
Goal Planning and Self-Evaluation Document for Summary and Exception Form Users

Employee and Manager Information
Employee Name: / Hire Date:
Performance Review Year: / Time in Current Position:
Manager: / Department/Center:

Section 1: Goal Planning

This is Section 1. It is designed to capture the specific goals and competencies relevant to your work throughout this performance year; helping you prepare for a productive Goal Planning conversation with your manager by September 30th. Once you have completed Section 1, please provide an electronic copy to your manager; you will complete Section 2 of this form during the Year-End Assessment Phase in April/May.
Job and Performance Goals
Please list 3-5 individual job and performance goals that you plan to accomplish in the coming year. This box is expandable; to enter a new goal, press Tab at the end of each line for a new row.
Goal Descriptions / Measurement
[How will you measure success/ completion?} / Due Date
Goal #1 – Attendance and Reliability
Goal #2
Goal #3
Professional Growth and Development Goals
Please indicate 1-2 professional and development goals, including formal training courses and on-the-job projects and assignments. This box is expandable; to enter a new goal, press Tab at the end of each line for a new row.
Goal Descriptions / Measurement [How will you measure success/ completion?} / Due Date
Goal #1
Goal #2
You may access the Competency Dictionary for full definitions, at hlc.harvard.edu/performance management.
Teamwork and Collaboration: Actively participates as a member of a team to move the team towardthe completion of goals. Maintains strong, personal connections with team members and keystakeholders. Aligns personal work and performance with the broader team to achieve mutualoutcomes.
Embraces Change: Actively identifies problems and opportunities for change and implements solutions where appropriate. Maintains effectiveness when experiencing major changes in work tasks or the work environment; adjusts effectively to work within new work structures, processes, requirements, orcultures.
Interpersonal Skills:Exhibits acceptable standards of professional conduct. Listens carefully. Develops and maintains positive working relationships with all constituents.
Pursues Excellence: Sets high standards of performance for self and others; self-imposes standards of excellence.
For employees who have direct reports:
Building a High Performing Team: Develops a capable, diverse and cohesive team to maximize their collective skills and talents; motivates others to achieve the organization’s goals; recognizes and rewards contributions
Resource Allocation: Manages finances and organizational resources to enhance department, school, or university goals. Deploys funds, staffing or resources economically and effectively.
Additional Competencies (Optional)
Add any role/project-specific Competencies below. You may access the Competency Dictionary for full definitions, at hlc.harvard.edu/performance management.

Section 2: Year-end Self Evaluation

This is Section 2. It is designed to capture your reflections of your work for this performance year; helping you prepare for a productive year-end discussion with your managerby June 30th. Once you have completed Section 2, please provide an electronic copy to your manager; this form can be attached to the PeopleSoft Exception or Summary Form (by your manager or by your HR Partner).

Referring to the Goals noted in Section 1: Goals/Planning, please describe each Goal/Accomplishment and rate the level of achievement for each goal or accomplishment.
Note:To check a box electronically, single click inside the desired box. Please select only one rating.

Goal / Accomplishment #1:
Met / Partially Met / Not Met / N/A
Goal / Accomplishment #2:
Met / Partially Met / Not Met / N/A
Goal / Accomplishment #3:
Met / Partially Met / Not Met / N/A
Goal / Accomplishment #4:
Met / Partially Met / Not Met / N/A
Goal / Accomplishment #5:
Met / Partially Met / Not Met / N/A
Goals and Accomplishments - Comments
Instructions:Summarize your performance, providing comments and examples to illustrate levels of achievement.

For each competency listed below, rate the overall level of achievement and provide specific examples or observations where possible.You may access the Competency Dictionary for full definitions, at hlc.harvard.edu/performance management. Please select only one rating for each competency.

Interpersonal Skills
Advanced / Proficient / Developing / Does not Demonstrate
Pursues Excellence
Advanced / Proficient / Developing / Does not Demonstrate
Teamwork and Collaboration
Advanced / Proficient / Developing / Does not Demonstrate
Embraces Change
Advanced / Proficient / Developing / Does not Demonstrate
Building a High Performing Team (for managers or individual contributors when applicable)
Advanced / Proficient / Developing / Does not Demonstrate
Resource Allocation (for managers or individual contributors when applicable)
Advanced / Proficient / Developing / Does not Demonstrate
Enter Additional Competency Here:
Advanced / Proficient / Developing / Does not Demonstrate
Overall Comments
Instructions:Provide comments, examples, and other information regarding the level of performance.

This document will be attached to the annual review in PeopleSoft.

Attachment A: Competency Rating Definitions

Rating / Definition
4- Advanced / Has broad and deep understanding and skills, with substantial expertise and experience in this area. Can apply this competency regularly and independently and display this competency in complex, varied situations. Role model for this competency.
3- Proficient / Has sufficient understanding and experience to operate at a full professional level with this competency, and some practical application and experience. Exercises the skills in a broad range of moderately complex situations. Can generalize basic principles to effectively function in both predictable and new situations.
2- Developing / Newly developing in this area; has a general understanding of key principles but limited or no applied experience with this competency. Is capable of using this competency with coaching and support, in simple situations.
1- Does Not Demonstrate / Does not demonstrate this competency at the expected level, even with available assistance or direction from others.

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