Latina/o and Latin American Spiritualities Oral History Assignment Index

SPRING 2016, Dr. Sendejo



*Submit a hard copy of 1) index and 2) photos to Dr. Sendejo in class. Upload your 3) oral history interview to the shared Google folder or email it to Dr. Sendejo.

The purpose of this index is to note the themes that emerged in the interview you conducted. The index provides an overview of the interview and an opportunity for you to reflect on what you learned through this assignment.

You should complete this index after the interview is conducted. You should listen to the interview and give descriptions about what the interviewee has to say about the issues listed here. Note any NEW topics that you find in the interview -- issues that are not included in this index – under the “Other” section. Note “Not on tape” if a topic was not covered in the interview.

Interviewer/ Interview Date:

Interview Participant:

Place of Birth:

Family composition (i.e. nuclear, extended, brought up by other than parents, etc.)

Community (i.e. grew up in urban, rural, setting etc.)

Education (private or public school prior to Southwestern?)

Language (Spanish, English, German, other and/or bilingual –at home, work and school)

Religion (i.e. specific practices and beliefs; role of religion in upbringing or lack thereof)

Celebrations/traditions/rituals around spirituality/religion (i.e. celebrated a Bat Mitzvahor quinceanera, Guadalupe devotion, mass or services, etc.)

Changes in religious/spiritual practicesover the course of their life or conversions

Any particular experiences they noted as a woman or member of the LGBTQ community within religion? (i.e. a member of the Guadalupanas, ordained minister in Episcopal Church, allowed or not allowed to participate in certain rituals/roles/traditions?)

Involvement in community organizations and/or activism/social justice work (connected to spirituality/religion or not)

Any other topics or observations you found pertinent that you wish to add:

Questions for interviewer:

  1. What new information about religion/spirituality did you learn through this person’s life?
  2. In what ways did this person’s spiritual/religious biography—or lack thereof—align with or contradict any of the material/topics we have covered in our study of Latina/o and Latin American spiritualities?
  3. In what ways does this person’s spiritual/religious biography reflect his/her lived experience and/or personal beliefs? That is, their interaction with/perspectives on the social world?
  4. What was most surprising to you about this person’s interview?
  5. What was most interesting to you about this person’s interview?