South Tyneside Substance Misuse Commissioning Team

Performance Report for the

Joint Commissioning Group


Performance as at March 2009

PDU All ages

Total Numbers in Effective Treatment as at March 2009: 458 (YTD)

PDU - Retention rate for partnership: 84% (Target 83%)

Service Provider / Retention
Contact / 94%
DIP / 75%
NECA / 87%
Streetlevel / 69%

All Drugs (18+)

Total Numbers in Effective Treatment as at March 2009: 737 (YTD)

All Drug (18+) - Retention Rate performance as at March 2009: 82% (Target of 83%)

·  Slight decline over past few months (See section on discharge reasons)

Service Provider performance / Retention
Contact / 92%
DIP / 78%
NECA / 90%
Streetlevel / 72%

Client - Service quotient

Contact catering for 63% of our PDU clients and 42% of all Drug Clients as at end of Q4.

Treatment exits

As at Q4 (01/01/08 to 31/12/08) the partnership had 316 (YTD) Adults exiting treatment system

·  70% (n222) of these were unplanned discharges

·  Only 30% (n94) were care plan discharged

·  Of those exiting treatment 28% (n87) were referred on

A full analysis of the discharge reasons around unplanned discharges can be found in the appendix by provider by modality of treatment and primary drug.

Summary for unplanned treatment exits and reasons

Of the unplanned treatment exits 40% were client

whom dropped out or left with around 8% leaving treatment due to entering into prison.

Treatment withdrawn accounted for 20% of those leaving treatment in an unplanned way.

(NOTE: Difference of 2% when comparing Q4 Performance report and NDTMS live feed data due to data cleansing)

(Where a client had been recorded as other as exit reason)

Waiting Times

As per Q4 performance report we are at 96% as a partnership on waiting times

Care planning

As per Q4 performance report we are at 58% flagged as red

·  90 – 100% of all Tier 3 clients should receive a care plan

·  We were at 93% at Q2

Action: Analyst has identified that the majority of those without a care plan date are mainly Contact clients. Work already started on correct this

Harm Reduction and Health care

Expected that 100% of tier 3 clients receive vaccination against BBV’s

The partnership is currently at 72% of new presentations being offered HEP B vaccination

Action: Analyst identified that the majority of those without HEP B and C data are Contact clients. Agreed with services to identify each agencies clients who are in need work.

Health care assessments expectations are 100% of individuals having a health care assessment, Partnership achieving 71% although an improvement on previous quarter work still carrying on rectify this.

A lot of issues around performance are directly related to data issues, this is being address on a service by service basis.

Treatment Outcome Profiles (TOPS)


Start TOPS are pretty much there with Contact being the only agency not getting there yet.

Review TOPS has slipped again, very poor month on review TOPS.

Exit TOPS, has improved a lot, but still not at expected levels.

Start TOPS

Number of new treatment journeys / Number of completed TOP forms (New Txj) / % of completed TOP forms (New Txj) / Number of TOP forms with TOP date within guidance (+/- 2 weeks) / % of TOP forms with TOP date within guidance (+/-2 weeks) / % NA on all TOP items / % of TOP forms answering zero to all crime items
67 / 55 / 82.1% / 53 / 79.1% / 6.6% / 76.4%

Review TOPS

Expected number of 12 week Review TOP forms / Number of completed Review TOP forms 0-4 weeks post mod start / % of completed Review TOP forms within 0-4 weeks post mod start / Number of completed Review TOP forms within guidance (5-14 weeks post Mod Start) / % of completed Review (5-14weeks) TOP forms within guidance / % NA on all Review TOP items
34 / 2 / 5.9% / 6 / 17.6% / 3.9%


Number of Treatment Exits / Number of planned Treatment Exits / Number of planned Treatment Exits having a TOP / % planned Treatment Exits having a TOP / Treatment Exit TOP forms within +/- 2 weeks of discharge date / % Treatment Exit TOP forms within +/-2 weeks of discharge date / % NA on all planned treatment exit items
71 / 19 / 11 / 57.9% / 10 / 52.6% / 4.1%

Tops performance for NECA during March 2009.

Tops Starts

Number expected: (17)

Number done: (15, 88.2%)

Tops Reviews

Number expected: (12)

Number done: (5, 41.7%)

Tops Exits

Number expected: (Fewer than 5, not shown on report)

Number done: (-)

Tops performance for Street level during March 2009.

Tops Starts

Number expected: (8)

Number done: (7, 87.5%)

Tops Reviews

Number expected: (5)

Number done: (0)

Tops Exits

Number expected: (6)

Number done: (5, 83.3%)

Tops performance for DIP during March 2009.

Tops Starts

Number expected: (34)

Number done: (30, 85.3%)

Tops Reviews

Number expected: (16)

Number done: (2, 12.5%)

Tops Exits

Number expected: (10)

Number done: (5, 50%)

Tops performance for Contact during March 2009.

Tops Starts

Number expected: (6 )

Number done: (1, 16.7%)

Tops Reviews

Number expected: (fewer than 5, not shown on report)

Number done: (-)

Tops Exits

Number expected: (fewer than 5, not shown on report)

Number done: (-)

DIP Treatment

During the period Dec 08 to Feb 09

Number of clients with care plan agreed by DIP / Number of these referred to specialist treatment by CJIT / % referred
46 / 22 / 48%

Source: DIMIS dashboard

No. of referral events / No. of clients referred / No. triaged within 6 weeks of DIP referral / No. triaged within 6 weeks AND starting a modality
31 / 28 / 15 (54%) / 14 (93%)

Source: DIMS & NDTMS

No. of clients referred to CJIT from CARATs / No. picked up by CJIT / % Picked up
8 / 2 / 25%

Source: DIMIS dashboard

DRR as at April 2009 – Source: Northumbria Probation

DRR Commencements – 2 against a target of 4.33, performance against target 46%

Positive terminations – 1 against a target of 1.84, performance against target 54%

Completion rate – target of 45% - as at April 25%

Total caseload as at end of month – 28

Tier 4 – Source: NDTMS

Numbers in inpatient Detoxification Treatment YTD Mar 2009 – 19 clients

Numbers in Residential Rehabilitation Treatment YTD Mar 2009 – 1 client

Contact – (Drugs Only) Discharges Q4 (01/01/08 to 31/12/08)

Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract
14 / 2 / 2 / 5 / 13 / 2
GP Prescribing / Drug type/Exit reason / Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract
Amphetamines / 1 / 1
Totals / 1 / 1
Other Structured Intervention / Drug type/Exit reason / Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract
Amphetamines / 1 / 2 / 1
Buprenophine / 1
Cocaine / 1
Heroin / 3 / 1 / 3
Poly Drug / 1
Totals / 5 / 1 / 1 / 6 / 1
Specialist prescribing / Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract
Amphetamines / 1
Buprenophine / 1
Cannabis / 1
Heroin / 4 / 1 / 2 / 4
Other Opiates / 1
Totals / 6 / 1 / 1 / 2 / 5
Structured psychosocial intervention / Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract
Amphetamines / 1
Cannabis / 1
Heroin / 1 / 2 / 1
Other Opiates / 1
Totals / 3 / 1 / 2 / 1

Contact – (Alcohol Only) Discharges Q4 (01/01/08 to 31/12/08)

Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract
6 / 1 / 5
ALC - Structured psychosocial intervention / Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract
4 / 1 / 2
Structured Alcohol Intervention / Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract
2 / 3

NECA – Discharges (31/12/08 to end March 2009)

Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract
21 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 11 / 0
Advice and Information / Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract
Amphetamines Unspecified / 2 / 1
Cannabis / 3 / 1 / 1
Cocaine unspecified / 1 / 1
Heroin / 2 / 3
Diazepam / 1
Methadone / 1
Totals / 10 / 1 / 6
Other Structured Intervention / Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract
Cannabis / 2
Structured psychosocial intervention / Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract
Amphetamines / 2
Cannabis / 2 / 1
Cocaine / 1
Heroin / 1
Totals / 5 / 2
Structured day Programme / Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract
Diazepam / 1
Cocaine Unspecified / 1
Cocaine / 1
Heroin / 1 / 2
Methadone / 1
Totals / 4 / 3

DIP– Discharges Q4 (01/01/08 to 31/12/08)

Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract
34 / 1 / 0 / 5 / 16 / 0
Advice and Information / Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract
Heroin / 2
Aftercare / Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract
Heroin / 1
Other Structured Intervention / Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract
Amphetamines / 2 / 1
Buprenophine / 1 / 1 / 1
Cannabis / 9 / 1 / 2
Cocaine / 4 / 3
Heroin / 8 / 1 / 5
Other Opiates / 1
MDMA / 1
Outreach / Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract
Amphetamines / 1 / 1
Cocaine / 1
Heroin / 2 / 1
Structured psychosocial intervention / Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract / Died
Amphetamines / 1
Buprenophine / 1
Cocaine / 1 / 1
Heroin / 1 / 2

Street level – Discharges Q4 (01/01/08 to 31/12/08)

Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract
2 / 5 / 1 / 5 / 6 / 33
Advice and Information / Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract
Amphetamines / 1
Benzodiazazephines / 1
Cannabis / 1 / 1
Cocaine freebase (Crack) / 1
Cocaine / 1
Heroin / 1 / 1
MDMA / 1
Methadone / 1
Other Opiates / 1
Other Perscription / 1
Totals / 2 / 1 / 9
Other Structured Intervention / Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract
Benzodiazazephines / 1
Cannabis / 1 / 2 / 3
Cocaine / 1 / 1 / 1
Heroin / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Methadone / 1 / 1
Totals / 1 / 1 / 2 / 5 / 7
Outreach / Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract
Heroin / 1
Structured day Programme / Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract
Cannabis / 1
Structured psychosocial intervention / Dropped out Left / Moved Away / No Appropriate treatment available / Prison / Referred on / Treatment withdrawn/breach of contract
Amphetamines / 3
Benzodiazazephines / 1
Cannabis / 2
Cocaine / 2
Heroin / 1 / 1 / 1 / 6
Ketamine / 1
MDMA / 1
Methadone / 1 / 1
Other Opiates / 1
Totals / 2 / 3 / 1 / 16