Saulgrove Yearly Overview 2017-2018

Class: Saulgrove / AUTUMN / SPRING / SUMMER
MAIN TOPIC / Treasure Trove / To infinity and beyond / Castle Quest
History / In History, we will have an introduction to the dark ages, thinking about why the invaders came. We shall be looking at the language of the Saxons and place names. We will take part in a Sutton Hoo burial re-enactment. We will also be considering the question ‘How dark were the dark ages?’ / Following on from our previous topic on the Anglo Saxons, we shall look at the arrival of the Vikings. We shall focus on who the Vikings were, their beliefs and way of life. We will consider the statement – ‘The Vikings were savage, not civilized.’ / We will look at the causes of different historical events and think about how historical periods overlap with other and vary in length. This will be in the context of a castle ‘quest’, where the children will have challenges linked to a local historical site.
Geography / In Geography, we will be using maps and compass directions to identify locations, looking at why people choose a location to settle and how places are named. We will compare features of villages now and in Saxon times. / Linked to our history topic, we shall use maps and atlases to study what Viking homelands were like.
We shall explore the trade routes established by the Vikings and look at the types of goods that were bought and sold.
We shall look at Viking settlements and how they made use of the land and natural resources. / We will be studying the local area, carrying out fieldwork and looking closely at maps. This will be a topic closely integrated to our history study.
Science / Through our Science lessons, we will be learning about sound, including how sounds are made, about vibration, pitch and volume. We will then move on to our Materials topic, where we will look at grouping solids, liquids and gases. We shall also learn about changes of state and the water cycle. / In our studies about electricity, we will be constructing simple electrical circuits, identifying and naming the basic parts.
Following that, we will learn about the Earth in space. We will be describing the movement of the Earth, and other planets relative to the Sun in the Solar System. / All living things
We will define the characteristics of living things and identify micro habitats within the school grounds. Finally, we will look at food chains and ways that habitats can change.
Animals including humans
We will investigate the process of digestion in detail. We will be looking at the importance of good oral health.
Computing / In computing we will learn about Internet safety including the careful use of passwords; word processing skills and branching data bases. / We will continue to develop our skills in control and mechanisms using Scratch – ‘Slug Trail’.
We will also explore Crystal Rainforest 2 – a game that teaches about programming and mechanisms.
Each term we will complete an E-safety unit. / We shall be working on an internet safety unit during the first half of the term. This unit will cover how we can communicate with others across different platforms and how to do so in a safe and respectful way.
We will be looking this term at using the Excel program, within this we shall be exploring how to input, edit and manipulate data to create spreadsheets, tables and charts.
Art / The focus is on developing drawing and painting skills.We shall be recognizing and applying the proportions of the human body. We shall mix colours of varying tone and look at how our two key artists used line, colour and pattern.
Out two artists will be Duccio and Bondone, who often used religious images in their work e. g. Madonna and child. / We shall explore the work of artist Paul Klee. The theme will be on ‘journeys’.
There will be an opportunity to express the final piece in both collage and print. The children will make their own printing blocks. / We will be working with clay this term, looking at the following artists for inspiration:
Picasso and Andy Warhol.
DT / We shall be looking at structures with a particular focus on boxes which are designed with a particular purpose in mind.
As Christmas approaches, we shall be making Christmas cakes in food technology. / Linked to our topic on the Vikings we shall be working with textiles to create a runes bag.
As part of our Healthy School status, we shall investigate how to use fruit to make a tasty smoothie. / Food technology – we shall be making bread, and considering the importance of bread in the diet during medieval times.
Mechanisms – we shall be making a working model of a castle portcullis; designing a pulley system to make a moving part
PE / Our PE includes street dance, netball, football and gymnastics skills.
Our different topics will involve teaching the key skills and techniques for each sport. / Our PE includes components of fitness, dance,hockey and tag rugby.
Our different topics will involve teaching the key skills and techniques for each sport. / Our PE includes components of cricket, rounders and athletics.
Our different topics will involve teaching the key skills and techniques for each sport.
RE / We will begin in RE, by discussing the word ‘Ritual’. We will then explore how rituals are used with food in the Christian and Hindu faiths. In the second half of the Autumn term we will move on to the concept of ‘Holy’ by studying Mary, Mother of God. / We will be discussing ideas about the concept of ‘divine’ through stories about Jesus’ miracles.
We will move onto describing our emotions about the events of Holy week and how Christians remember these events. / The children will think about the meaning of the word ‘symbol’, and consider the value of water as a symbol for Christians and Hindus.
We shall go on to explore the concept of ‘devotion’ expressed through the Hindu celebration of Mahashivratri.
Music / Our music lessons will be taught by the Hampshire Music Service, we will be learning to play the Ukulele in our weekly Listen to Me lessons. We will perform in a concert at the end of term. / Our music lessons will be taught by the Hampshire Music Service, we will be learning to play brass instruments in our weekly Listen to Me lessons. We will perform in a concert at the end of term. / Our music lessons will be taught by the Hampshire Music Service, we will be learning to play brass instruments in our weekly Listen to Me lessons. We will perform in a concert at the end of term.
MFL / In our French lessons, we will be learning greetings, counting, days of the week, seasons, weather and Christmas. / Alphabet
Days of the week and months of the year.
Easter / Our French lessons will be taught following the Lingotot scheme of work, delivered by our specialist language teacher.
PSHE / In our regular PSHE sessions, children will explore and discuss home and school values, reasoned opinions and exploring our feelings and positive things about ourselves and others. We will then move on to a unit about keeping healthy, exploring topics such as food safety, bacteria and viruses and developing healthy lifestyles. / Making friends
Keeping Safe in School / We will be asking the children to put themselves ‘in someone else’s shoes’. Through a variety of activities such as drama and decision-making games, the children will be developing the qualities of respect and tolerance.
Finally, we will give opportunities for the children to explore changes that take place in human life, and develop their understanding of different types of relationships and families.