Minutes of the CSSC Tyne, Wear & Northumberland Area (TWN) AGM

Held 23rd March 2017 at the Tyne Irish Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne

The meeting commenced at 18:00

Welcome Address

The Chairman, David Wells (DW), welcomed all those present, including the Area Vice President Alan Fisher and from HO the Northern Volunteer Support Advisor, Jennifer Cuthbert.

Apologies: Sheena Gibb, Vicki Thompson, Edward Walker, Matthew Newbrook, Phil Darling, Terri Nicholson and Eddie Anderson

Minutes of previous AGM

DW asked for agreement that the minutes of last year’s AGM be accepted by the meeting. This was accepted.

Matters Arising

There were no matters arising from the previous AGM.

2016 Annual Report

DW presented the Annual Report (AR) and gave special thanks to Sheila Ramsay (SR)and Dave Lee (DL) who had been instrumental in the preparation. DW particularly liked the graphics showing what the money had been spent on. This is a useful document and shows how well the different clubs/ sections have done over the year. He then thanked Representatives from the Sports Sections, Area volunteers, officials and event organisers for their efforts during the past year.

The social side of the Area’s activities are featured with events, prize draws, corporate memberships, Annual Membership, support for learning, health wellbeing, Bottoms–up applications, all discussed. The caravan is continuing to be very successful.

Every volunteer is valued as the Area receives a grant of £60,000+. We need to ensure that this is spent responsibly and that we meet the needs of as many members as possible. We would welcome any new volunteers to run future events and for those still working for the Civil Service these may even be allowed to count as an example of a Corporate Contribution.

Thereport was accepted.

2016 Financial Report

SR treasurer did not propose to discuss in detail but provided a brief summary. SR stated that: -

  • During the year we had spent £93K compared to £87K the previous year.
  • We had received a grant of £63K from HO.
  • The PIE chart shows where the money has been spent.
  • Life Long Learning – we had only spent £186 and the take up continues to be low. A reminder that if members undertake any form of training that the Area will fund 50% of costs.
  • We start 2017 in a good position having obtained a grant of £66K + reserves of £9K.
  • There are currently 5204 members
  • The accounts were audited by Jim Smith, Tax Avoidance, HMRC, which was much appreciated.

The Area showed their appreciation for the accounts and the work of SR and the assistant treasurer Joanne Lockey (JL).

There were no questions about the financial report which were accepted by the meeting. However it was suggested that Life Long Learning be published better to improve take up – this was agreed.

Motions of which due notice had been given


Election of Area Officers and Management Committee members

Area President Bernie Whiting was stepping down and DW was pleased to advise: -

  • Alan Fisher had agreed to step up from Area Vice President to Area President;
  • Peter Lawson had agreed to become the Area Vice President.

Single nominations had been received for the following and were elected as a result: -

Chairman – David Wells

Vice Chairman – Masood Mohammed

Secretary – Honore Blenkinsop

Assistant Secretary – Dave Lee

Assistant Secretary (Publicity) – Allyson Pattison resigned and was to be replaced by Marc Hepburn

Treasurer – Sheila Ramsay

Assistant Treasurer – Joanne Lockey

Management Committee (MC):

Eddie Anderson, Dave Scanlan, Jim Cleave, Marion Lee, Terri Nicholson, John Wilson, Sonya Peacock,

Colin Flynn, Allyson Pattison

This left one place on the Committee, but no volunteers were forthcoming. DW advised that if anyone would like to come to a meeting to see what goes on this can be arranged and should they decide to join the committee they can be co-opted at a later date.

Following the AGM the MC will appoint the Sports & Social Committee (SSC) who would welcome new members to run events.

Any Other Business and discussion items with the Chairman’s consent

Peter Lawson (PL) raised a question relating to the Area caravan. The lease was for 15 years i.e. to 2024 but the caravan was already “long in the tooth” andincurring increased running costs. Originally it was intended to have 4 caravans but as the one purchased was top of the range there were insufficient funds. PL suggested obtaining a second caravan on a cheaper site, that a working party was set up to look at options and to take forward. There were no objections to this proposal which can be considered. PL would be invited to attend a separate meeting to help guide in making the necessary arrangements although it was pointed out we would need administrators to deal with before agreeing any new initiative.

Prize Draws

The winners: -

£20 INTU vouchers: A Davison, J Smith, J. E. Lourie.

£20 Theatre vouchers: S Soulsby, J Donnelly.

Plate day @ Newcastle Races – Michael Costello

Ladies Day @ Newcastle Races –Joe Lourie

Fighting Fifth @ Newcastle Races –John Brown

NUFC home game (2 tickets) – Alan Fisher

SAFC home game (2 tickets) – Jimmy Smith

Newcastle Falcons home game (2 tickets) – David Wells

Durham CCC home game (2 tickets) – Kath Young

Matfen hall day passes for 2 + ½ hour treatments –Joanne Lockey

Magic weekend (2 tickets) – Malcolm Smith, Jackie Ilderton

There being no other business the meeting closed at 19:00.