Recent Publications
- Geoffrey Till, Emrys Chew, Joshua Ho, (Eds) Globalization and Defence in the Asia-Pacific: Arms Across Asia [London: Routledge, 2008]
- Tim Benbow, The History of World War I: Naval Warfare 1914-1918
(Newbury: Amber, 2008), 224 pages, ISBN 978-1-906626-05-1
- Greg Kennedy and Andy Dorman eds., War and Diplomacy,Washington, Potomac Press, 2008.
- Jon Robb Webb, ‘Corbett and The Campaign of Trafalgar: naval operations in their strategic context’, Journal of Defence Studies, Vol.8 No. 2 (June 2008), pp.157-79
- Greg Kennedy, “Halifax as Wartime Ambassador to the United States”,in Chris Baxter and Andrew Stewart eds. Diplomats at War: British and Commonwealth Diplomacy in Wartime, Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2008, pp.109-127.
- Geoffrey Till,Home and Away’ Defence Priorities in a Globalised World , Working paper, Centre for Strategic Studies working paper, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand 2008.
- Geoffrey Till, Naval Power and the Defence of the Maritime Border Conference proceedings, New Zealand Institute of International Affairs, June, 2008.
- Greg Kennedy, “Strategy and Power: The Royal Navy, The Foreign Office and the Blockade, 1914-1917”, Journal of Defence Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2 (June 2008), pp. 190–206.
- Tim Benbow, ‘Naval power and the challenge of technological change’, Journal of Defence Studies, Vol.8 No. 2 (June 2008), pp.207-26
Greg Kennedy “The Anglo-American Alliance and Diplomacy at War, 1939-1945”, in Greg Kennedy and Andrew Dorman eds., War and Diplomacy: From the World Wars to the War on Terror, Washington, Potomac Press, 2008, pp.41-57.
- Geoffrey Till,‘A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower. What’s New ? What’s next ? A View From Outside’, US Naval War College Review Spring 2008.
Greg Kennedy, “Anglo-American Strategic Relations and the Blockade, 1914-1916”, Journal of Transatlantic Studies, Vol.6, No.1, April, 2008,. pp. 22-33
- Geoffrey Till, ‘Maritime Strategy for a Small Nation at the Bottom of the World’ (New Zealand) Navy Today. June 2008
- Geoffrey Till, ‘A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower: What’s new? What’s next? A view from outside.’ , Journal of Defence Studies, Vol.8 No. 2 (June 2008), pp.240-57
CCMPS Outreach
- Geoffrey Till: ‘Modern and post-modern trends in Naval Development’ RAN Seapower Conference, Sydney, Jan 08
- Jon Robb-Webb: Lectures at RN Commanding Officers Designated Course, Jan, May, October 8.
- Geoffrey Till : Inaugural holder of the Sir Howard Kippenberger Chair in Strategic Studies, Victoria University of Wellington, Feb-May 08. 14 public lectures on maritime security in Asia.
- Jon Robb-Webb. Presentation on Amphibious Operations Onboard HMS Albion, Lagos, Nigeria May 08.
- Jon Robb-Webb, Presentations to 824 squadron, RNAS Yeavilton, May 08.
- Geoffrey Till: ’Foreign Maritime Strategy Reviews’ First Sea Lord Conference, HMS Collingwood, May 08
- Jon Robb-Webb, Paper ‘Maritime Law and the Environment’’ at Biennial Conference of Anglo-French Lawyers held at BRNC Dartmouth, June 2008.
- Greg Kennedy: Spoke at Conference held by Canadian High commission for Canadian Forces Day, June 2008.
- Geoffrey Till: Paper presentation at and chairing of conference, ‘Offshore Patrol Vessels Asia’ Singapore, June 08.
- Greg Kennedy: Paper on the British Way of Warfare at CISS Conference, Paris June 2008
- Geoffrey Till: Paper ‘Maritime Doctrine and the Conceptual case for the Future Surface Combatant’, at Future Maritime Operations conference at RUSI, June 2008
- Greg Kennedy: paper on Lord Lothian’s View of Anglo-American relations at Transatlantic Studies Conference, University of Dundee, July 08.
- Geoffrey Till: ‘Anglo-Japanese Naval Cooperation, 1917’ at UK-Japan Defence and Security Cooperation conference, RUSI, July 08
- Jon Robb-Webb, paper at First World War Conference, University of Birmingham, September 08.
- Geoffrey Till: ‘The Navies of East and West: Shared Pressures, Shared Opportunities’ at RCN’s Maritime Security Challenges conference, Victoria BC, Canada, Sep 08.
- Tim Benbow: Attended Centre for Strategic Studies Seminar at the University of Reading, October 08
- Tim Benbow : Commandant’s Dinner Lecture at CTCRM Lympstone, ‘A model for amphibious descents: the British invasion of Madagascar 1942’ Nov 08.