harassment polices?
Is the existence of these polices discussed in staff meetings?
Are openness, honesty and respect encouraged within teams? / Are opportunities provided for the department to celebrate success and/or socialise together?
Is openness and honest debate encouraged / demonstrated within meetings?
Are people aware of the penalties associated with unacceptable behaviour? / Do staff know how to report incidences of unacceptable behaviour?
Have staff been made aware of the content of disciplinary, grievance and harassment polices?
Is their a departmental induction programme and is it routinely used for new all members of staff? / Do new members of staff receive a comprehensive induction programme into the organisation, department and role?
Are existing staff told about the arrival of new recruits and what their role will be?
Are staff clear about what is expected of them within the department and are priorities clearly established? / Do all staff have a copy of their up to date job descriptions?
Are all job descriptions clear and accurate?
Are individual standards of performance for jobs and individual agreed and reviewed?
Do staff understand the short and long terms goals and objectives of the department and how their role contributes to these goals and objectives? / Are the departments objectives shared with staff on a regular basis?
Are staff given an opportunity to input into the setting of departmental objectives?
Are staff informed about changes in the department and the reason for these changes? / Are all staff notified about changes in the department, prior tot hem happening?
Are the reasons for any changes clearly explained to staff?
Are staff given the opportunity to ask questions about changes before, during and after changes have been announced & where appropriate influence proposals? / Are processes in place to encourage staff to comment and ask questions about changes?
Is there an ‘open door’ policy in the department during periods of change?
When staff are asked to change their roles are they provide with information, instruction, support and training? / Is retraining of staff considered as part of any change programme?
Are individual objective revised in light of departmental changes?
Are risk assessment revised in light of departmental changes?

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