Jordan University of Science & Technology
Faculty of Computer & Information Technology
Year: 2013/2014 / Department of Computer / Semester: First
Course Information
Course Title / Advanced Operating Systems
Course Number / CS 775 (3)
Prerequisites / Introduction to Operating Systems
Course Website /
Instructor / Dr. Amjad Nusayr
Coordinator / Dr. Amjad Nusayr
Office Location / TBA
Office Phone / TBA
Office Hours / TBA
E-mail /
Assistants / TBA (if any)
Catalog Description
Process Management: process concepts; asynchronous concurrent processes; deadlock and indefinite postponement; Storage Management: real storage; virtual storage organization; virtual storage management; Process Management: job and processor scheduling; Auxiliary Storage Management: disk performance optimization; Review of multiprogramming operating systems including process distributed memory multiprocessors and distributed systems. Topics include distributed file systems, concurrency, and distributed process coordination. Introduction to network communication issues and special purpose systems such as real time systems, transaction processing systems, and client-server technology. Network Operating Systems; Distributed Operating Systems.
Text Book
Title / There is no textbook for this course. Rather, we will read and discuss a number of important research papers that have been published.
Edition / Year
Book Website
Assessment Policy
Assessment / Date / Weight
Projects and HWs / TBA / 50%
Presentations (2 papers) / TBA / 10%
Final Exam / TBA / 40%
Total / 100%
Course Objectives / Weights
The objective of this course is for you to:
1.Understand the challenges and solutions in the design and implementation of operating systems, and multiprocessor operating systems.
Teaching & Learning Methods
  • Lectures, lecture notes and assignments are designed to achieve the course objectives.
  • Students are expected to read the material as detailed in the text, complete the assignments/project on time and participate in class.
  • Course web page is an essential part of the course.

Course Content (Tentative)
Week / Topics / Notes
1 / Basic Operating Systems Review / Website
2-3 /

Operating Systems Structures

/ Website
3-4 / Virtualization / Website
5-6 / Programming with Threads / Website
7-8 / Linux Network Programming / Website
8-9 / Communication / Website
9-11 /

Shared Memory and Server Platform

/ Website
11-13 / Synchronization Failures, Consistency, and Recovery / Website
14-15 / Distributed Systems / Website
14-15 / OS security
Essential Notes
Homework /
  • Homework assignments are due at the beginning of class.
  • Late homework assignments will not be accepted.
  • Assignments have to be done independently and submitted in printed format.
  • Similar works will receive ZERO and may face disciplinary actions.

Exams /
  • May include: Definitions, True/False, Multiple-Choice, Analysis and Descriptive formats.
  • Use only your own tools: calculator, pens and ruler
  • Instructions on the first page of the exam are quite important.
  • Not abiding by the rules is a reason for dismissal from the exam.

Additional Notes
Makeups /
  • Makeup exam should not be given unless there is a valid excuse.

Drop Date /
  • Last day to drop the course is before the twelve (12th) week of the current semester.

Cheating /
  • Standard JUST policy will be applied.

Attendance /
  • Excellent attendance is expected.
  • JUST policy requires the faculty member to assign ZERO (35%) if a student misses 10% of the classes that are not excused.
  • Attendance will be taken by calling, or through quizzes.
  • If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out about any announcements or assignments you may have missed.
  • It is necessary to pass the lab for successful completion of the course

Workload /
  • Average work-load student should expect to spend is 15 hours/week.

Graded Exams /
  • Graded exam papers will be returned within a week.

Participation /
  • Participation in the class will positively affect your performance.
  • Disruption and side talks will possibly result in dismissal from class.
  • No eating or chewing gums are allowed in class.