Department of LinguisticsName:
Major Requirements ChecklistExpected Graduation:
Course Title / Semester Offered / Pre/Co-requisites / Semester Taken / GradeCore Courses / 1000 Intro to Linguistics / Fall, Spring
& Summer / None
1578/1878† Phonetics & Phonemics / Fall / LING 1000
(Grade B or higher)
1579/1879† Phonology / Spring / LING 1578
1773/1873† Morphology / Fall / LING 1000
(Grade B or higher)
1777/1877† Syntactic Theory / Spring / LING 1000
(Grade B or higher)
UpperLevel / 1267 Aspects of Socioling.(W)††
1580 Language & the Mind
1682 Semantics
1330 Computational Linguistics
1738 Linguistic Structures of Eng.
1860 Historical Linguistics / Every few sem.
Every few sem.
Every few sem.
Every few sem. / None
LING 1000/PSY 0010
LING 1000
LING 1000
LING1000, 1578, 1773
Electives / 1000+ Ling. Elective 1(3 cr.)
1000+ Ling. Elective 2 (3 cr.)
Methods / 1441 Field Methods
1269 Linguistic Variation & Chg
1340 Data Science for Linguists
1844 Research Methods
1050 Comp Methods in Human.††† / Spring
Every few sem.
Every few sem.
Fall & Spring / Core (co-req), senior
Some programming
Permission #
Minimum GPA
Capstone / 1900 Linguistics Consulting/Intern
1903 Directed Research
1930 Applications of Ling.(W)†† / Fall & Spring
Spring / Permission #
Permission #
Junior or senior
Additional 1000-level course(needed only if above do not add up to 29 credits)
Language (1 semester: non-Germanic/ Romance/Slavic/Greek)
†The 1800-level sections are designated as "Accelerated" and cross-listed with a grad section. Students will need A- in intro, an overall GPA of 3.25 and a 3.75 average on all past linguistics courses to takethem. Qualified students should ask an advisor for a permission number.
††One course in Linguistics must be Writing Intensive (W):
LING 1235 Language, Gender & Society, 1267 Aspects of Sociolinguistics, OR 1930 Applications of Linguistics
††† LING 1050 has a GPA requirement; check the course listing for details. In order for this course to count towards your method requirement, your course project must be on a linguistic topic. When you decide on your project topic, have it approved by your linguistics advisor.
Secondary Area of Specialization (Minor, 2nd major or certificate):
Revised 7/27/2017