PSY 485 – Lecture 8

Practice Quiz #8

1. / Who discovered that synaptic transmission was accomplished by a chemical message?
a. Wilhem Wundt
b. Herman Von Helmholz
c. Otto Loewi
d. John Locke
2. / Which of the following shows the six steps involved in synaptic transmission in the correct order?
a. precursor transport, activation, NT synthesis, release, storage, termination
b. NT synthesis, storage, release, activation, termination, precursor transport
c. storage, release, activation, termination, precursor transport, NT synthesis
d. precursor transport, NT synthesis, storage, release, activation, termination
3. / Which of the following is not one of the four basic methods of synaptic termination?
a. autoreceptors
b. enzymatic degradation
c. depolarization
d. diffusion
4. / All the following are actions of autoreceptors except :
A) binds to neurotransmitter
B) triggers exocytosis
C) decrease neurotransmitter release
D) decrease neurotransmitter synthesis
5. / According to the synaptic transmission model, right after synthesis with enzymes and cofactors occurs, ______occurs.
a. Storage in vesicles
b. Release of Ca ++
c. Activation and the NT binds to receptor
d. Termination
6. / What type of animal did Sherrington use to test electrotonic synaptic transmission?
A. Frog
B. Rat
C. Dog
D. Chicks
7. / Which set is not in the correct order?
A. precursor transport, neurotransmitter synthesis, storage
B. neurotransmitter synthesis, storage, release
C. storage, synthesis, termination
D. release, activation, termination
8. / Which of the following is a method of termination?
A) diffusion
B) enzymatic degradation
C) presynaptic reuptake
D) all of the above
9. / During synaptic transmission, exocytosis takes place in the:
a. terminal button
b. dendritic spine
c. vesicles
d. soma
10. / Which ion triggers the migration of vesicles to fuse with the membrane of the axon terminal during neurotransmitter release?
a. sodium
b. potassium
c. chloride
d. calcium
11. / Once an Action Potential moves down the axon towards the axon terminals, in what order does the release of the Neurotransmitters occur?
A. Depolarization, potassium channels are opened, vesicles move closer to the synapse, the neurotransmitters are released.
B. Hyperpolarization, calcium channels close, neurotransmitters are released from vesicles.
C. Depolarization, calcium channels closed, vesicles close, neurotransmitters are released into synapse.
D. Na+ causes depolarization, calcium channels open, vesicles move closer to synapse, neurotransmitters are released.
12. / Who did the frog heart experiment?
a. Hart
b. Loewi
c. Kermit
d. Milton
13. / During the 'Release' step of synaptic transmission how does calcium enter the axon terminal?
a. a voltage gated channel
b. diffusion through the cell membrane
c. a mechanically gated channel
d. a chemically gated channel
14. / What part of the synaptic transmission model involves the neurotransmitter binding to the receptor?
a. storage
b. synthesis
c. activation
d. termination
15. / What nerve did Otto Loewi stimulate to produce a frogs heart to slow down?
a accelerator
b cerebral
c spinal
d vagus

Answer Key: Practice Quiz 8

Q # / Ans / Reference
1. / C / Lecture 8, p. 1
2. / D / lecture 8, p. 3
3. / C / Lecture 8, slide 18
4. / B / lecture 8 page 4
5. / A / Lecture 8 pg. 3
6. / C / Lecture 8 p.1
7. / C / Lecture 8, pg. 2
8. / D / lecture 8 page 4
9. / A / Lecture 8,p.3
10. / D / Lecture #8
11. / D / Lecture 8, Page 6
12. / B / Lecture 8, page 1
13. / A / lecture 8 notes, p. 3
14. / C / lecture 8, p. 3
15. / D / lecture 8, p1