
Dear [Add Name]

Notification of Appeal [*Hearing/Meeting – use ‘meeting’ if a grievance appeal]

[*Delete as appropriate]

Further to my letter dated <date> confirming receipt of your appeal against the decision taken at the [*hearing/grievance meeting] held on <date>, I am writing to confirm that an appeal [*hearing/meeting] has been arranged. This will be held in accordance with the University of Sheffield’s <specify relevant procedure>, a copy of which is enclosed.

This will take place on day, date and time at Venue.

In accordance with the procedure the appeal will be chaired by <name and designation>, <provide any other panel member names and designations details if relevant, who will be supported by <names/designations of HR Support >. None of whom have been previously involved with the matter. <Specify any other attendees e.g. note-taker, witnesses, respondents etc as appropriate>

The Appeal Panel will consider the specific area(s) which you have identified as reasons for your appeal. It is important to note that this appeal [*hearing/meeting] will not be a rehearing of the full case and therefore the panel will confine discussion to these specific areas rather than reconsider the whole matter afresh.

During the hearing you will be given full opportunity to explain the basis for your appeal, bringing to the attention of the panel all relevant evidence that should be considered, as well as the ability to comment on any new evidence.

You are entitled to be accompanied at the appeal by a companion i.e. either work colleague or trade union representative. Should you wish to exercise this right, please notify <specify name of HR Support> of the individual’s name and the capacity in which they will be accompanying you, in writing, at specify contact details>, no later than 5pm on date>.

If you wish to rely on any new evidence that you have not previously advised of, or disclosed, please do so, no later than <date> to <contacts name>.

Delete below paragraph if writing in relation to an appeal under the Sickness Absence Management Procedure

Details of any new witnesses you would wish to request should include their name(s) and position(s); the reasons as to why these were not identified at the original investigation or [*hearing/meeting] stages; and what evidence they are going to present in relation to the grounds of appeal.

After the [*hearing/meeting] a decision will be taken by the Appeal Panel, having taken into consideration all relevant matters presented. You will be notified of this outcome in writing, normally within 7 calendar days of the [*hearing/meeting]. The outcomes available to the Appeal Panel are: to uphold the appeal, reject the grounds for appeal, or require a full or partial rehearing of the case.

Please note that the appeal panel’s decision is final.

Please confirm your attendance at the appeal [*hearing/meeting], by email or telephone <specify contact details including name of contact, no later than 5pm on the date>.

If you have any special requirements or consider that any reasonable adjustments are necessary regarding the arrangements for the [*hearing/meeting], please notify <name> in writing as soon as possible, providing as much information as possible regarding these, in order that they can be fully considered and appropriate action taken.

To avoid any potential of prejudicing the case you may wish to refrain from discussing this matter with anyone other than appropriate contact in the course of preparing your appeal e.g. with your companion or the Chair of the Appeal.

I appreciate that this may be a difficult time for you, however, there are a number of sources of confidential support available to you should you wish to access these. Further details can be found at: Specify timeframe - If the individual is appealing against dismissal you may wish to timeframe the period they can continue to access such support – seeking advice from HR as appropriate>

If you have any queries please feel free to contact me. Should you have any queries relating to the process please contact <name/title of HR contact>.

Yours sincerely

< Name and designation>

Enc Name of relevant procedure>

Cc Name/Designation of HR Contact>