/ SC Maintenance / Version No. / 1.0
Request for EIM BSCID / Revision Date / Sept 2014
Distribution Restriction / None


Base Schedules must be submitted for all generating resources in an EIM Entity BAA , including EIM non-participating resources and must include disaggregation of forward export schedules to other BAAs. Base import schedules to an EIM Entity BAA from BAAs other than CAISO must be submitted at the relevant intertie scheduling points. A Base schedule is a forward energy schedule with hourly granularitythat is the baseline to measure deviations for settlement through the EIM. Base Schedules include the hourly forecasts of load, hourly generation schedules, and hourly interchange schedules. The BSCID is used to submit the Base Schedule via the Base Schedule Aggregator Portal (BSAP).Also refer to Business Practice Manual (BPM) for Energy Imbalance Markets


  • And executed EIM Entity SC agreement or an executed EIM Participating Resource SC agreement
  • A previously established SCID for EIM


It takes11business days from the submittal of the Request for BSCID letter for an effective start date for the BSCID in the Master File. Upon the effective start date in the Master File, access can be requested or provisioned which can take 6 business days if users do not currently have digital certificates


  1. When requesting aBSCID, the EIM SC*will email a signed pdf of the BSCID request letter and cc their client representative.
  1. ill process the BSCID request.
  1. The ISO will assign the BSCID according to the information submitted and communicate this BSCID to the submitterupon the effective start date in master file, heEIM SC will be instructed to notify theirPOC to provision access to the new BSCID.

By submitting the BSCID Request letter:

  1. The EIM SC agrees to provide any additional information required for processing of the request for additional SCIDs as indicated in BPM for Scheduling Coordinator Certification and Termination
  1. The EIM SC is willing to disclose to the ISO the business-based justification and proposed changes in the use of the original SCID, and obtain the ISO consent for such use;
  1. The EIM SC will commit to work with the ISO in resolving any operational or market power concerns that may arise;

*NOTE: EIM SC identified in the letter has either the EIM Entity SC agreement or the EIM Participation Resource SC agreement in place.
BSCID RequestLetter Template

Letter templatemust be printed on company letterhead.Send a signedPDF copy to . No hard copy is required.

[Enter current date]

California Independent System Operator

Attn: Customer Services and Industry Affairs

250 Outcropping Way

Folsom, CA 95630

Dear [enter your Customer Service Representative]:

As an existing EIM**Scheduling Coordinator, we would like to request a BSCID to be provided by the California Independent System Operator (CAISO.)

EIM Entity:[enter EIM Entity name]

Balancing area:[enter the balancing area within the EIM Entity]

Select one*:

EIM Entity SC Name: [enter Legal Name]

EIM Participating Resource SC Name: [enter Legal Name]

SCID:[enter SCID used for EIM].

  • Effective Start Date in Master File: [mm/dd/yyyy enterdate as 11 business days after the letter submittal date]

Resource information will be requested separately under the applicable process along with any user application access for this SCID. In connection with this request, we (the SC) agree to the following:

  • To comply with the SCA & CAISO tariff;
  • To notify the ISO anytime there are changes to either the SC, SCID or the BSCID including bank information, name changes, or other changes.
  • To commit to working with the ISO in resolving any Operational or Market abuse concerns and/or errors that may arise;

Please inform me if you have any questions.

[Signature required with contact information]

**NOTE: The above named EIM SC haseither the EIM Entity SC agreement or the EIM Participation Resource SC agreement in place.

Last Update: Sept 2014 - LCPage 1 of 2
Document Owner: CSIA