Sport educator workforceguidelines 2014


Role / Role description / Rate of pay / Other / Travel costs
National Trainer / Trainers train Sport Educators. For example, Trainers specifically develop the Sport Educator related skills ie provide tutor or assessor training to develop new tutors, lead tutors or assessors. Or they will provide the quality assurance training for those individuals who wish to be Internal Verifiers (IVs). The Trainers would be skilled (and qualified) in these specific Sport Educator roles ie to provide tutor training, they would normally be a qualified tutor or trainer; to provide assessor training, they would be a qualified assessor and so on. Their ‘dual specialism’ is that they are qualified in the Sport Educator role and they also have the necessary skills to deliver the training and assessment for these roles. / £350 per day
(based on 8 hour day) / Includes:
  • Course delivery preparation
  • Travel time
  • Set up time
  • Admin time e.g. writing up tutor feedback
/ All individuals on Contract for Services to be paid the rate of 28p per mile as stipulated by HMRC.
It is the individuals responsibility to claim back additional mileage to the value of 45p per mile directly from HMRC
For any unpaid tutors claiming mileage, the rate is 45p per mile.
£43.75 per hour /
  • Co-delivering with tutors and giving feedback
  • Standardisation
  • Resource development
  • Content refresh

Lead Tutor / Lead tutors can provide an essential supportive (mentoring) role to new tutors and indeed to established tutors seeking further development. They also provide a quality assurance function by attending live workshops and giving tutor feedback to ensure the standard of delivery is of good quality and workshop learning outcomes are being met. Lead tutors are used by organisations to work with workshop and / or course tutors and provide guidance, support and also developmental feedback to improve tutors’ performance. / £275 per day (based on 8 hour day) / Includes:
  • Course delivery preparation
  • Travel time
  • Set up time
  • Admin time

£34.37per hour(attending for quality assurance purposes)
Interval Verifier
/ Internal verifiers (or IVs*) provide a quality assurance function specifically for qualifications and training. IVs are assessors and are responsible within an organisation for ensuring that the formal assessment practice conducted by assessors is fair, conducted consistently and according to necessary requirements. *Some organisations also refer to ‘internal quality assurers’ or IQAs / £200 per day (on-site IV) / Includes:
  • Travel time
  • Admin time

£25.00 per hour (desk based) / Covers paper based IV
Tutor / Workshop tutors will normally provide learning opportunities to groups of people. Workshops can range from a couple of hours in length to all-day training workshops. Workshops do not involve any formal assessment but may be an attendance requirement to fulfil internal or industry standards. Workshops can be used at a range of levels from ‘introductory’ to higher level training and development opportunities. / £256 per day (based on 8 hour day) or £32 per hour / Includes:
  • Course delivery preparation
  • Travel time
  • Set up time
  • Admin time


The first 2 hours of travel will not be paid for. Any travel over 2 hours will be paid at the hourly rate.

For example;

Lead tutor travelling from Glasgow to Aberdeen will take 3 hours. They will be paid for 1 hours travel.

Overnight Accomodation

When aTrainer/Lead Tutor/Tutor requires over accommodation prior to or post training, to avoid early start / late finish or travel time is more than 3 hours, then accommodation at a reasonable cost will be reimbursed. However this must be agreed before booking with sportscotlands Partnership Manager.

Non-working time

When travelling to isolated areas e.g. rural or islands, and unable to begin delivery upon arrival, additional payment will be given for reasonable non-working time as per the following guidelines;

Hourly rate for duration of delivery plus payment for an additional hour before and after workshop.

For example;

National Trainer is delivering a 2 hour workshop in Stornoway at 6pm. Flight arrives in Stornoway at 4pm. They will be paid their hourly rate for the time between 5pm and 9pm (£43.75 x 4 = £175.00)


  • The Trainer/Lead Tutor/Tutor shall ensure that the Insurance Policies are taken out with reputable insurers acceptable to sportscotland and that the level of cover and other terms of insurance are acceptable to and agreed by sportscotland.
  • The Trainer/Lead Tutor/Tutor shall when required exhibit to sportscotland evidence of such insurance to sportscotland’s satisfaction.
  • The Trainer/Lead Tutor/Tutor shall notify the insurers of sportscotland’s interest and shall cause such interest to be noted on the insurance policies.
  • The Trainer/Lead Tutor/Tutor shall comply with all terms and conditions of the insurance policies at all times. If cover under the insurance policies shall lapse or not be renewed or be changed in any material way or if the Trainer/Lead Tutor/Tutor becomes aware of any reason why the cover under the insurance policies may lapse or not be renewed or be changed in any material way, the Trainer/Lead Tutor/Tutor shall notify sportscotland without delay.


The Trainer/Lead Tutor/Tutor will be responsible for undertaking a Disclosure Scotland check by completing a Basic level Disclosure at his/her own cost and shall forward a copy of the relevant Basic level Disclosure Certificate to sportscotland’s Project Manager.

Contract for Service

Each Trainer / Lead Tutor/ Tutor must agree with the terms and conditions set out in their contract for service, sign and send back to sportscotland. Each role has services outlined in the contract for service.