Sunday: A Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit of peace, joy and love, please take these prayers we offer above, give us your power to stay in God’s grace; help us see God in everyone’s face. Fill our hearts with your strength and your might to live as God’s special children of light. Come and bless every day of this week, and make us holy, humble, and meek. Thank you for the gift of this new day and for the blessings you send my way. Amen.

Monday: To My Guardian Angel

Angel, my guardian, God sent to be Special protector to watch over me. Angel, my guardian, send from above, guard me and guide me to pathways of love. Lead me to Jesus, O lead me, I pray: Stay by my side as I travel life’s way. Lead me to Jesus, O lead me, I pray, be my companion each day. Walk with me daily wherever I go; when I’m in danger, alert me to know, walk with me daily and keep me near you; guide me in all that I do. Amen.

Tuesday: Prayer to St. Lucy Fillippini

Dear St. Lucy Fillippini, during your life on earth, you showed everyone how much you loved God by your kind words and actions. Pray for us that we, too, may be ready to show our love for God in what we say to others and in what we do each day. Help us to be what Jesus wants us to be so that when people look at us they may always see God’s mirror of kindness and love. Amen.

Wednesday: Prayer to Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph, faithful and loving protector of Jesus and Mary, pray for us. During your life on earth, you were a carpenter. You shared this special talent for the glory of God and for helping others. Help us never to be afraid to share our talents, no matter how small we think they are, for the honor and glory of God and for others, too.

Sometimes we see statues or pictures of you holding the Baby Jesus and a lily, symbol of your pure life and your holiness. Pray for us that we may always carry Jesus close to our hearts and praise him in all that we do each day. Amen.

Everyday Prayers for Children

By Sr. Marie Roccapriore, MPF

Recently I wrote seven prayers for a catechist friend of mine to use with her class, one for each day of the week. She made them into little booklets so that children had their own personal copies. I share them here with the hope that catechists may find some or all of them appropriate for the children they teach. St. Lucy Fillippini, my saint for Tuesday, of course, is the foundress of my own religious order.


Prayer to St. Michael

St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us from all persons, places or things that would turn us away from Jesus. Protect us from doing any wrong. Help us to be kind and gentle, and to respect everyone. May we never be too proud to obey our parents and our teachers. Be with us and guide us in God’s holy way every day of our lives. Amen

Friday: Prayer to Jesus

Dear Jesus, Friday reminds us of that Friday long ago, when you suffered and died because of your love for us. We offer up to you any pain or disappointment that comes our way in return for all the love you give up to us. We promise to love others as you love. Amen.


Prayer to Our Blessed Mother

Dear Blessed Mother of Jesus, and Mother of us all, pray for us. Help us to grow closer to Jesus each day. You did not hesitate to say “yes” to God’s will when you were a young girl. Teach us also to say “yes” to Jesus when he calls us to share his love. Help us to be unafraid to do what is right. Ask your Son to keep us close to his Sacred Heart, and keep us close to your own Immaculate Heart. Thank you for listening to our prayer and for loving us always. Amen.