Headquarters Air Cadets
Royal Air Force College Cranwell
Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 8HB
Tel: 01400 267623
Fax: 01400 261517 RAFTN: 95751 www.air-cadets.org
See Distribution 15 Mar 10
1. There will be an Air Training Corps Adventure Training Course for over 18 year old cadets at National Air Cadets Adventure Training Centre Llanbedr over the period 3 – 10 Jul 10. This letter outlines the administrative arrangements for this course, a separate document covering the Joining Instructions (JIs) aimed for cadet use will be produced and distributed as appropriate in sufficient time prior to the start of the courses.
2. Course Dates/Allocation of Places/Nominations. There is a total of 24 cadet places on the course. Wing HQs are to send all their application forms from cadets with the cheque payable to ATC GPF for £80, health declaration and photo to HQ Air Cadets Phys Ed Admin, by 14 May 10.
Number / Assembles / Disperses / Bids to HQAC byLB/10 / Saturday afternoon 3 Jul 10 / Saturday morning 10 Jul 10 / Friday 14 May 10
Wing HQs are requested to check that all forms are completed correctly and all information asked for is given, especially a readable e-mail address and a Sqn e-mail address, annotate male or female for generic names eg Sam, Alex, the cheque, health forms and photo are attached then send all the applications to HQ Air Cadets Phys Ed Admin annotated in priority order, however previous experience shows that all applicants can usually be offered a place.
3. Eligibility. To be eligible for the course a cadet must:
a. Be over 18 years of age on 3 Jul 10 and be resident at Llanbedr for the entire course.
b. Have some previous experience of Adventure Training with their Sqn or Wing and have the interest and enthusiasm to take their experience further. But need not be an ‘expert’ in any particular area.
c. Must be physically and medically fit to undertake adventurous activity continuously for 6 days.
d. Must have the determination and the will to face the challenge along with the flexibility to respond to various situations.
e. Have passed and been awarded the Air Cadets Basic Swimming Competence Certificate (for taking part in water based activities).
f. Cadets should be aware that they will live and work in very close proximity as a team and will be expected to undertake the varied duties required (training will be given as appropriate).
g. By signing the application form applicants understand and agree that personal information will be recorded and stored appropriately for administration purposes relating to the course.
4. Cadets will have the opportunity to develop their AT experience. There will not be the opportunity to gain National Governing Body qualifications, however experience on the course will be an excellent starting block or a step up.
Each cadet will be expected to take appropriate responsibility within their group for the domestic running of the centre, ensuring it runs smoothly on a day to day basis. The course will be staffed by NACATC and Air Cadet Staff who are qualified to run adventure training.
The course will take part in a relaxed atmosphere within the medium of AT, with normal ATC discipline and respect for fellow cadets and staff but without the need for cadets to supervise younger cadets as is expected of them in Sqn situations. Cadets of all ranks will be working on an equal footing with their peers within their activity groups and in social time. However this will not be a ‘freedom ticket’ away from the ACO ethos nor an 18/30 style holiday!! It is an Adventure Training Course and the ACO staff will send home any cadet they feel is taking advantage of the relaxed situation or who is disruptive or not contributing fully to the running of the week through lack of interest (not ability).
5. Course Location. The course will take place at:
National Air Cadet Air Training Centre
LL45 2PX
Tel and fax 01341 241554
The Centre is situated on the Welsh Coast, five miles from the Rhinog Mountains and is well situated to provide access to exciting areas for adventure training. It is within half a mile of Llanbedr Railway Station on the Shrewsbury to Pwllheli line just off the A496 on the Welsh coast between Barmouth and Harlech. The village of Llanbedr is one mile from the Centre as is Shell Island
6. Travel. Wing HQs of nominated cadets and staff are to issue return public railway warrants to “Llanbedr Holt” (this is a request stop) and provide cadets with an appropriate travel plan. All cadets should travel by rail.
7. Reporting/Arrival. The course assembles on the Saturday afternoon. Cadets should aim to arrive on the 1604 hrs train or the 1808 hrs train at the latest. Cadets should inform Phys Ed admin of their arrival time, (details will be in the JIs) they will be met by minibus or they can walk the half mile to the Centre. On arrival cadets will be briefed about their accommodation and messing.
The course will disperse on Saturday 10 July on the 1030 train from Llanbedr.
Exact train times will be confirmed on the JIs once the summer timetable is published.
8. Accommodation and Messing. The course will be accommodated in the Centre. There are separately contained facilities for male and female students.
Cadets will assist with catering for the week under supervision, all meals will be supplied including packed lunches each day. Ration money will cover the basic food costs, there is an extra element towards catering for “extras” included in the course fee.
9. Dress and Equipment. Uniform will not be required for the course, nor any specialist equipment. A complete kit list will be sent with the JIs.
10. Documentation. Cadets must carry their RAF Form 3822 (Cadets Record of Service). Cadets who are undertaking their Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award can have the residential section of their logbook signed off. Cadets should bring their logbook and advise the Course Director of their intention on the first day of the course.
11. Finances. A course fee of £80 per cadet will apply to cover extra messing, Centre amenities charge and the hire of any specialist activity provider and/or equipment. Cheques are to be made payable to the "ATC General Purpose Fund" and are to accompany nominations from Wing HQs. Cheques will not be cashed until a place has been offered to a cadet and that place has been accepted. Unused forms and uncashed cheques will be returned to Wing HQs once the course has started and it is definite that the cadet will not be called on to attend. If a cadet should cancel their allocated place, depending on the circumstance necessitating the cancellation, if a replacement cadet cannot be found the cadet contribution may still be payable as HQAC may have already committed funds to a particular aspect of the course. Cadets should have sufficient funds with them to cover personal incidental purchases throughout their stay at Llanbedr.
12. Medical facilities. Medical facilities are available locally but cadets are advised to take a small personal first aid kit. During the arrival/introduction phase of the course cadets will be asked to declare anything that may hamper their performance and hence their personal enjoyment of the course, especially if the situation has arisen since completing the health declaration.
Original Signed
for COS AC
All Wing HQs*
Centre Manager NACATC Llanbedr*
Sqn Ldr Cope*
Information copies to:
HQ Air Cadets Accts Off