4th October 2017

Ufton Court

It was very pleasing to have the entire Year 5 cohort of pupils attend the residential trip to Ufton Court this year. They have returned suitably tired and muddy! They participated with enthusiasm in a variety of activities including orienteering, sculpting with mud and the ever-popular (with the teachers) Celtic banquet and dancing.

Many thanks to our accompanying teachers – Mrs Asif, Mrs Somner and Mrs Kelly.

School Council

Congratulations to our School Council representatives who were elected by their classmates this week. It is a big responsibility to ensure that the voices and opinions of their peers are heard. Thank you in anticipation of your contribution to the school to: Logan Butler, Liviya Davies, Jacob Dell, Ellie-Mae Townley-Taylor, May Simmonds, Josh Evans, Maysam Salim, Hayden Wright, Livvy Webb, Naeema Chowdhury.

School Governance

The Governors have published their Annual Statement which is now available to read on the school website. The statement summarises the impact of the governors on their three core functions:

·  setting the vision and strategic direction of school;

·  holding the headteacher to account for its educational performance; and

·  ensuring financial resources are well spent.

The Governors meet at least termly and give of their time voluntarily, sharing their skills and expertise for the benefit of all our children. Other details about the Governing Board including lists of members and their responsibilities are also available on the school website.

Staff News

Mrs Trudy Burbage has been appointed as Class Teacher in Year 4 while Mrs Radford is on maternity leave. Mrs Radford’s last day at the school before the start of her maternity leave will be Tuesday 17th October and Mrs Burbage will start after half term on Monday 30th October. We look forward to welcoming Mrs Burbage to the team. We are also pleased to welcome Mrs Linardi to the role of Lunchtime Assistant. We have a fantastic team of midday staff who carry out a caring, nurturing role at a key time for children in the school day.

Harvest Festival

Don’t forget our Harvest Festival celebration will take place this year on Friday 13th October at 9am at Kennet Valley Free Church. We ask that each child brings an item of food in a tin or a packet to donate to the local Food Bank.

We hope you will join us there and for coffee afterwards in the school hall, hosted by the Kennet Valley Primary School Parent Teacher Association. The KVPTA are this year holding this coffee morning in aid of McMillan Cancer Support.

Donations of cakes to sell are very welcome. Thank you.

Data Collection

Thank you to those that have returned their forms so promptly. We will assume that if you have not returned your forms that all the contact details we hold are correct. If you have not returned the photograph permission form we will not be able to take or display any photos of your child.

Summer Reading Challenge

Please bring your Summer Reading Challenge Awards into school so that we can celebrate our readers’ achievements over the summer holidays, Thank you!

Open Events

Is your child going to be 4 years old on or before 31 August 2018?

If so, they can start school in September 2018.

Come and join us for a visit to our Foundation Stage, a tour of the school and to meet the Headteacher at:

9.45am Weds 18th October 2017


1.45pm Thurs 9th November, 2017

To book a place on the tour please ring 01189 414410 or email

Kennet Valley Facebook Page

Parents are invited to join us on Facebook - please find our page by searching Kennet Valley Primary School Closed Group and ask to become a member. We find this a useful and quick way of communicating with parents. Please be aware that the intention of this Facebook page is that the school shares news including celebrations at the school and upcoming events. We do not recommend that parents ask questions via Facebook; should you have any questions and are unable to come into school, a telephone call to the school or an email to the office address at the top of the newsletter are the best ways to communicate with us.

Dates for your diary

Mon 2nd Oct 3.10pm
Weds 4th October
Fri 13th Oct
Thurs 19th Oct
Fri 20th Oct
Mon 23rd Oct – Fri 27th Oct
Mon 30th Oct
Mon 30th Oct – Fri 3rd Nov
Weds 1st Nov
Thurs 2nd Nov
Thurs 16th Nov
Thurs 23rd Nov
Tues 12th Dec
Weds 20th Dec / Meeting of the Kennet Valley Parent Teacher Association. All welcome!
School Choir rehearsal at St Mary’s and All Saints 1 – 3
Harvest Festival at Kennet Valley Free Church
McMillan Coffee Morning in the School Hall
Parent/teacher meetings
End of Autumn Term 1
Half term break
Start of Autumn Term 2
Year 6 residential trip to PGL Liddington
School Choir rehearsal at St Mary’s and All Saints 1 – 3
Flu vaccinations in Years R, 1, 2, 3, 4
Pupil individual photographs
School choir performance at Reading Hexagon Junior Music Festival
M&M productions of ‘Aladdin’ in school
Term ends 1.30pm
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